Super dishes with alcohol: from cognac to cider, all in business


Non-drunkenness of the Pogatan for the sake of languishing in our bars, non-ripped bottles and email residues alcohol! They can play if not the first, then not the last violin in the mass of different delicious things - from soups to desserts. Pull up - and gloomy!

Burgundy beef

Ingredients: At the kilo low-fat beef - a half cup of red wine, carrot, bulb, 3 spoons of flour, 2 spoons of vegetable oil, 200 g of champignons, dried herbs (Majorant such as), salt pepper.

The process itself. Beef cut into cubes, salt-pepper, mix, fall asleep with flour and mix again. In a thick-walled vessel, you grab onions on the vegetable oil for about 5 minutes, followed by sending carrots for the same period, and now meat goes there. When it fresher on good fire, we pour wine into it, add travelers and still salt-pepper. Sauce boils - it's time to go there and mushrooms. Now let all this be fascinated on the weak fire of the watch and a half. If the fluid does not cover the ingredients, tighten the wines. On the way, it is periodically all mixed up and for the completeness of happiness tosses to wines.

Red Fish in White Wine with Vegetables

Ingredients: At 400 g of red fish fillets - half-liter of white dry, half a cup of cream, a tablespoon of starch, on a pair of bulbs and carrots, a few stems of celery, olive oil, "olive herbs", salt-pepper.

The process itself. I spread the fish to the pan that side where the skin, and pour wine. Solim, "Trestim" (that is, the herbs of Sychal). I bring to a boil and carcass under the lid of about 7 minutes. Now we take out the fish, and from the remaining wine do the sauce. First add cream to it, and when it is boiling - a thin starch is poured in water in water. If it turns out too thick, you can dilute wine or (if the bottle residue is already inside the cook) with water. Let it be a little bit off, but for now we cut vegetables, season them, sprinkle with oil and send it to the oven to Morobin softening. Now we combine all three parts - and shouting a triple "hurray", enjoy!

Russian ear with vodka

Ingredients: At 700 g of small river fish - sheltered sorced fish type pike, one hundred grams of vodka, bulb, parsley root, pair of potatoes, several peas of fragrant pepper, salt.

The process itself. We send a fish trifle into the pan, crushed onion and parsley root, salt, pour water and cook half an hour. Now our petty fish drops as a weak link - and a solid fish arrives in the leaky broth, sliced ​​by pieces. After 15-20 minutes, the chopped potatoes and seasonings join it. When the potato reaches the condition, the culinary structure is crowned with vodka and solemnly served on the table. What is bored by the ear - you do not need to tell?

Cheese Ginz Soup

Ingredients: Gina Ryumka, 3 cups of chicken broth, 3 eggs, 250 g of solid cheese, greens, crackers, a little nutmeg, salt.

The process itself. We send grated cheese into boiling broth when it is dissolved, turn off. Eggs whipped with cream, spilling and upbringing with nutmeg. We pour into the soup, on the way the whipping by a whisk, then we pour gin, smeared the chopped greenery, we decorate the crackers - and we fell with covered with the completeness of feelings.

Czech beer soup

Ingredients: On 800 ml of beer - a ginger tea spoon, 250 ml of cream, 100 g of butter, 100 g of flour, can be a piece of lemon, cinnamon, cinnamon and nutmeg, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Creamy oil is dissolved in a saucepan, add flour and quietly warm, mixing well. Now we fill the beer there, bring to a boil, add spices, salt-pepper - and cook for about 20 minutes, after periodically stirring. We pour cream, still mix and cook for another 5. Now add the spices to a small pinch, if you wish, we decorate lemon and feed with anticipation of happiness and appropriate quotes from "Schweika".

Baked Pork with Sidrom

Ingredients: On 2 large slices of pork fillet - 300 grams of cider, bulb, a pair of apples, on a spoon of sour cream, olive oil and sugar, lavelice, salt.

The process itself. Fillet, leng by gnawing, fry in oil and put into the form for baking. We bring to the goldenness of the bow, we pour back the same Cider, bring to a boil and pour meat, sending in front of Lavruch. Now we send to the oven heated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes. In while frying apples with sugar. Pork and onions remove - and cook sauce until thickening, adding sour cream there. And here you can serve meat with sauce and apples!

Carbonara with bacon and brandy

Ingredients: On the portion of spaghetti - 50 grams of brandy, grams of 200 bacon, yolk, slightly grated solid cheese, dried basil, salt.

The process itself. Cook spaghetti, how they are supposed to do. Cream, yolk and cheese mix well-mix. In a high frying pan, bear bacon, we pour cognac to it - and ... death number ... Gilt! Gently, with compliance with fire safety techniques, a long match and moved to the most. And after a few seconds, we pour a creamy mixture there. For a minute, all this is mixed, having lost the fire, after which I reunite with spaghetti and get huge gastric and moral satisfaction.

Salmon with tequila and mango

Ingredients: On 4 pieces of salmon fillet - 200 grams of tequila, a pair-triple of ripe mango, 50 g of butter, olive oil, breadcrumbs, greens (dill, parsley, rosemary), a little coriander, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Salmon rubbing salt-pepper-coriander, pour tequila and marinate a couple of hours. We calm the oil and bring to the sliced ​​mango sliced ​​to the puree state. Sliced ​​greens and breadcrumbs are sent to the oil olive - and this fill out of the tequila and the dry fish. But the valuable product (alcohol marinade) does not disappear! Pour it into the container with fish - and send for 20 minutes to the heated oven. We get, we water the mango puree and feel like in paradise!

Tiramisu with liqueur

Ingredients: On the shelter Muscarpone - 24 biscuits, a pair of coffee liqueur spoons, 3 eggs, clink of dark chocolate, 3 spoons of cocoa, a glass of cooked warm coffee.

The process itself. Disassemble eggs on proteins and yolks. The first beat to the foam. The second whipped with sugar, send cheese to them, mix - and we attach whipped proteins to the company. Coffee and liqueur pour into the vessel, where it will be comfortable to make cookies. Now every Pechenau Macaem is there for a second, so far only one side wooed. When half the cookies are postponed, half of the cream goes from above, then again cookies and cream again. All this decorate cocoa or grated chocolate (or both and others) and send the refrigerator overnight. And pulling out and taste, do not hold back the moans: "This is divine!"

Berry jelly with champagne

Ingredients: On half a liter of champagne - 400 g of berries (from a compote), half a cup of grapefruit (or other) juice, a sheet of instant gelatin.

The process itself. Gelatin is smearing in water, juice sularily heat. Now we send gelatin to juice - and, dissolving, fill the champagne there. Finally, this mixture fill the berries laid down in the creams - and put them in the fridge for the night. And ready funny fruit dessert with funny "bubbles"!

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