Early relax: 30 important things that your child must have time to do until the end of the summer


Early relax: 30 important things that your child must have time to do until the end of the summer 36457_1

"And in the boy and in the girl there is two hundred grams of explosives - or even shelter!" You already know that this is not a comic song. That this is even the opposite - very serious formula. And what can you do if the chemical composition simply obliges an innocent angel to this absolutely necessary for its development actions! So, get ready, the summer has not ended yet, so your child will still have time to do something from this list.

one. Cut beautiful flowers from your favorite blouse. To craft your favorite Mamule!

2. Turn your blue tank with a kitten into a suit of a gota, carried away by a puncture.

3. Get the fire in a primitive way. Here it is nifigashnya, it turns out, not lost, this is the ability! It is only adults in the campaign wound.

four. Try to fuel down the step, with research fire in the eyes will be seamless to the curtain.

five. Disappear for half a day - and after your final layback, jump out on you from behind you (Bakh-Bach, I'm a shot! "

Early relax: 30 important things that your child must have time to do until the end of the summer 36457_2

6. Deftly climb to your heart attack. And there will be for training in juggling.

7. Expand your knowledge in zoology. So you knew that the last pair of feet mukholovki is twice the length of the body?! Now you know, by experience ...

eight. Bodied berries. Extraked fraudulent and difficult way. A few days later it will be: then the flowers were ...

nine. Play with Barsik in goat Farm and Blackmail and Lestwork to rain him a bouquet of Georgin.

Early relax: 30 important things that your child must have time to do until the end of the summer 36457_3

10. When the dog gathered with courage and finally refuses the role of the horse, she will have to come to terms with the roller role.

eleven. Expand your already wide nasal capabilities. It turns out that the peas was only a training. The next level is a bump.

12. To do a sufficient hole in the mosquito net so that in order of the experiment to erase the rather massive vase through it.

13. Successfully hide your phone into a saucepan with compote.

fourteen. For massage "Rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers" use cream from mosquitoes.

fifteen. Easy movement is great in a submarine.

sixteen. Shoot a new water pistol TV. Well, if water!

Early relax: 30 important things that your child must have time to do until the end of the summer 36457_4

17. I miss the snow, to build high-quality drifts from a kilogram flour package. It will take up to Rafinad - there will be ice floes.

eighteen. Learn to close the toilet outside. How funny big and terrible dad asks for the will!

nineteen. Look at the umbrella and suddenly understand that this is an otned parachute for the scout. The main thing is to quickly worked the air defense in your face.

twenty. Eye your expensive eye cream to your no less gold helicopter. It is very surprised that the wing was not glued. One consolation: wrinkles helicopter do not threaten.

21. Top up your dictionary. Happiness, if you first clarify the meaning of this word. And if immediately apply to the neighbor?

Early relax: 30 important things that your child must have time to do until the end of the summer 36457_5

22. For those 22 seconds for which you came to run to the toilet, it is easy to find a hatchery, skewers and a lawn mower.

23. Skip in the sand that failed to drown in the pond. Razdar the archaeologists of the future!

24. Splace the inflatable mattress on neat dodecahedra.

25 To eat dug in the blink of an eye.

26. Install a new record for throwing a ball into a physically impossible place in this sense. It would seem that.

Early relax: 30 important things that your child must have time to do until the end of the summer 36457_6

27. Assice the sofa of the righteous. A person with such a clean conscience will not wake either a police nor fire, nor EMERCOM. And only the desire to eat a chocolate bar.

28. Play with the ball in the hairdresser and the same method to turn it out of a collie into a naked Peruvian dog.

29. You will promise that for five minutes somehow quietly - and drive you.

thirty. You will hear a quiet: "Oh Mamazy" - and you will understand that it's quite a little late. Let it be just a boarded pillow, inverted paint and painted passport!

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