Mom boy: how to bring up a man, next to which is not ashamed



In the discussion of any story about male zakydons rarely, who recalls the Pope of the defendant, but in the first top of the top dozen comments will certainly be "his milf like this." On the other hand, maybe there is a reason. We all have seen these mamienexic sons that you think - and Wosaping would be in time, maybe a man was! Well, s, they tell us the heavens, I wanted to see a decent man - grow a decent man!

No toys for boys and toys for girls!

There are toys that interested the child, and those that he does not like or not by age. Ladies, where you will find a man, an elegantly fried steak, easily chopping with a heavy knife vegetable, juggling seasonings, if all his childhood thawed from toy tiles in Ikea? Where the burners light up and the microwave opens, and such chic pans ... bought another pistol. Okay, I will kill someone.

It is clear that you do not need to fall in the back extremes and hang the guy with pink kittens. Just forget at all forget the idea that the toys are detachable with the floor - this is not hemophilia, in the end. You can not worry that the boy will grow in ignorance - without us there will be a grandmother, a teacher in the garden and a dad classmate who will bring that the set of a young chemist is not enough masculine artifact. But if a person's house got used to hear about what he should be played with, but about how it is interesting to use things - to take it on the fright will not be easy.


What toys there. To one of my friend, now almost two-meter, young man in the dressing room of elementary school rolled up with claims, which is in pantyhose, and therefore not a boy. The guy was so surprised that he began research and survey, found out who else, besides interesting, Pisyun from pantyhose is drawn up ... and buried the topic of the wrong thermal terror.

And one more boy, however, in more young years, gently squeezed the doll at the girlfriend, explaining that the children should live and walk with dad. Two "grandmothers" for a long time competed in the one who better fit the overall "granddaughter", and when these children moved to the older group and switched together to dinosaurs, the new girl had a strongly awakened, but with a big dowry.

Men crying

And also cough and poke. And many other physiologically natural affairs make. Another question is that crying, cachat and cough brought up people try not in the crowd of available places. Tears are a completely normal human reaction to frustration, insult and physical pain. And Mom, who crushes that her three-year older crying at the sight of a procedural office, should think much at the sight of the three-year-old tiger, which is carried with the grafting, beaten, beaten, mumbling mom, dad and grandmother. Alas, the absence of tears is one of the very disturbing symptoms in the psychological development of the child. And when a small autistist is crying for the first time over Bambi, there is a holiday in the house, yes.

Another question is how to react to men's tears. Worst of all - to ensure. If we were given a candy in childhood every time we quit ... It is afraid to even think that it would have grown. So with tears. Do not reinforce them as behavior. Puck in silence any person has the right. Mom on the handles - if asked to the handles and get permission. And immediately stop tears - why? A person needs to live his pain, take it, defeat it. And if you plunge it, whether by a sweetheart if he will just learn to deny pain. And the next iron lumberjack will grow, which we have in the country and so in bulk.

There is no male work and women's work. There is work by age


If the boy is not specifically informed that any regular homework is a female, in itself it will not come to mind. Just because it is illogical. When it was "Husband rolling firewood, my wife dries the stove, the children wear sins" - the logic was: everyday work on the house was in the house itself, and outside. Now they oppose the cleaning and cooking hanging the shelf strangely, it is necessary to prepare constantly, and the shelves have only a great neighbor with a perforator every day. Do you want to grow it?

A man of four years can pull out the laundry of the machine in the basin. For him, this is not easy - the underwear is raw and heavy; But he is not so far to lean like mom. Disassemble socks pairly and spend them on the clothespins - here you have done the exercises on attention and fine motility. The boys are tested with a dough and flour with no less delight than the girls, and wash the kitchen later - what are the same for those. Sewing and drew rarely pleases that those that these, but the experience "spoiled - the reebeant" is very recovered by the attitude towards things. The great Nikolai nosov in the story "Patch" revealed this topic.


But the most important thing for your boy, though, maybe he does not need to say that - a man who can cook the borsch independently, to sew the reversed seam and rub the mirror, you will not take for a cozy life as a bull for the ring in the nose. He himself with a mustache.

There is another great story about the consequences of gender disks in domestic affairs. Old, still from the "Pioneer Library". Author Yuri Sotnik, "Raykin captives." It can be read about the years with eight, and it is also useful to give me a dad or grandmother if they crumble that the boy delete to learn all the Babi things. Very ... impressive story. With the seizure of hostages, threats and blackmail.

No separate rules of behavior with girls and boys!

There is a common understandable ethics. 1. Do not bay who is obviously weaker. 2. Do not be labeled. 3. Do not bay who surrendered. 4. Do not bay empty. Everything. For example, the skinny pigtail, puffing over the words on the front desk passes at once in two points, (first and fourth). And first, we never teach the girls to beat the girls ever, "and in the sixth grade it is found that the boys are still shmacking in a half of the wreck, and on theva, the legs from the ears and secondary sexual signs have grown, and the middle classmate of the middle classmate easily takes the armpit. And the delivery can not be given - the same "he beat the girl!"

The experience of injustice and helplessness, when all the children are equal, but some children are equally - this is not the fact that you need a living person of any gender in the period of the formation of a person. So the most healthy approach to this issue can be found in the sports section of some Wu-Shu, where children will disappoint not to the floor, but in growth and weight. And then in the following years your son, having heard a discussion "Is it possible to beat his wife," it is not surprised by: "And what is a wife not a man, or what?", Not start to estimate what exceptions are with these girls.

By the way, fighting in general - taking into account the four rules mentioned above - even preferably. If all four points were observed, it is impossible to scold for the fight. But this, actually, and the girls applies.


Oh, you will tell you, treat girls like "And what, people like people" - but what about the etiquette, but what about the flirt? Flirt, normal, not a permanent background for all with everyone, and the game included and turn off the game. It is time to study and the game, but to impose a flirting boy with all the ladies in a row as a norm of things ... Mommy, are you to grow my son or a genuophond nation?

Etiquette will not object to the generalizations of the type "give way to the road and a sedentary place to those who are difficult." What is the difference to whom it is old, lame, deeply pregnant, if a person is hard, it can be seen. And the cheaper young aunt will not be happy herself, if she is started to give up a place in the subway ("Is that, I look so bad ???")

Our familiar young people who have grown in such a parental relationship, willingly offer familiar ladies to help with cars and cute tremble dear; I am pleased to participate in moving mutual friends; learn or sometimes throw their studies to work and reflect; Flirt with girls, and sometimes already get married - and generally make the impression of very imputed guys.

And, by the way, - Mom girls, keep in mind - these boys are usually well prepared and not afraid of babies.

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