You did not notice, and women are torn! Literary and musical results of the year



A woman who plays music is a musician or musician? And the writer is a writer or writer? Wait, you will soon think already differently! So, for example: "Hmm, writing a man - Shouldn't I call him" writers "?" And the word "star" is exactly female ...

We have collected a constellation from our contemporaries, which are especially brightly shine in recent years - and in the outgoing at least they are not fused, or even more stronger.

Women and music

Taylor SWIFT.

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Well, well done girl: this year, not a lot of little - as much as 8 Billboard Music Awards. Moreover, her piglets with Kendrick Lamar "Bad Blood", he also "The Best Song" MTV Europe Music Awards-2015, broke all possible and impossible records. For the first day, this inspired passionate mochilovo looked 20.1 million times. Despite the fact that Taylor got married, we love her anyway - and let it be happy, although not with us!


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It seems that this beauty once caught the fish and asked her more Grammy. And now the pot is all cooking and cook, without stopping! In total, she had already gathered them already twenty pieces, it turned out to be another yield (6 figurines), but everything is not bad in passing too: three gramophyons - this is not a hummingbird you choke! Maybe "Billboard" and got excited, calling her straight "Millennium Artist", but that she is an artist who wants to say "Yes, babe, take us right now" - that's for sure!

Courtney Barnett.

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Australia is not only a valuable kingurry fur and nickname Kave, dried Kylie Minoga! Now in the BESTE of the Green Continent - also this shaggy girl. Letting this year's first album called Sometimes I Sit And Think, and Sometimes I Just Sit ("Sometimes I sit and think, sometimes so sit") - called the Rolling Stone itself one of the best releases of the year. Courtney - left-handed and open lesbian, but we love her not only for it. She is cool.


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The lady is so cool that even the parody of her is watching millions! There, the family threw out due to politics merges in ecstasy under her Hello, during which it turns out from everyone from each excellent adel. Judge-joke, and in the meantime, two days after the release of the new album "25" sold two and a half million of his copies - and stop at this mark clearly does not intend! So learn.


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What did Rihanna do this year? Yes, the same as in the previous ones: I promised the album (here's it, I will wait for February!), I concert, advertised, experimented and plummed, and everyone went to watch her in love with her. Her clip FourfiveSeconds with Kanye West and Paul McCartney twist hundreds of millions times, although he seemed to be so simple that there was nowhere else. But chas!


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Clip "Elastic Heart" became one of the most high-profile music videos of the year. This was accused of pedophilia (and what is it in a cell 12-year-old Maddy Zegler dancing, struggles with adult uncle fucking labuff?!), She justified that it was about emotions. Billboard Narek "Elastic Heart" The best clip of the first half of the year, for 4 days it was watched by 20 million spectators ... Ok you, moralists, you and "Leon" - "Singing an Autist Tiny"!

Nadezhda Kucher.

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The opera singer won this summer in the final of the prestigious British BBC Cardiff Singer of the World. Represented Nadia in Cardiff, one might say, three countries: she comes from Minsk and a citizen of Belarus, a graduate of St. Petersburg Conservatory and the soloist of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater, and with the Congolese singer from Ukraine at the competition communicated in his native Ukrainian ... so.

Heavenly Joy.

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Mimimeters are bosal and break when this cheeky laptop beats a chchelet or withdraws high notch. Girl named Heavenly Joy for five years, and she started the singing career in a year. And what did you achieve? ;)

Dancing grandmother from Brussels

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Ammar Daphri lived, Brussels musician. Bitbox brought himself as a pure diamond. And here he speaks on the street, does not touch anyone - and then he gets such a dance that everyone just falls! The main thing guys, - not to grow old heart, without a bald!

Women and books

Svetlana Aleksievich "Sorkend-Hand Time"


As well as the hope of Kucher, Svetlana Alexandrovna is ready to break into pieces of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. And in both senses. And in the sense: "She is ours! And our too! And ours - more! ", And in the sense:" Yes, for what there is a nobel, this is not such a fiction, it is solid journalism! " Yes, this is the first Nobel Prize received by a professional journalist. But the impression that honest and frightening things leave it is not becoming weaker.

Donna Tartt "Schegol"


The first novel Tartt ("The Secret History") gave lovers of intellectual-psychological and weird-detective. From the second ("little friend") part of the fallen in love remained in bewilderment: "What was it all?" From the third - "scoop" - everyone is in some choral and unconditional delight. A bunch of lines and meanings, detective intrigue and psychological subtleties, a bunch of reference to the classics from Dostoevsky to Rowling ... You can savor for a long time and carefully. No wonder she wrote these eight hundred pages!

Harper Lee "go put the guard"


Bringing glory Harper Lee Roman "kill the mocking room" came out more than half a century ago. How long does humanity waited for continuation! When it, finally, waited, in the homeland of the writer, people met the opening of bookstores by applause, and the shops were not closed at night to cope with this madness. Over the week, 1.1 million copies flew out, which brought the humble inhabitant of the nursing home of 2.5 million dollars per year. However, critics warn that the world of reading will never be the same, that is, "we will never see the Aticus in the same light." And in schools, as the first Roman, will not study it. Intrigue!

Eleanor Catonon "Luminila"


Two years ago, 28-year-old Catonte with this second novel became the youngest owner of the bucker premium. And the novel is the longest desired booker. "Golden fever", prospectors and ghosts, strange treasures and mysterious death - and all this in New Zealand in the year before last, and all this is not filtered back, but fascinating and thin. Large literature, in all senses.

Sally Green "Half Code"


This thing is from dozens of the most anticipated books of the outgoing year. And not in vain waited! Despite the genre of teenage drama and black sorcerers with white wits, which chase each other on the pages of the "code" ... In addition to the sorcerer in the book, with Joan Rowling Sally, it is unprecedented by the fact that she began writing in the role of moms and housewives. And the rapidness of glory: the novel fell into the Guinness book as the first literary debut, the rights that were also given to the publication in 36 countries.

Illustration on the announcement: shutterstock

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