These strange Russians: the life of writers was not so boring!


We are taught that all writers and poets are such half-phth creatures, practically saints who knew themselves brilliant works, and all the human was alien to them.

But here is such a thing: the old woman is picking up everyone without parsing - writers, poets, emperors, superheroes and even quotes. Pics.Ru collected real stories about the life of the great Russian writers to remind you that they were all living people from flesh and blood and the same way as we hung up, drank, fell in love, were jealous and obscribted for the whole Rus-Mother.

Not the Dobrolyubov, who is a revolutionary critic and the friend of Belinsky, and at all the poet symbolist, who, however, became famous for himself with not so many poems than the fact that biographers call the modest word "vital and" life.

Books wrote very little, but he was healing from the soul. Even at the university, he was addicted to the smoking of Hashish and the preaching of the cult of death, having brought the fellow students to suicide, after which it was excluded. It did not upset him: he continued to lead a bohemian lifestyle, smoking opium, lived in a room, a black velvet. Yes Yes! And then suddenly decided that all this was Tlen, threw a "flawed existence" and left. Where - still incomprehensible.

It is known that he was engaged in earthenware under Samara, nomaded in Central Asia, worked as a cook in Azerbaijan. Many researchers still consider it the only real Russian decadener (and some - ordinary psychos) and it is clear why! To fade, you need to be not in yourself!

One of the participants of the "big three" critics-sixties together with Dobrolyubov (those that critic) and Chernyshevsky. We suspect that the place of one of three it was extremely not satisfied, because of what he tried to stand out and shine with the talent of all his might.

For example, in 1861 (!) The year in Justice stated that "the labeling of the safe reigning dynasty of the Romanov and the change in political and social system is the only purpose and hope of all honest Russian citizens," after which he happily went to wind for this term in the Peter and Paul Fortress (this is surprise!).

But it is the little things. The main thing is that Pisarev suffered from pathological romantic attachment towards his relatives. And this ultimately cost him the mind and life.

At 19, he was in love with the cousin for the first time, he earned his grandeur in this soil and pleased himself in a mental hospital, from where she had safely escaped, but did not leave the "oddities and Candidia". For example, hated Pushkin for the fact that Onegin was an asshole. Pisarev sharply criticized them both.

By the way, he also offered to reset the classics from the ship of modernity. But in the end he himself was naturally drowned at the Riga seaside, being on a romantic vacation with another sister, this time a speller. This is what we understand Live Fast - Die Young!


Batyushkova is called Pushkin's forerun, and not in vain: thanks to him, the poetic language reached unprecedented heights. But few people know that his life had, gently say, not sugar.

Firstly, a mental disorder passed from his mother (this is already the third, Karl!), Which, with the course of life, only aggravated and becomes harder.

Secondly, he was dishepted in almost everything. In one war, he was injured, on the second, where he really wanted and rushed, was not allowed because of the frequent hallucinations and seizures.

He traveled a lot, but the trips did not bring him joy: even the dressed and domestic work in Italy (on the protection of Turgenev) was overshadowed by a feeling of complete disappointment in life and apathy.

In love, Batyushkov was not lucky from the word "at all." For the first time he fell in love with Emily's beautiful Latvoy, but the novel did not receive development, because lovers lived in different countries. Well, to marry at 20 years old was reluctant.

And Anna Furman became the second time by the elected poet - the pupil of his friends. It was woven to Furman Batyushkov, and she even agreed, but it suddenly it seemed that her consent was forced, in fact she does not love him, all bad.

So did not marry, but so nervously upset that the following 34 (!) The year until the very death was in the gloomy state of the reason and only thanks to the efforts of friends lived to old age, dies from Tifa aged 68 years.


Raising Russian poetry from knees of classicism, Zhukovsky did not leave attempts to arrange his personal life.

Few people know (and in school it is not taught) that Maria Protasova was the only love and passion for the whole life of the Great Russian poet - his niece on the father's line for 15 years younger.

Zhukovsky suffered terribly, worried about intrigue. Not only did he twice woven to Masha and both times received a hard refusal from her mother, they say, not for himself relatives, albeit very far, marry.

As a result, he was herself to get a blessing to the marriage from St. Petersburg Archimandrite Filaret, but the failed mother-in-law was adamant. Then the poet started the intrigue - Waikova to marry his friend to marry her niece her niece, and he himself in every way advertised him and even sold the estate to ensure the goddan.

In return, Waikov promised to do everything possible so that Zhukovsky finally agreed to marry. But it was not there! A friend was suddenly a radical and bad man, about the poet the words were good did not say, and then contributed to the issuance of Masha Marriage for the Dutch doctor.

At first, Zhukovsky was scary and disappointed, but was not confused and later he married a 19-year-old nymphathek. Closed Gestalt!

Dostoevsky love and praise for the deep psychologism of the Romanov, the description of the feelings and emotions of the heroes "on the verge." It is not surprising that he had such a talent: a writer and managed to visit the edge himself.

For a start, Sigmund Freud himself attributed to him the Complex, expressed in obscenities.

Then Dostoevsky contacted the wrong people and was sentenced to shooting. Together with several people. At the last moment, convictedly announced a pardon, appointing punishment in the form of relieving works. Some of them came crazy immediately, not withstanding tension. And Dostoevsky's emotions retained and moved from the novel "Idiot" (remember Myshkina? Now I know where it is!)

Some, by the way, say that it was after the pseudo-execution that Dostoevsky began seizures of epilepsy. At Katorga Fedor, our Mikhailovich time was not lost: rethought his life guidelines and married a lacquer.

After 8 years, shortly before the death of his wife, Dostoevsky in the company of some emancipated Apollinaria Suslova went to Baden-Baden, where instantly bought to the roulette and knew a bunch of money (and estate). But again I was not confused and concluded with the Publisher Stellovsky treaty to truly devilish conditions - it was necessary to write a lot and very quickly - but for a lot of money.

A bonus to the contract was a beautiful stenograph, on which Dostoevsky immediately married. The lady was grip, took into his hands all the financial affairs of the writer (and the estate).

Subsequently, Dostoevsky's sister tried to press part of the manor, but a grand scandal and a scene came out, after which Fedor Mikhailovich opened bleeding from her throat, and two days later he died.

Moral: Do not lose, but remember that the apartment has spoiled many.

Until now, it remains one of the most mysterious Russian writers.

According to youth, the early works destroyed his works, tried to escape by the sea in Lübeck, but he returned, explaining his strange act by saying that it was the Lord to tell him such a way. Dreamed of America.

Then gradually entered the circle of the literary elite of that time, released his first successful books, confirming and secured his writer talent.

And suddenly - a sudden departure abroad, almost 12 years old. Gogol himself refers to the disease, but what is incomprehensible. Some argue that the cause of his departure became a woman, some that the seizure of madness.

Most of all the writer is known for his nervous attitude towards death. From youthful age, he was chased by vision and voices, sprorming ambulance. He tried to go into the monastery several times to find shelter there, but he wondered at the last moment.

One of his biggest phobias was the fear of being buried alive, it is not clear where he took: whether he had a dream, whether the next vision of herself in a tiny closed case. Gogol died as if on his own desire, stopping and drinking and drinking to the great post, despite all the persuasions of friends. On the 6th day of the hunger strike, he burns the second volume of the "dead souls" and part of manuscripts, and on the 16th day dies from full exhaustion and decline.

When, by the century from the birth of Gogol, his grave was restored, they opened the coffin. And they did not find a skull there: the body of the writer in the costume was preserved perfectly, but there was no head and where she is still unknown.

Photo on the announcement - Shutterstock

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