How to dress up for a holiday if they are not delighted with masquerades


Almost any problem is solved if you go step by step. Suppose, for example, you really want a costume party for Christmas or the old New Year, but after once, it breaks down. Not you are the first, you are not the latter so suffer, and experienced organizers of parties have long already known why.

The point is not that people do not like Masquerad. People love everything they offer them. So it is exactly how we offer.

Rule 1. No one likes to cook costumes

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Well, good, cosplayers, geeks and tolkinists sometimes love. The rest are confident that joy will then get less than spend the outfit or money. And associates from most people preparing costumes with night vigils of the sad mom, when the bloodstream tomorrow in the garden with a street, and the mother spinning around like a squirrel in the wheel, and finally got out the midnight time, old duvet cover, many old candy wrappers and shreds "It's the blue and now it should, as in a fairy tale, turn this garbage here for this watch here in a snowman or the Snow Maiden.

So, if you want a masquerade, then the costumes should cook herself. Hence the following rule.

Rule 2. Full costumes - only for conversion

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Otherwise, you will warm up, and not everyone agrees to change clothes. The costume should consist of one or two expressive, not very complex in the manufacture of parts, desirable, well emphasizing the similarity (or distinction) of the awaiting guest with a depicted character. For example, at a pirated party, a man with a volatile beard is the most issue of the Captain Barbossus hat. But whether the low Guest will be revealed by the R2D2 hat, which she will meet her party in the style of "Star Wars", strongly depends on her love for fiction and sense of humor. Maybe she will be more pleasant to detect himself to MAZ or iodine? From here ...

Rule 3. Make a plan for guests

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Determined the themes of the party (usually well rolling fashionable filmons or, on the contrary, something from childhood memories) that will not cause some of the guests from any guests. Determine the exact number of guests. Think which costume to prepare for everyone. Think someone who offensive, and who does not mind to heal. Think about the fact that some guests can come unrecorded, and they can also give something thematic, but for nothing particularly obliging (Puffenduy and Cogtevran scarves, for example, if the rowling party). What are the costume details usually? Scarves, capes, headbands, wigs, ears, gloves, T-shirts with a pattern (skeleton or musket crosses on a blue background).

Rule 4. All that may be forgotten will be forgotten

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With very high probability. So throwing the temptation just to negotiate with someone from guests so that he makes his pirated bandage and dragged her. It is better to arrange a couple of crafting tea drinking with friends in advance, to make all these things together and at the same time a pleasant time.

Rule 5. No one wants to spoil styling and makeup

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As you persuade women to come without them, they still will be somewhat in full parade. So in suits for women, especially those in which you are not very sure, avoid what clings to the head and face.

Rule 6. A little to give a suit at the entrance, you must force it to wear it.

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This is done like this: a glass of brandy. Or a glass of vodka. Guest enters, you run with the rest in the corridor and shout "Yeah, young pirate, immediately come on for soil," a glass (or a glass) is immediately issued and put on the desired part of the costume (lies in advance in the drawer in the hallway), and everything, " Now we went. " In order for the case to go or rather, persuade the first, early, come those who are more fun, they will infect the feeling of the unfastened and cheerful crowds of all the others. It is much easier for a person with the fact that the bow of the Cota Leopold is speculated on him, if there is a lot of people in a stupid, and in the head slightly rings after a cup. For tridents, prepare just juice with a sharp taste, also helps.

Rule 7. Finish costumes to play

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And let the guests from the very beginning see that the costumes will play. First, add a couple of details to the interior that will show what the topic of the party. Secondly, there are a couple of playing with division into teams, for example, the Jedi and Sith or Wolves and Zaitsev, in general, as the head comes. Playing can be any command, the Internet is filled with their descriptions. Thirdly, come up with several additives, which will be accompanied by toasts, and the cries that can be in place to teach guests.

Here, actually, and that's it. Runs to prepare. Good luck!

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