Zodiac signs on corporate


It is significant unknown who invented that the collective delirium increases the corporate spirit, but thank you very much. Driving to the state of Varana Development Director, which crawls between the chairs and lacks saliva, according to the power of emotional impact it can be compared unless with a big panda that stacked sleeping small. Of course, zodiac constellations cannot pass by such earthly joy and take an active part in it.



During the New Year's corporate, the Capricorn brain turns into an epochable battle of alcohol and common sense. All subsequent events occur or do not occur based on who won a tactical victory. If a common sense wins, then Capricorn will be salvation for crossing colleagues - in particular, will deliver home, and truly, and not "we only for a guitar." If alcohol wins, then the whole 2016 Capricorn will be desperately trying to figure out how so amazingly he won the competition for the most beautiful blue sheep a year of the fire monkey.



On the corporate party, the Aquarius put on all the best immediately, modestly sit in the corner and are watching colleagues with the interest of the entomologist, who found the colony of Madagascar beds in the Moscow region. And how else can you observe people participating in the competition "Perekati chicken egg from the left side of the Director-General in the right"? Only the most brave or the most drunk are solved by all the best immediately inaccessible aquatic. But if we rolled up some miracle to pull out the Aquarius on the stage, then all January colleagues in the smoking room will whisper on the topic: "And you saw it dancing / sings / eats an apple without help?".



Fish adore New Year (even if not recognized). The fact is that the New Year's celebration looks as it should, in the opinion of fish, looks like an ordinary reality. All beautiful, everyone hugging, everyone kiss and pour champagne. The fact that the rest of the time people behave differently, for fish - very offensive nonsense. Because the fish believes in people, and in a fairy tale. It can know perfectly well that Santa Claus hired in a cheap event agency around the corner, but still a little hoping that he will take it now and get a piece of miracle from the bag with a plastic props. Indexing wages, for example. Or beads.



For the New Year's Corporate Aries, it is a great reason to let go of the entrance, one evening it is responsible for one evening and stop controlling everything, including fire safety at the time of the Christmas tree. But the decision to "stop for all responding" is not easy, therefore, the first one and a half hours of Aries sits in the corner (possibly) and with dark determination dries (required). After that, the railfire is turning in a gentle lady, who wants love, on the handles and dance. In the snow dance. Naked. Well, let's go, what are you all so boring?



For the Tales, New Year's corporate party - the traditional time is surprised. The main existential reason for surprise: "But what are they all lying around, we practically didn't drink anything?" The calves resistance to the action of alcohol twice as smaller than all other signs, so at the end of the evening he, carefully crossing the bodies of colleagues, collapses the bone bag for the dog, the fish container for cats and the bank of black caviar for their households who have already put the plates on Dining table, knowing that mom from the corporate party does not come with empty hands. As for the corporate appliance itself, then the faster it will end - the better. There is more chances that the Taurus does not pretend to be horns on the "rain" fuselage.



Gemini in the team - a great way to make a guide to save on entertement. The twin is simply physically unable not to come up with a cultural program. Even if after the previous corporate standards, a hundred times swore, which is more than ever. Even if after the previous corporate standards it was almost fired and even a little beat. Even if the twin with your company worked a couple of times on Freilance. It doesn't matter if the twin is. Therefore, you can be sure - he will bring with him a laptop or a stack of sheets of A-4, where contests will be painted, toasts, frivolous epigrams on management and, not excluded, even a new anthem of the company, something like: "If you suddenly have aunt - Insure it only here. "



The main behavioral characteristic of cancer is animal seriousness, allowing them to work by leading finance specialists in the New Year corporate a failure. On the New Year corporate, the main behavioral characteristic of the crayfish: "I am a fairy, trembling." If, say, the women's charming of the twins took the authorities pretty quickly and for a very long time, then when the cancer suddenly comes in a dress with an open back, from where the pieces of priests curiously look, it wakes up only one question for the numbers: "Wouldn't you like to head our financial department ? ". Features of cancer behavior on a corporate party - an extra argument for drunken in Courchevel: "Your fondir sits on a twine? And mine is still like. "



Lions usually be happy to be taken for organizing a corporate party, throwing promising fishing rods to colleagues: "We will break all, that's how cool will be cool." The lion does not regret either the time or strength, no health, so that in convulsive (report, AAAA) heavy (budget, mommies) and unpredictable (how is it stuck at customs?) Days of New Year's days, hanging on the phone to champagne glasses in The form of a praying virgin, and the Snow Maiden came in a furlary coat with pearl buttons. The whole process of entertainment, toasts and absorption of foods Lions will cut a minute and the retreat from the schedule will be considered to be sabotage. Slogan in the evening: "I will order a scatter with you, but you have fun, like nice."



If the Virgin has the opportunity to proceed to corporate, it will certainly do it. Because, Virgo believes, the love of each other should be sincere and without the impact of psychotropic drugs of the Jin-Tonic 2.0 system. On the other hand, the Virgin is full of things that absolutely nowhere to wear, except for such idiotic events. Therefore, the arrival of the Virgin (the arrival of the corporate party, does not need dirt) depends on the intensity of the desire to walk the boots, and not from the presence of free sandwiches with red fish. And in the process of celebrating, the Virgin, as a rule, are combined with other devices (as a last resort - with Sagittarius), to consider colleagues, discussing who of them is more moron.



Scales - Finding and rescue Renoma for any Santa Claus, unsuccessfully trying to dig in the sad crowd while still completely sober people in the evening. Competitions? Hurray, I will go! Songs? Let's here a microphone ... Actually, I do not sing, but do not care, let's! Dancing? Notice, I did not suggest that. Drag the bass, arrange rock in this halabud. We have no complexes, and if there are, they do not suffer them, but enjoy. Therefore, from each corporate party, the scales bring a bunch of plush toys, christmas decorations, ribbons, chocolate medals and other extremely valuable and visible evidence of their non-complexity and openness of the world into their native nest.



Scorpions perfectly know that the corporate party is the perfect place to hunt. It was the scorpions that most often become heroes of stories from the series: "The Tale on how our wanted head of the department of prepress preparation in the toilet cabin loved." Therefore, the perfect corporate for scorpion is a costume carnival. In the end, a tale on how a bunny felt in the toilet cabin loved, although it does not look quite epic, hardly be able to damage the career. And, by the way, the organizer of the corporate party to the note: excellent Snow Maiden come from scorpions. First, the scorpions have congenital dramatic talent. And, secondly, this Snow Maiden will unbutton the fur coat sooner or later.



Sagittarius only at first glance look harmless and hyperspical quiet. In fact, they are the master of the "Petir Baleish" level of the level with a pumped skill pervertient to have fun "Joffrey Barateon." They sufficiently own the art of manipulation to bother colleagues to the actions of the level "2,000,000 views on the U-tube." So if you see how the Taurus stuck the plug into the eyes of the chief, or as the twins dance striptease, using a confused DJ as a pilon, - look around. Most likely, a happy Sagittarius is sitting in a secluded corner with a good overview and, hiding the hellish laughter, calmly brings sparkling champagne to her lips.

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