30 reasons to be glad that you are already 30


30 years is the age when the cosmetics store go from the shelf "Means from acne" to the shelf "means of wrinkles" (there is no intermediate version of marketers). And otherwise - solid advantages.

1. On his birthday, you can roll the day for the whole world, and you can no longer celebrate it - everyone will understand

2. You know what is suitable for you, and you can gather in 15 minutes, anywhere, and you will look great

3. You know how to cook at least all that you want to eat

4. You learned to appreciate a delicious and healthy food.

5. You know for sure why you need sex, and we do not agree to the unsuitable options

6. You know the price of authorities and celebrities. And some of them saw without panties

7. On weekends you can reject all invitations and stay at home. And get from this mass of pleasure

8. Some enemies have already sailed past you on the river, though, unfortunately, some of them are on chic yachts

9. But you are not afraid to lose

10. The world does not rotate around you - and thank God, damn !!!

11. You learned to distinguish fakes from the original. This also applies to things and people.

12. Now you know who your real friends

13. You understood our parents. Perhaps even made friends with them

14. You love your job and know what you do it well

15. Whatever your status in the social network, you are not soared about him

16. You have, at least one gorgeous bag

17. And some more valuable property

18. You know how to live alone, and with people

19. You can cry over a sad story, and you are not ashamed

20. News unexpectedly became interesting, and you suddenly understood politics

21. You can drink and, most importantly, you know how to drink

22. When you say, you are listening, they are listening, and even take an example from you

23. You have "your people": hairdresser, dentist or mechanic ...

24. People do not ask you to "call someone from the older" by phone

25. You do not need to leave the last word in the dispute

26. You do not envy "successful", even if they are 20

27. You loved the order and live in unusual cleanliness. Or not clean. The main thing - you will not soar or the other.

28. Strange personalities on the street do not stick to you anymore: Something falls

29. You live in the real world, and it is quite good

30. In the case of which you can always declare that you have a "middle-aged crisis", and "they all went."

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