10 incredibly beautiful strawberry dishes


Fresh strawberries from someone can, and appears at six in the morning, and we have on the table it usually appears in June! And this is such an unearthly happiness that simply can not be missed.

It is necessary to quit everything, make it up several times to this yolly to the dump ... and only then - already with less, but still a beating heart - to print a variety of divine ambrosia from this magic berry. PICS gathered 10 options for strawberry ambrosi - from the first dish to the dessert!

Strawberry salad with chicken

Ingredients: Smoked chicken breast, cup of strawberries, a couple of rings of canned pineapple, 150 g of Beijing cabbage, half orange, olive oil. The process itself. We cut the chicken, cabbage and pineapple as we feel. The same large tubers cut the parts into four. All this in the salad bowl mix and mix. We refuel the mixture of juice and olive oil squeezed from orange. For full and visual feng shuya, we decide on top, quickly instagramimimm with all this luxury literally in seconds - and rather out of gastric debauchery!

Strawberry Soup

Ingredients: Gram 300 strawberries, a couple-triple kiwi, a bit of vanilla sugar, 5 tablespoons of sugar, natural yogurt or sour cream. The process itself. First, we send Kiwi to the blender, 3 tablespoons of sugar and a quarter of a glass of water. We break up the resulting in the plates, my blender and sausage in it strawberries with a glass of water remaining sugar and a pinch of vanilla. Now we reunite these two masses in the plates (it is not necessary to mix), refuel yogurt - and inform your relatives and loved ones: "The soup is ready!" The eyes are rounded, but spoons stretch with a record speed!

Fast strawberry pie

Ingredients: 300 grams of strawberries, a half cup of flour, three eggs, a piece of butter, a teaspoon of a baking powder, a glass of sugar, a little vanilla sugar. The process itself. Yolks are whipped with sugar, add butter and vanilla sugar - and mix well. In the flour - a baking powder, and all this is there, and take the dough. Proteins - foam, and also in the dough. In the crash form, we pour the dough, equally and evenly lay out the soot of strawberries. We bake about half an hour at 180 degrees, checking the readiness of an old good match. We decorate tubers and powdered sugar - and listen to grateful moans of pleasure from everyone who got on a piece.

Fast strawberry cake (without baking)

Ingredients: Shelves of strawberries, three biscuit embers, sheltered homemade cottage cheese, 3 tablespoons of cream or oily sour cream, 7 tablespoons of sugar, a piece of chocolate, a couple of mint twigs. The process itself. In the glass of hot water dissolve 3 spoons of sugar and let it cool. You can add a little brandy to syrup - purely for fragrance. In cottage cheese, we throw cream, the remaining sugar, several tubers - and all this blender, blender. Now lay down the cakes, we water the syrup, smear the cream - and on top of the layer of cutting strawberries. The last layer of cream decorate the accomplished chocolate and mint. And in the refrigerator for several hours, better - for the whole night. If the family does not notice the Lunatikov-sweet tech!

Strawberry pancakes

Ingredients: Gram 200 strawberries (and can be more!), a glass of milk, a pair of eggs, a half-cook of flour, a tablespoon of sugar, a little sunflower oil, salt, sugar powder. The process itself. Eggs, flour and milk turn into dough. Add sugar, slightly salt and oil. We bake a pancake, spread the strawberry pre-cut and sugar on it, wrap in an envelope, sprinkle with sugar powder ... and drive away the sufferment of some fly swatter, otherwise they will definitely not be cut to the whole game to the end, they look at one moment! So, perhaps, we advise you to immediately take all the ingredients twice as much ...;)

Strawberry Cheesecake

Ingredients: 400 grams of sweet cookies, 300 grams of strawberry, 300 grams of cottage cheese, 180 grams of butter, a glass of sugar, 150 grams of cream, a piece of ricotta, a pair of gelatin spoons, starch spoons. The process itself. Cookies are grinding and mixed with softened oil - and about two thirds of this mass are placed in a form laid out with a film. Cottage cheese mixed with a half cup sugar, add cream and ricotta - and mix well. The gelatin is divorced in a third of a glass of water, when it will swell - we dissolve in a water bath. We add to the curd mixture, stirring along the way. The most beautiful berries are deposited, the rest are crushing in a blender. We add the strawberry mass into the curd, then all this in the form with the cookie - and on top of the remaining berries. Let it stand in the refrigerator. And then cover the remaining cookiemnye mass - and the cold already night. The next morning comes a holiday, whatever day is on the calendar!

Strawberry popcorn in chocolate

Ingredients: 200 grams of strawberries, 100 grams of popcorn, two dark chocolate tiles, 100 grams of cream oil, 4 tablespoons of honey. The process itself. Chocolate lying on pieces and calm up to homogeneity on a water bath with oil and honey. We send to this sweet mass of strawberries - washed, sliced, mixed with popcorn. Mix it as you should, pour into the shining film form and put in the refrigerator. When all this beauty frozen, the dessert can be cut with a knife - and happily to listen to the complaint: "Well, another piece, please!"

Strawberry ice cream

Ingredients: On kilo strawberries - a glass of cream, a glass of milk, a half-table of sugar, a little vanilla sugar. The process itself. In a saucepan and a half cup of milk, we fall asleep sugar ordinary and vanilla - and dissolve, stirring, on fire. When cooled, mix with the residue of milk and cream - and put in the refrigerator. Washing, chopped and a little sprinkled with sugar strawberries blender turn into a puree. Let us stand up until it stops juice, we send it to the milk-cream mixture - and all this in the freezer. You can first decompose according to the molds, and in the creeds to decorate mint. Full ecstasy - and zero dyes with flavors!

Strawberry casserole

Ingredients: A pair of milk glasses, 5 tablespoons of mankey, egg, a large cup of strawberries, a piece of oil, a slight salt, sugar - depending on the level of sweet cheese. The process itself. From milk, mankey and sugar cook porridge. As it will cool, we send to it wash and sliced ​​strawberry and mix. I divide the egg on yolk and protein, the first whipped with sugar, the second - with salt. First, the first, then the second gently mix to the caress. We smear the shape of the oil, lay out the "dough" into it, and above the top there are a little bit of me. We bake with 200 degrees 15 minutes. Keep the bet: even those capricious comrades will be wondering, who from the usual manna porridge nose mature!

Strawberry kvass

Ingredients: On three liters of water - a little less than a kilogram of strawberries, a tablespoon of honey, 2 teaspops of sugar, gram of citric acid, a little raisin. The process itself. Strawberry put into an enameled pan, fill with water - and when it boils, remove and leave for 10 minutes. Now we will filter the juice, add everything else, except for the raisin, we all mix, and then filter and pour in dark bottles (not to the top). We throw there on a pair of raisins, close the corks, fasten them with wire and put on a week in a cold place. If you first put kvass to heat for a couple of days, and then it's already on the cold, then the divine soft drink will be ready for four.

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