Zodiac signs on a yacht with Bradpitts. Horoscope ideal conditions from pics.ru


As a rule, we immediately drive the signs of the zodiac into some kind of unpleasant situation and are observed with a magnifying glass - how will they get out? We finally became ashamed, and we decided to offer the ideal situation to representatives of the zodiac circle. Well, the Lupu was left, of course, with him - we were not so embarrassing.

So, you float on a comfortable yacht from, for example, London in, for example, Argentina. In the company of twelve completely non-angry men with an annual selection covers, for example, Men's Health. Or with twelve sexual actors of Hollywood. Or just with twelve awesome men, each of which is not completely against. The weather is excellent, the Atlantic is calm, the fruit skewers, the men knock with hooves and the jewelry show the perfect triceps. You have thirty days ahead of you. So what are you going to do?



For Capricorn, the following two beliefs are characterized: 1) It is impossible to miss good opportunities; 2) The order should even be in the brothel. Therefore, Capricorn will give it all the number and will take the stars of world cinema in the order of the established queue. Complaints that thirty days are not divided into a twelve person, it became, someone will get less than the Capricorn body, Capricorn will completely calmly be taken in the prescribed manner. Incorrectly compiled complaint, by the way, will not be accepted at all.



Aquarius will not rush with his head into the pool. Aquarius needs details. Who are these handsome signs on the sign of the zodiac? Did they read books on self-development? If so, what? Do they love Almodovar? If so, what exactly? It doesn't matter who you are in our glossy world, "says Aquarius, it is important that you imagine on the scale of timeless continuum. And in general - Bredpitty-Bredpitts, and you can not break the hair dry shui. By the middle of the journey, Aquarius plunks on an unknown and just choose the most beautiful.



Fish will stay in Euphoria for some time - all around the collective farm, everything around mine! Since the process of flirting for fish is much more important than the result, the space around the yacht will be filled with a shake of a metaphorical stretched string, languid sighs and a ringing of broken hearts. By bringing all the most surrounding handsome to the catharsis despair, the fish fell in love with the one-legged brake of Coca and will hurt to suffer on the shoulder of confused Bredpitt.



Aries will be thoughtful very seriously, but very long - fifteen seconds, approximately. After that, the happy chosen one will be entered into the course of the case, and the rest - sent to Dr. Rum on the bottom deck, so as not to obscure their delta sunset. The dizzying romance of Aries will spend ten days from allotted thirty, and everything else will be indulging in thought on the topic - how to monetize this gift for fate?



Taurus officially chooses six people from twelve, which will receive buns of certain sizes. At the very least, they will get the pride "I am elected." At night, the Taurus will go to the remaining six and insidiously to change its chosen. Accordingly, the "unofficial six" will receive undoubted satisfaction: "But still we are better." As a result, all wildly scandals, but very satisfied.



Gemini always knew that something similar sooner or later would be sure to happen to them. Therefore, they will not hurry with the choice, but they will try to charm all with their talents and a sense of humor, in order to clearly realize: he is with me, because I am a goddess, and not because I am the only woman on the yacht. Songs will go to move, dance and converted old jokes: "I got somehow Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and Russell Crowe on a desert island." Twins shut down, only when slender Argentine palm trees are shown on the horizon. Heck…



Cancer will be mil, courtesy and friendly with everyone at once. Any cancer attention sign will be extremely favorably, giving each of the applicants absolutely equal to the hope of hope. What will undoubtedly trigger a dozen decrace of varying degrees of intensity. By the end of the trip, the amazed applicants will find out that she did not give anyone. And she was not going, actually. She has a family home, children ...



The lioness will not go into all the grave, like cancer. But in completely different reasons. If the cancer is all, in principle, it is not particularly necessary, the lions want a much larger, rather than a short resort novel, and well know the power of unfinished gestal. Therefore, the lion will bring each of the travelers to love exhaustion so that after a couple of months, after a couple of months, they arrived at the bottom Kujuvo, got into a row on her knees at the entrance of her killed "Khrushchev" and shouted "Wil by Maryri?" on the envy of neighbors from the thickel-crushing technical school.



Virgo will not suffer from choosing - she knows in advance who wants. It would seem - go and take. But no. Virgo will start reflecting - what if I am fat? What if he decides that with Meg Ryan it was better? What if I fall into him in love with him, and I will be bad? As a result, Virgo will choose someone else, and at night will be a long time to lie with open eyes, thinking about the loved one, sobating at the next bulkhead. Well, right - the dream should remain a dream, and otherwise what is this dream?



For weights, the situation is ideal for all the rest again turns into hell. Choose! From twelve! Of the twelve - your mother - Hollywood stars. Yes, are you kidding me, a member of PICS.RU? In general, the scales will ignore their opportunity to choose and give preference to the most persistent. And in the morning they will suffer from the nose of the yacht on the huge Atlantic Sun and think that, perhaps, such an approach was chosen erroneous? Maybe it was necessary to throw a coin? ... in short, forgive us, scales.



Scorpio will not choose anyone - he just rolled the orgy. Happiness to everyone and let no one go offended. In addition, Scorpio will record home-video from the series "Such a saturated life I had a life, and there is nothing to show grandchildren." No, not to then merge this video with yellow newsnets and get rich. And to show grandchildren. Well, what?



The first twenty days the Sagittarius will sit on the deck and do not believe his fortune. Twenty days later, it turns out that happiness is pretty dubious. Bradpitty snoring, scandals and are not so beautiful without make-up and proper lighting. Therefore, the Sagittarius is equipped with our editorial magnifying glass to observe the fights of tigers on the lower deck, and until the end of the journey rolls the romance about how dangerously idealize the harsh reality.

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