Harmful Tips: 7 Errors that are guaranteed to destroy your marriage


    Harmful Tips: 7 Errors that are guaranteed to destroy your marriage 36454_1
    When two people, two loving hearts, decide to bore the relationship with the Uzami Gimenta, rarely some of the spouses can think about the future family life. It seems that ideal romantic relationships will last forever. But I szed Me Mendelssohn, the wedding journey approached the end. Spouses enter the most exciting and mysterious adventure, called marriage.

    If you want your relationship to have been tested with fire and water, the usual everyday life, you need to prepare a rear, collect information about those pitfalls that are able to destroy your marriage or make life in it unbearable. Do not once again check your marriage for strength. Alas, as practice shows, not everyone can cope with family life. Let's deal with common mistakes.

    Error number 1. If you wish your marriage to break up, you never discuss your family life with your hawide.

    Why waste time discussing boring issues. After all, everything will be as you decide. In addition, you have a strong telepathic connection with your future husband, and your views coincide at 99, 9%.

    Harmful Tips: 7 Errors that are guaranteed to destroy your marriage 36454_2

    Therefore, perhaps you will not be surprised when informing a new husband about your plans to go to work, and in response to hear the Tirade that his wife should sit at home, equip life and give birth to children. And the work is a purely male business. Or you will not upset the idea that after the wedding you will have to live 10 years old at his mom, your dearest mother-in-law. After all, the husband considers you a practical person.

    Therefore, if you do not want scandals and mutual reproaches, from the series "Well, what can be incomprehensible here, it would have done every way," discuss pressing domestic issues in advance, look for compromises, so as not to fall.

    Error number 2. You do not have enough courage to make a conversation about finance. You do not want to seem mercantile and petty special.

    How many families swear daily and hourly because of the money, because they just gotten to solve this question immediately. Decide for you two theme immediately and install how much each of you will be given to common goals, how much to spend on entertainment and so on.

    Error number 3. Your spouse is not the most perfect person, so after marriage you just have to make an ideal from it, which has long been sitting in your head.

    In the depths of the soul, you consider yourself Miss perfection. The perfume than you, probably, does not happen. Maybe only your mom, since I raised such a miracle. But your husband still grow to you. Calculate for yourself that people do not change and relax. Redoing man does not make sense, makes sense to accept it with disadvantages. Yes, it snores in a dream, never twists a tube from toothpaste, and can not find a second sock without your help. You fell in love with this person, come accepted with its shortcomings, save the nerves of two sides.

    Harmful Tips: 7 Errors that are guaranteed to destroy your marriage 36454_3

    Do not criticize, but gently suggest. Sometimes the tone of the remark for a person is insulting, provokes to do everything on the contrary.

    Forget the saying that "water is sharpened." Your relationships will definitely become an acute knife.

    Forget the words that carry the guaranteed scandal "You again ..." and "You never ..."

    Perhaps the husband will try to correct some disadvantages. Not everything will be perfect, but the caps from the paste will be in place.

    Error number 4. If you want to collapse with your own and other people's parents, live together. Do not waste money and time to search for individual housing.

    Many of us, which sin to conceal, find many advantages in a joint stay with parents. For example, saving. On utility payments, food. No need to give your money to someone else's uncle or aunt. It is better to go to the sea to buy new or some gadget boots. Remember, a joint life with parents invariably worsens a marital relationship.

    Harmful Tips: 7 Errors that are guaranteed to destroy your marriage 36454_4

    Intimate too. So discharge. Look for individual options. Expensive, far, not enough money? If you have a question so, then think about why you have entered into an alliance, if you yourself have left at the level of children who are not able to provide housing, even removable at first.

    Error number 5. You do not like his mother and do not hide it. This harmful aunt is cling to you all the time, offended, however, it is necessary to emphasize.

    The topic of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is very deep. It is enough to remember that it is not necessary to force yourself to love my mother-in-law. Stupidly those husbands that passively blame wives in the absence of love for their mom. Respect the mother-in-law will have to. Or create visibility of respect. Hello friendly, congratulate on holidays. At least so.

    Harmful Tips: 7 Errors that are guaranteed to destroy your marriage 36454_5

    Golden rule: Never insult your husband's mother, do not cross this feature. Even if your husband himself relates to it itself, even if it encourages such conversations, keep yourself in your hands. The reason is simple. He will remember this, and with some quarrel remembers you so that you feel guilty. Do not let a powerful weapon quarrel, because not all marriages are tested for strength when mother-in-law appear.

    Error number 6. Your goal is implemented. You are married. You can erase makeup, put on your favorite loose barbell and make your favorite bundle on your head. Nowhere spouse is not going.

    The famous world says that men "love their eyes" seem to have been canceled. Unfortunately, many women are so relaxed that they forget this saying. No one calls you every day to wear the highest heels and urgently impose a "combat color". But it is naive to believe that your appearance will remain unattainable. Will not remain. And then the search for new beautiful pictures and images will begin.

    Harmful Tips: 7 Errors that are guaranteed to destroy your marriage 36454_6

    Of course, he can start and then when you are an ideal. The search for new impressions may occur from boredom, anger, revenge. The reasons may be a whole busy. It would be mistaken to blame themselves in everything. But it is better to be restrained, eliminating this item from errors. By the way, men either do not need to relax. View of a spouse in stretched workouts harms your family life. Watch out for its appearance.

    Error number 7. You have a child, your imagination draws a cute picture: you feed the child, put it up to sleep and quietly go to do your affairs, for example, in the embrace of your loved one.

    In fact, many newlyweds do not expect what will happen in their family with the advent of one small creature. Fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, no free time for simple things. All this will definitely lead to an irritation that you successfully pour each other. Please note that the first year of life with the advent of a child in your family is the most difficult. During this period, many families are actually hanging in the hairs. It seemed that a small miracle should unite the whole family, so everyone writes, and the doctor Komarovsky himself says. In fact, everything is completely different. Try to survive this first year with the smallest losses. Further will be easier.

    Harmful Tips: 7 Errors that are guaranteed to destroy your marriage 36454_7

    In family life there are many stones and pebbles that can ruin marriage, destroy it at all. Marriage is a very difficult thing. He will not check you on strength more than once, the one who is not afraid to take the battle. Only not with his spouse, but with me. No need to change someone, it is important to learn how to change myself. If you want to learn this, your marriage will not scary underwater flows.

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