Japanese cleaning: only 2 actions that eliminate chaos in your house



Japanese Marie Condo realized his destination for another 10 years - she decided to learn how to restore order. And how often for some reason it is often happening to the Japanese, from boring routine classes created a whole art with elements of the holiday and religion. Conmari method.

Guidance of the order of condo is a huge holiday, cool changing your life. After it, it will be enough for you only in the evenings it is easy to spread things in places. Cleaning according to the Conmari method consists of two stages. First of all, it is necessary to completely get rid of the rubble. And in the second, organize the storage of the remaining things.

And while you do not fulfill the first task, you don't stand for the second and take it, otherwise you will drag chaos from one room to another. Condo does not believe that the "frog must be in parts". No, in one fell, the whole trash is broken. Of course, you need to prepare for such a serious day. And it is better that the relatives do not distract you (with their screams of horror).

We destroy chaos

The order of racking is as follows: Clothing, books, documents and paper, everything else, souvenirs and memorable things. To disassemble clothes, you need to assemble it all, of all rooms, drawers and cabinets in a big bunch. Now you take every thing in your hands and listen to yourself: what do you feel? This thing pleases you, soothes, is it pleasant and comfortable? Or she annoys, causes unpleasant memories, dissatisfaction with himself or offense on the one who pretended her? Down with the stuff reduced to the status of "home". You have the right and home to dress in beautiful and comfortable things, and not worn and unacted.


The main thing is to decide what you leave. According to Condo, the house should be filled with only loved things. When you choose a minimum, everything else - in bags and won. Of course, you are not obliged to throw things on the garbage, they can be sold or give. The main thing is not to stick in the cabinets in case, and suddenly the mantle blouse will one day become a beloved. For cleaning conscience thank every thing on a piece of service for the work performed by it.

With books the principle is the same. Varlaba all from the cabinets. Stroking the covers, hold the books in your hands, "wake" them. And now choose the most beloved and put them back. All others deserve a chance to meet another mistress.

Documents are all sorts of instructions for household appliances (which is also on the Internet), cutting with recipes (the same), old accounts and the like. Almost nothing but, of course, all sorts of official papers are not worth keeping at home.

Then the household appliances, dishes, cosmetic accessories, even the furniture (by this moment some beds can not be needed). Souvenirs and gifts are subjected to the last assessment. His job - bring you joy - they have already fulfilled. You are not obliged to turn into an eternal museum guard. Therefore, leave only something, without which you do not want to live.

We organize order

Now, when a ringing and frightening emptiness has been formed in the apartment, it is necessary to clean up. Each thing should be your place! Homeless objects lead to new ripples. To begin with, spread everything in categories. Books to books, bed linen for linen, chemistry to chemistry. Then it is possible to easily take the right one. Mary even against the tradition to remove seasonal things on the mezzanine, let them be at hand.

After clearing, you will not need any special organizers, vacuum bags and other storage devices, except those that are in the house. Condo against spending money for all these whites.

Marie is also the enemy of all sorts of stacks. All the clothes (except for the one that should hang on the shoulders), for example, folds with squares in neat row in retractable boxes. By flowers, if things are a lot. Moreover, the squares are made stable. We will endure one thing, and the rest do not confuse.

Marie does not leave things on the floor, removes everything from the side of the bathroom or shell in the kitchen. Look at the meditative video in which Marie gently lays underwear. You may want to spend the experiment at home on its method.

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