How to become a "ryah" from a slut if the life did not prepare for this?



You never know how it happened, but it happened that you are a sludge, and only now it realized. Whether the friend's eye revealed, whether comments on the Internet for photos of the apartment with exactly such an interior, like yours, whether age came. So what's now?

It is easy to say: just become "Ryat" and ... and immediately skillfully remove and then skillfully support the order. Yes. SHAZ. Everything needs to be learn, and attended step by step. And here you do not know what to grab, everything, it turns out, it was not in life! But is already in a hurry to help. Here is a brief guide to you, with whom to make steps to clean will be easier.

Step 1. Setting

Throw far away the feelings of horror, guilt, shame, and so on, they will only interfere. Do not report to us and online users, do not justify before yourself, do not speed in the corner of the sofa in the paroxy of shame. It all interferes too and distracts and distracts anyone, in fact, no need. Come on the question of Delivito, calmly, decisively.

First of all, inspect yourself. Rate the field of work. Personal hygiene: Do you change lingerie, including socks, every day? Does your teeth cleaned every morning and evening? Do you wash at night? Are you often in the middle or end of the day you notice that your hair was planted? Do you accept the souls at least 1-3 times a week? Do you often find out that on the clothes in which you came out of the house or was going to go out, where does it take obviously solar stains or holes on the seam? Now the house. Go outside, walk, come back and how to breathe a nose. Does it smell with something unpleasant in the hallway? In the kitchen? In the bedroom? In a wardrobe? In the toilet and bathroom? In a refrigerator? In the microwave? You can not ask yourself about the mess, you have been alerted with something. If it is more convenient, to make up the protocol with the results of the inspection.

Step 2. Agricultural

Throw off immediately from my head, which would say cleanly about this. They have already learned, and you - you study. Just get ready to congratulate yourself for each step forward. Draw agricultural in a special notebook ("Prothella mirror!" Or "a week cleaned his teeth every day!") Or, if you don't draw, stick cute stickers - but there is surely inspection, for which you respect. In learning it is very important to see your progress and its direction.

Step 3. Personal Hygiene


What everyone knows by default, and you - no or never learned to follow your knowledge. This time we will not laugh, but simply admit that life is different. Remember: This one step that can not be missed, and while you do not get together here, it makes no sense to even twitch on the rest of the points. What does you save? Less likely, what do you need, clean your teeth? Think why it is so hard to force yourself. Put a reminder, choose a pasta with not so sharp, as usual, the taste is some kind of children's fruit or neutral.

Problems in order to take shower no less than two days? If the fact is that you do not have time, you need to somehow reconsider your mode to get up early in the morning. Or to wash at least before bedtime - no, you are too tired before the war, because I looked at five episodes of Lillikhamer, so a little earlier, before the series see. If the case in the insistent of the soul or too much applicants for him, turn to the experience of the ancestors - rush with a wet towel, removing sweat and fat mechanically.

Do not rely on watch watching in the evenings, often in the evening they are still nothing, and the next day, and when the workflow is already in full swing, turn into algae. Develop a chart of washing hair and ... Yes, put the reminder. Finally, always wash in the evening, find any way to force yourself. These are the four main points to whom it is necessary to accustom and persistently, even though you are crazy. When you take off from an interesting and stump in the bathroom, you will not be "can't", but you have to continue to continue. Only reminders do not yet delete, let them be.

Step 4. Clothing

Do not check whether it is possible to wear linen even time. Just do not wear. This rule concerns the default of the most hygiene risky places: groin, feet, folds under the breast and under the mouse. By the end of the day, there is not only your sweat on the underwear, there are still dead skin pieces, skin fat, the secret is different - in general, large for breeding bacteria. Fortunately, lingerie is the type of clothing, for the regular washing of which the presence of a washing machine is not necessarily, if it bothered it. It is necessary to wash at once, at night, washing and taking a shower. Then it is dismissed easily, and in the morning you can wear fresh, if there is also a small amount of linen. The scheme is simple: wasting with warm water, you wash with soap, postpone. Wash myself. Wipe off, take the lingerie, three cloth about fabric, especially in pollution places, wash off soap, hang dry.

Now just clothes. Come home, dress at home. Anyway, to be honest, whether it will be one of the scarecrow of the Internet - a loose bathrobe or stretched T-shirt and workouts - or you solemnly buy clothes for the house in the appropriate store. We are about hygiene. First, the body must be rest, and clothes "on the output" is usually heavier than home. Secondly, your favorite pants and sweatshirts are then swear on all sorts of knees not so fast. Thirdly, it gives you the opportunity to track in time, whether the stains appeared on clothes, and not be surprised later when you need to run somewhere. Just take and immediately consider: gates, chest, belly, hem, back, armpits, elbows, cuffs. With pants and skirts as carefully. At first it will most likely be for you, but then you will get used to it. By the way, if the dress was wearing once, you did not sweat in it, and in general it is clean, but with one spot, just inspired this stain quickly. For the time being for srach in the apartment, getting used to another new ritual in your life. Others on it were years, you will need at least a couple of weeks.

Warm clothes do not fold into the closet. It is better not to hang there, but to start an open hairy for what you wear for two or four days. Well, in the extreme case, the backs of chairs are suitable. Just let the clothes remain outdoors and does not come into contact with still clean things.

Put the reminder: once a week examine the upper clothes. First of all, cuffs and elbows, these places are polluted faster, and when you still think that you walk in a clean jacket, surrounding the bracelets from dust around your wrists in a pure jacket. Cuffs can be wiped with a wet soap sponge if you can't wash the jacket often.

Step 5. Start throwing out


No, we are not about rash, it is for those who are in harvesting to you. Just before starting to close regularly, learn every day to throw out. In order for any potentially Pakhuchi rubbish, there was no chance to survive midnight. Take a package, go to the hallway. If there was nothing to throw anything, look into the bathroom and the toilet, the oborce of them is an obspear look. Suddenly there are dried tubes and overdue creams lying around? Or did you manage to forget the stub? Pick up and throw everything. The first time will be quite a lot, the next evening, perhaps nothing, but you still look out, every day. Further with the same package in the kitchen. Prissuality, very praise to look at the windowsill, surface of the tables, the surface of the plate (damn with drips, just look, there are no large slices of food), the insides of the microwave, sink, the shelves of the refrigerator and the floor, especially around the trash can. Collect everything you can collect without a cloth, and throw out. Repeat with a bedroom and living room, every time start with the viewing of the window sill, then - all flat surfaces, then the floor. Straight do not look for, but seek to throw out. And so every evening. And immediately after this enduring the garbage, and the one that gathered, and the one that was in the garbage bucket. Yes, so actually they do not do clean, but it is psychologically important. And in order not to miss no evening, put the reminders again. Calculate time so as to enjoy, and wash itching, and expose the alarms.

Step 6. Dishes

It is hard to just take and not leave dishes. If the means allow you to go temporarily to plastic, but leave only a cup and take up every evening, before washing yourself, wash it and teaspoon. And a saucepan with a frying pan, of course. Three or five items are psychologically easier to wash than 30 accumulated pieces. You will get used to washing a cup with a frying pan, you can add to the use of one subject: a plate, fork ... well, or hammer and eating always from one-time. It is not non-environmentally, but it is better so than the eternal stench from the kitchen sink.

Step 7. Microwave, stove and refrigerator.


And now appoint yourself exactly one evening per month special day wet rags. Get ready for it thoroughly. Buy a clean rag in the cozettle, do not use the one that is always lying in the kitchen (if it is lying there) or a sponge. Everything should be serious. So, buy a clean rag, a means for washing the entire kitchen (well, it is possible to use the old) and ice cream. Or chocolate. In general, yummy, and more. It is important. Exactly at six (option: seven, eight) in the evening, in the alarm signal, solemnly start. Thugs on the forehead samurai bandage or put on Apron - in general, designate your own readiness. Bills with water plate, smearing in water detergent, leave to mock. Take a glass of water and lemon or vinegar, hit the super-fast cleaning recipe for microwave and take advantage of them. Take everything from the refrigerator (but not freezer), wipe everything inside with a damp cloth in the agent, not forgetting it all the time all the time, so that it does not get too nasty, wipe again just a wet rag. Put the products back, rolling the rag as it should, open the microwave, wipe everything inside, again we rinse the rag and throw on the stove. Take one for about ten minutes and join the battle with flocks and growths. As you can wash off, so much and well done. Ten minutes passed, quickly rinsed the rag, the residues of the detergent, washed his hands, removed the bandage or apron, sat down and began to eat ice cream. Because today is such a day. Special. It happens only once a month!

Step 8. The rule of the floor, table and windowsill.

The most important thing for the feeling "Well, not really a mess here" - keep empty floor, windowsill and most of the table. Fall chairs, shelves, chairs and sofas. Write a day and bureaucrate all the rooms with an eye, where to remove everything from the floor-side chamber-tables everything you see. Then try to leave nothing further; From the table, moving around the places when you are looking for something to throw out.

Even before the cherished day comes, buy special cleaning napkins (in a shopping store, department store or fixed price store), as well as a means for washing the floors (they are often called, well, or you can identify them because They are used in advertising in this way) and a rag for washing the floors. If not, then also plastic bucket. Purpose a dressing or apron, which you indicate the beginning of the fighting. Wire wipes for cleaning the table, window sill and the door in the place where her hand often concerns.

Mentally divided the room into several zones, each of the free separately (that is, the dust and small garbage dust and small garbage, notice in the scoop, reset into the garbage bag). Cleanly do not do it, but it will be so easier for you than the whole room. Now pour warm water in a bucket, intelligently and, soaking and crushing a rag, rub every zone in turn, how I would rub the kitchen table or stove: as if we erase from this section of the floor spot. Even if you do not see them there. She graduated from one room - pour water into the toilet, we rinse a bucket, pouring new water and regain the remedy. And then quickly wipe the entire floor with a wet swapped cloth without a means. Well ... And you guessed, probably, as soon as you finished with the sexes, you need to wash your hands, remove the dressing or apron and eat ice cream. Or chocolate. Solemnly. And a rag for the floor to throw out, let her not scare you.

Of course, I put myself a separate day on my wash. Ideally - once a week, but we agree that once a month is better than on big holidays.

Step 9. Plumbing


Do not try to be a cool Flyweri so immediately. Once a week, take a means for washing plumbing, pour them all that looks like plumbing, you will wait, wash off, wiping with sponge or jarshik. Immediately white will not work, but will be greasy. Ah, yes. The cartridge from the rod is also a splash and loud. Toilet bowls and wipe cranes with cleaning napkins. For more adultery, you can insert a toilet tank tablets in the toilet tank, they will be flavored.

Step 10. Cleaning Napkins

Hold a day or evening. Take these napkins a lot. Take exactly one room. Purpose battle and proceed. Just wipe wipes everything that can be protorted. We suggest: first of all, shoals and doors (especially where they constantly touch them), plinths, sockets and wires, locker doors, a garbage bucket outside, the legs of the plate and a table, a computer table and a keyboard, a refrigerator door, a microwave outside. Take everything on everything, let's say two hours. Remember that the time is not enough, and the enemy is a lot, and throw in battle with the Ulylyukania and rage. Two hours passed - throw everything, my hands, sit down to eat goodies. Repeat once a month.

Everything. Now cleanly you will not name, but also spine too.

P.S. For obvious reasons, the girls themselves, not science and life to track mess and fight him, will not be decided to save this text. Dear readers, do not be beech, think about the desperate secret spars and crawling article so that they can quickly find it, with Hasteg # from_NEAHI_OPI. It is quite serious. Just see what things should be explained by these girls, and you will understand how it is in fact difficult. Without our help can not do! Thanks in advance from the face of each of them.

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