How to spend money signs zodiac


Stars, as we invariably repeat, the thing is extremely convenient because it gives an automatic response to most unpleasant questions. Let's say, it is worth such a husband - the muzzle is red, on the lips of foam - and tragically, like Hamlet Skull Jorik, shakes new garlic davil to Swarovski rhinestones.

In the eyes of her husband, a desperate question was frozen: "Why?", Surrounded by a nymb of the surrounding signs of the question. And you press your hands to the chest and whisper: "Cute, I twins, it is impossible to confront this, you do not beat me for the brown eyes, right?".

In general, the stars and the moon in the third house are to blame. It is they forcing us to spend money like this:



Good news - Capricorns do not like to spend money. Bad news - while they are sober. Capricorn loves to live on a clear plan and part with money strictly on him. Money Capricorn, as a rule, is not easy, so reasonable greed allows them to make decent accumulations. The main thing is not to fall into the changed state of consciousness, when all people are brothers, but we have not tried this forty-year-old Wiscarik. By the way, alcohol is completely optional to Capricorn, to fall into the altered state of consciousness. It is quite suitable euphoria from summer, sun and loved friends nearby. Gadskie friends, I wanted a new laptop ...



Aquarius loves to spend money, but does not give himself a report at all. Aquarius does not give himself a report in financial matters. Money is good, you need them to, but sit in the office from nine to six ... I am too high for this. And since congenital talents allow water to cut a couple of centimeters bills quickly and not straining, the standard financial life of the Aquarius is spinning by about this wheel of Sansary: ​​I have no money, help - oh, beads! - Here, I have to keep you with percentage - oh, curtain! I take home and still - help!



Fishes plan to celebrate all global money on their own expense. Therefore, they try to reasonably put the starting capital into self-development and the implementation of the business plan, which should bring fish to the Golden Billion. Money is just like that - it's boring. They need to be put here, here to advertise, but here it is to pull out on time. And hurt. True, the standard business plan of the fish looks like: "Loan, I will put on, and at the end of the month there will be white unicorns and pounce on the debit part of the bills", but this is no one for anyone interesting details.



Bartender, all visitors - beer at my expense. Aries - generous soul. The more friends have friends, the smaller he has money. Aries can start ten businesses, and - business successful, but it will still be permanently on Mel. Because it is necessary to live bright, feed the guests delicious, and the car is already a year, it's time for a long time to change. As a result, Aries works at sixteen hours a day without days off, and then breaks down on vacation, falling asleep with rain from the bills of stunned from a sudden "flood!" waiters, taxi drivers and porters suitcases.



The Taurus loves money so much that the goods purchased for them already somehow lose their initial attractiveness. The list of the main spending of the Taurus is limited by the house, the machine and is okay - there are shovels, damn with them. At a time when other people admire the stupid abstract painting of an unknown artist over the bed in the bedroom, the Taurus admires bills launched on the bed. Taurus folds them carefully, lovingly straightening, portrait to portrait, heel to a stacker, envelope to the convective ... Lord, money, what are you beautiful!



Money? Also me, value. Gemini live according to the principle: "There are no coffins with pockets, so you need to take a maximum of money today." Accordingly, the twins are a wild ILO, more abruptly. Much cooler. The reasons why all the twins are still not in pelpety, exactly two: 1) they tend to choose very very restrained people in satellites; 2) They fantastically successfully know how to monetize any of their hobbies from posts in social networks before cutting out the labzik on the stump of the old oak portrait of Bob Milley, singing about Woom, know the edge.



Cancer a terrible feet. In the good sense of the word. He remembers all the defaults and all two hundred dollars are two hundred decayed 20 years ago. The problem of cancers is that its natural fitness has to coexist with love for beautiful shroud, pumped up to the level of "God." Therefore, cancer has to make a compromise: at the same time buy and won the Top Takka with fashionable holes, and a bull in Tomat on a black day.



Lion without money - not a lion at all. Therefore, the first half of the life is devoted to configure the system of automatic making money when attaching a minimum effort. Accordingly, the second half of life is shielding with the highest possible scope. And the money spends on secular rounds (even if you even within your own kitchen) and dear gifts are relatives and loved ones. Truly expensive. Because, firstly, the lion is generous, and, secondly, everyone should permanently remember who is the lion here, and who - an antilope zoodpannaya.



Virgo is the same ideal owner who has all spending painted and decomposed on the conversion at least mentally. Virgin is not prone to excite, they do not stick into financial pyramids, do not lose their credit in the casino in Nadym and spend on life, gifts and vacations exactly as much as they can afford: no penny, no penny. Yes, what is there to say - Virgo is able to go beyond the beads in the shop of beads and buy only some beads. Amazing nearby.



Scales adore dust into the eyes, so you can easily pull your monthly budget for pathetic accessories. Or, for example, for dinner at the restaurant, then for two weeks to eat exclusively instantly absolute vermicelline under the sauce of boiled water. If there is a lot of money from the weights, it will build around him a garden-garden for Sibarites, where it will be lazy to eat grapes over a swimming pool of mineral water under slow swords of two slaves. Approximately so for weights and looks like the right eternity, autonated by the dollar sign.



For scorpions, money is the most favorite toy. They are so funny. They can be investigated, multiply, losing, earn and put it again. Motion! Money themselves do not have any value for scorpion, scorpion adores the process. Therefore, while other signs of twenty years are corpped over bills, thinking whether to make a large purchase and how profitable it is, Scorpio simply buys to see - what will come of it? And if nothing is long, the scorpion will not regret - his motto: "Earn, break, nissing!".



Streltsov usually not a lot of money. Despicable coins believe that the Sagittarius is too good for them. Therefore, it is necessary to spend the most necessary for the most necessary. But as soon as an extra penny appears, she immediately goes to self-education, journey and charity. These are Sagittari - Milahi, and the money has long been time to look at them more closely.

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