When a child really surprised me: 8 real stories that all children are ingenious


When a child really surprised me: 8 real stories that all children are ingenious 36455_1

It would seem who can know children better than their parents. However, sometimes with children there are such stories when even parents climb their eyes on the forehead. And it is not surprising, because all children are small geniuses.

Somehow went home from the kindergarten. Son about 4x. And suddenly he says - Mom, and I know how our world turned out. - But as? - I ask. - God picked up a lot of colored plasticies and began to mive. Mall meals and made a ball from him. Then he threw the ball into the sky and so the earth appeared!

When my son was 10 years old, we lived in the summer of my mother-in-law in the summer. The neighborhood of Sevastopol, the 90s. Half empty summer cottages - with water very bad, and the people only come from time to time - see how and what. Universal dogs live in the country cooperative. One of them is redhead, similar to the dachshund, pregnant. When the time of birth comes, she comes to us - no more to whom: the puppy went across. The dog - if you look at it from above - looks like a diamond: a short diagonal - across the dog. There is no veterinarian in the vicinity. We have no cars. No neighbors ...

The dog is crying - real, tears. It is clear that the dog should help: turn a puppy and remove it (and I, for a minute, physicist, not a doctor). My hand in the dog is not included. The hand is large, and the dog is small.

The son remembered everything that he managed to read in winter at Harryot, pushed me away and said: "Let me. I have a hand less! " And somehow very neat, without any squeamishness, he is very clear - a ten-year-old - this puppy turned and pulled out. Even alive. And even healthy. He was almost the size of Mom.

And the redhead milf remained alive and healthy. Lived then with us under the porch. And then, their one of the neighbors adopted and took to the city.

When a child really surprised me: 8 real stories that all children are ingenious 36455_2

When my daughter was 2.5-3, I didn't live in half a year and quite rarely could see it with her. Somehow, during a "date" she sat on my knees, I read it. And suddenly she turned around and, looking into the eyes said: "You will never hurt you, because you are a good mommy" ... I'm numb ... I hurt me so that it was nothing to breathe. BUT. All the next 10 years, which I have not seen her at all, I repeated it like a spell, it gave me the strength to go further, and I think it was like a "self-free prophecy" - truly hurts, so that there is no strength to bring - I was never more. Now she is 19, for several years she lives with me and still sometimes striking me with his wisdom and mercy.

The son has fallen out in the insult grandfather, who said that he is still small and does not know what love is: "I know! Love - It's all forgive and stay forever! "

When a child really surprised me: 8 real stories that all children are ingenious 36455_3

Senior was very jealous to the fact that there is some demand from him, and the younger says a lot to a lot. Once I decided to specifically tell him how I had to punish the younger, interrupting a walk, because he wanted to ride a bike on the road. "Here, I say, when you were at school, we went to walk, and very unsuccessfully, I had to punish the brand." - Poor child! Said my nine-year-old son. - As I wake up, you need to do something good for him.

Just this morning: - You could not pick us up today from the camp early? "Why don't you want to stay until the end of the day?" - Because I do not want to spend life on applications and crafting.

When a child really surprised me: 8 real stories that all children are ingenious 36455_4

Parted with children for a week. Following the meeting wrote a post. "The Taisia ​​of Romananovna quietly fell silent (however, the treacherous moisture in both cases did not cross the age of decent borders), they kissed each other in unaccompanious women's hugs. However, the son of Matvey killed me, his mother is detecting, Romanovich. No, we were also born, were happy ... But in the evening, his son is a shower takes a shower. I bring to him pajamas. Because of the curtain: "Mom, and you know, I really missed you." "And I am for you, cute!" - With the soul so say. "But you know, moms, you are always with me. I do not need to see you. I hear you, even when you are silent ... "

My Paroon struck me somehow during the celebration of the New Year. My parents came - people are good elderly, and the dad is one hundred percent larks and at the usual time in 10 already slept. I see that he suffers and suggest going to build up to 12. She laid down, he immediately fell asleep, and then a three-year-old daughter runs and all calls "Grandfather, grandfather". I say her that grandfather is tired and sleeps. Here she makes a concerned face and says - oh, he is boring to sleep alone, you need to give a bear! - And runs away. Five minutes later I look into the bedroom and see such a picture - on the left, on top of the dad is covered with plush teddy bear, cats, bunks, and in the arms holds a bunch of Barbie ... somewhere even the photo is lying.

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