Women are no longer guilty. 10 hard punishments that canceled


If you have a girlfriend that tastes in nice times when the men were real breadmen and defenders, and women needed only to dress married, but knew to cover their love home, show her this text.

For passion for Inovertsu - Bonfire


The Spanish Code of the XIII century called Seven Partides, compiled at the king of Alfonso X wise, strictly forbade women to copulate with the inners, specifically with Jews and Moors. The wisdom of the king, apparently, was manifested that the punishment depended on the status of a woman. The widow or the maiden for the first sin simply deprived half of property. For the second burned (together with the Maurus or Jew, a clear case). There was nothing to take away from a married Spanish, everything beloved her husband, so the punishment was given to the spouse. He could squeeze his wife himself if I wanted. Finally, a prostitute for the first time they beat the whip, and on the second, yes, killed.

For disputes with neighbors - shame and macania


In the Middle Ages in Europe, the female misconduct, which was called Communis Rixatrix or welded, was recognized. If the woman swore loudly with his neighbors, she was sentenced to a shameful chair. People then loved to have fun, looking at the punishment, so that the woman tied to the joy everyone was dragged through the settlement. Then they started throwing out sharply into the water and pull out back. Some died from shock. In English laws, this punishment has been preserved until 1967! And the last time it was used in 1817. True, there the pond turned out to be petty, and the woman had to let go. As an option, on the dispute room you could put a shameful cap - an iron mask with a pointed gag. Finding out the relationship with the neighbors because of parking lots, think about what is all the same happiness, to be born in our time.

For treason - cut off the nose and take money


Inventing the punishment of wives for treason, the people of the past showed fantasy. In some countries, they were treated, in others hung. The aristocrata could be sent to the monastery, and there to be accepted there, for example. With Frederica II, Sicilian infidel wives cut off the noses (and to men-modes, by the way, did not cut anything). And everywhere, everywhere they were deprived of all the property and children. So if it happened without the death penalty, then the crime usually remained two: theft or prostitution.

For non-fulfillment of family debt - conclusion


Usually, husbands watched their home responsibilities for their home duties. But if the wife came across very stubborn, the state hurried to help a man. In Barcelona, ​​for example, in the XVIII century. There was a correctional house for bad wives. Contained two groups of women in it. One of the thiefs and prostitutes included, to another wives, whom the spouses could not be instructed on the path of themselves. For example, they told about one lady from the highest society, which somehow got drunk and improperly led - the family passed her to correction. In the correctional house, women fasted, prayed, worked from dawn to sunset and were subjected to corporal punishments.

For disapproval of man beard - beat stick

Women are no longer guilty. 10 hard punishments that canceled 36441_5

The medieval laws of Wales prescribed that the husband was entitled to beat his wife for the following monstrous misconducts: an insult to his beard, the wish of dirt his teeth and the wrong order by his property. And according to the rules to beat his wife, it was possible only a stick not the thick of the middle thumb and a length of his hand. It was assumed to apply three blows at any place, except for the head. The last time on this issue of common law, the British judge referred to him in 1782, by the way, then called the "Finger's Judge" and ridiculed to death.

For hunger strike - food rape


British sulfur in the beginning of the XX century. The government tried to blow up the conclusion. In total, about a thousand women were planted. The activists fought for them to be considered not ordinary crimizers, and political prisoners, and when they denied them, they protested peacefully - arranging hunger strikes. First, they were released, and then suddenly who else would die. But then they decided to go to another way. Women began to feed for force. It was a real torture (actually, the UN is now torture and recognizes). The food probe was introduced as a rule, through the nose. Women were kept, they resisted, the tubes did not come there, rushed into the mucous membrane, many have become pneumonia or pleurisy. It continued until 1913, when the Parliament adopted the law, allowing to release the woman from prison and return it back when she starts eating again. This law called the people "game in the cat-mouse".

For the love of his children - flour with her husband


The idea that children are better with their mother, historically pretty fresh. Previously, people did not think about the welfare of the child, but about who should belong to valuable property in the form of a child. Clear business - Father! A very long woman, no matter how the husband would not be, having received the church divorce, children were deprived. In the UK, the husband not only took the children to himself, but also could ban the former wife to approach them. So many women, such a prospect held at home, even if the husband fought, drunk, took her money and drove his mistresses. Only in 1839, the British made it possible to leave children under 7 years old, and the elders - visit. And that if the woman received a special permit from Lord Chancellor and had a good temper. The tradition of separating mothers with children moved into a new light, and there, too, had to take laws defending women.

For extramarital pregnancy - separation with a child, a crazy house


The British with the Americans are not in some gloomy Middle Ages there, and about six years and 70 years ago they punished women for the extramarital pregnancy. Such unfortunate, as if for their own good to hide "shame", sent to special maternity hospitals. No need to imagine a modern hospital. In these institutions, pregnant, for example, daily dreamed floors and stairs, washed all the lingerie, defended the prayers on her knees. If women led to church, they could have cheap carriages so that they depict married. But, of course, they knew everything around and showed her finger: here they are, bad girls. Children were taken and sent for adoption. If lucky. If not lucky, the baby could perish due to bad content. The poorest patients were often stuck in the maternity hospital for a long time, because they were obliged to work out its valuable services. And some of the dozens of years have moved from there to crazy at home, since psychiatrists of those times declared unmarried mothers by asocial personalities in need of radical treatment.

For Male Work - Fine


Not surprisingly, such many women with envy look at men. And not on some rich or nobles, but even on movers, soldiers or collectors of frogs. From time to time, some Jane or Juliet came to mind the idea to change clothes into male and sign up, for example, in the fleet. And, of course, it was forbidden. They punished such women for indecent behavior, for deception, for putting on men's clothing. But the punishment was relatively soft: women were separated by fines and the requirement to dress decently. Most likely, the thing was that workers, soldiers and sailors of them came out quite good. Hardworking, minor and complete working enthusiasm.

For the birth of a child with features - separation with a child, fascist stamp


So that you do not decide that all these stories are the legends of the antiquity of the deep, tell about the accusation, which today is not completely removed. In the 50s of the 20th century, American psychologists suggested that in authis and schizophrenia, parents are guilty, more specifically, cold mothers. The idea has been more actively supported by a very popular and charismatic scientist Bruno Bettelheim. He founded the institution in Chicago, which was placed on the treatment of children with features, and published a fashionable book, which compared the mothers of his patients with concentration camp. 30 years worked his school. And when Bettelheim committed suddenly, it turned out that his biography is doubtful, the scientific career is not fully confirmed, the theory was based on private cases, and the main thing, the school was practiced to beat and bullying, and he just intimidated.

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