Hostess Tips: 9 Efficient ways to motivate yourself for cleaning in the house


Hostess Tips: 9 Efficient ways to motivate yourself for cleaning in the house 36458_1

In the house Bardak. The last time the general cleaning looked here from six months ago, and through the keyhole, after which he immediately went into the wild horror. With a vacuum cleaner, you have a complex relationship, with a mop even more difficult. But you need to do something, and urgently, because the last path to the computer is about to tack.

There is at least 9 effective ways to force themselves to postpone in the direction of the laptop and take up the Swaber.

Call out

The easiest and most effective method. We collect the will in the fist, call the buddies (preferably not close friends - thus don't care about the colony of mushrooms in your kettle, they love you so much) or there are exedible relatives, call them for dinner and understand that you just put ourselves in the situation "Melci, but Do It". You will be surprised how high quality you know how to scatter the mess in the corners, how deftly vacuum the carpets and how skillfully refuel the dishwasher.

Remove on a dispute with a friend or girlfriend

The main thing is to find the same breaking down (we think that this will not be difficult), to score with it for a while and money, and agree to post pictures of a licked brilliant apartment in Instagram through a reserved period. There will be a temptation to disassemble only the "photogenic" zones, but to score the rest, but it is also not bad. 10% of pure housing still better than nothing.

Smash something, pour or scatter

This is an aggressive approach, but it works. Because the usual and cute heart of the Bardak is one, and the disaster is another. Do not limit yourself in anything - split a couple of plates, pour them on top of the fruit milk and sprinkle with flour. That is, lose yourself with any opportunity to say "somehow later." At some point, the process will hobble you, and somewhere in the evening you will find yourself in a faced cozy apartment. Or does not hobbies - so at least the main dirt scraping.

Buy something new to the house, better furniture

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Favorite female approach, and, like all female, absolutely ingenious. Scientifically proven: the new detail of the interior is guaranteed to compete with you on heroism. You will want to "make beautifully" so that your computer table, the Slavic cabinet or vase organically fit into space. And where is "beautiful," there and purely.

Call to yourself a good samaritan

Everyone in Frendzon has a good and disinterested friend who will not bring your sufferings and takes on a serious burden of cleaning. This is my mother, sister, beloved (or not a loved one, but kind) girl or neat young man. If you have a drop of conscience, you soon or later connect to the process. If there is no conscience left - you can lie on the bed, pretend to be sick and let the good Samaritan also prepare food for a week.

Call professionals

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You thought about it for a long time. You thought it would be great to hire a clining office or just invite a cleaning lady and once and forever get rid of the headache under the name "cleaning". Well, time came. If an hour before the arrival of the professional, you will find yourself with drying floors in the kitchen (because it's embarrassing in front of a stranger for such dirt) is normal.

Go to visit

There are people who have a house sterile, as an operating or even morgue. Usually go to visit to visit is unbearable for self-esteem, because it seems that even with your breath you are in disrepair all these polished surfaces. But this atmosphere motivates on "excellent." That is, either you will return to yourself and quit the chlorine of the plinth, or, on the contrary, make sure that absolutely happy. Both options are good.

Buy different "useful chemistry" for cleaning

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Now there is a lot of interesting and expensive "chemistry", which (judging by the labels and commercials) should run around the house itself, while toning and playing muscles at the same time. Having spent thousands of five rubles for colored bottles, banks and spray guns, you sooner or later trembled for a rag. First, because it is curious - really, this garbage launders three-year fat from the stove. And, secondly, you simply ask the toad.

Start to drag something specific and requiring care

You can slowly and meditatively take up the plate, bath or toilet. You can finally defrost the refrigerator, or disassemble the wardrobe. In the end, you can get to the rack with the tools and shift the grinder from the lower shelf to the top. Usually, after that, you turn on the process and imperceptibly for ourselves start to disassemble and break everything in a row. True, there is a risk to detect yourself sitting on mezzanine in an embrace with old magazines. But there is your own buzz.

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