23 people tell why they will never sit on a diet

  • Because the cherished figure in kilograms did not make a man happier
  • Because the understanding has come that taking ourselves as it is, this is the first mandatory step to change
  • Because focusing on diets and weight loss distracts from real life
  • Because they realized that any diet is the industry absorbing you.
  • Because they realized that the seats on diets became obsessive and uncontrollable
  • Because they realized that they settled the diet and feel good
  • Because in the existing size, piercing and tattoos look good
  • Because the counting calorie drives crazy
  • Because there was a feeling that no matter how much you drop, it will still be a little
  • Because I wanted to get out of a closed circle of a diet-violation of the regime-stress-constant feeling of guilt
  • Because the decision came to focus on what the body wants
  • When realized that she was losing weightly, just to like other people
  • Because the diet has wedged into relations with a partner
  • When the desire to reduce weight crossed with sports
  • Because the body said no
  • When diets began to influence mental health
  • Because the actress Melissa McCarthy does not sit on a diet ...
  • Because they took their body as it is
  • Because children are important to show a positive attitude to your own body
  • Because on the diet it was more difficult to fight with my mental illnesses
  • Because loved their natural forms
  • Because they became intolerable to food and figures of other people
  • Because they realized that pop beauty standards have nothing to do with the beauty of the person
  • Anonim

    23 people tell why they will never sit on a diet 36417_1

    The creators of this survey as a disclaimer called for remembering that all people are different, and our attitude towards our body, appearance and digit on the scales can also be very different. This we must respect and take without condemnation.

    Because the cherished figure in kilograms did not make a man happier

    "I performed myself the task and dropped the weight that I thought was superfluous, thinking that I would immediately become happier and my life would be better. But suddenly understood that I was left the same person as it was when Tolstoy was. In short, I stopped, scored my weight back, and very happy. "


    Because the understanding has come that taking ourselves as it is, this is the first mandatory step to change

    "Before the wedding, I sat on a very strict diet for a very strict diet and exhausted myself with heavy exercises. I dropped almost 16 kg and was still dissatisfied with your appearance. I realized that you need to focus on who I really am, and stop letting into this food. "


    Because focusing on diets and weight loss distracts from real life

    23 people tell why they will never sit on a diet 36417_2

    "I realized that my thoughts about what I eat is" good "or" harmful, "they tracked me from reality even more than my depression. This very badly influenced my social life, I even missed family celebrations under any pretexts, because I thought that it was not good for now. I realized that I would only bring myself to myself, because I dive into depression and even more I want to "lick."


    Because they realized that any diet is the industry absorbing you.

    "According to statistics, only 5% of all people spent on a diet are consolidating their results for a long time. I realized that this is all the grand conveyor, and told diet "while!"


    Because they realized that the seats on diets became obsessive and uncontrollable

    "My diet was terribly unhealthy. In general, everything was fine with me before I realized that I brought himself to anorexia. Between healthy dietary nutrition and exhausting starvation to reach the "perfect body" lies the abyss "


    Because they realized that they settled the diet and feel good

    23 people tell why they will never sit on a diet 36417_3

    "Being a teenager, I spent 10 years to worry about my weight and all sorts of diet, but when my doctor confirmed that I was in perfect order, I stopped limiting myself. I buy things in size, this size XL, and I don't care that the rest think about it. "

    "Last summer I threw my outdoor scales, it was a real catharsis."


    Because in the existing size, piercing and tattoos look good

    "I punctured the navel and made a tattoo on the thigh. It is not all. And exactly badly looked at the "washing board".


    Because the counting calorie drives crazy

    23 people tell why they will never sit on a diet 36417_4

    "We were in a restaurant with a family and none of the dishes were in my application for calculating calories. I asked the waiter with information about the products, but he said that they ended with them, and I first crushed the waiter. 20 minutes passed before I went all the ingredients and we were able to make an order. I almost dispersed from anger to myself, because because of such nonsense, I had ignored my loved ones all this time. "


    Because there was a feeling that no matter how much you drop, it will still be a little

    "I could reset 100 kg, and that would still not be enough. My food disorder demanded more. Now I am slowly learning to try, feel and love the food again. "


    Because I wanted to get out of a closed circle of a diet-violation of the regime-stress-constant feeling of guilt

    23 people tell why they will never sit on a diet 36417_5

    "When every time you think about everything that you eat, then stress, then stress stress, then fatigue and reluctance to go to the hall, missed workouts, again the self-vaccination and stress stress again, it is unbearable. Now I do not punish myself for the eaten cookie. The less I think that I am, the easier for me to focus on sports and on the union of the body and mind. "


    Because the decision came to focus on what the body wants

    "After the birth of two children, I wanted to regain my former shape. I too focused on the figure on the scales and did not hear my body and did not talk about it with my husband. Pregnancy taught me to appreciate the opportunity to start the shoelaces and run over the bus. As a result, I adjusted my goals and everything fell into place. Including my sex life. "


    When realized that she was losing weightly, just to like other people

    23 people tell why they will never sit on a diet 36417_6

    "My comfortable weight was 68 kg. In the last grade of the school, it was reduced to 54 kg. So dramatically I lost it, because all the time was in anxious condition and my boyfriend riddled my weight all the time. Photos of those years make me hurt. "

    "Now I returned to my comfortable weight. Three years have passed. I have a new guy who tells me every time, what I am beautiful, and does not fit out of my food habits. If after pizza I want ice cream, I eat it. And that's it. I have not worked for a long time and do not feel in this needs. If someone does not like, as I look, it's his problem. "


    Because the diet has wedged into relations with a partner

    "I always felt humiliating, because I was sitting on a low-carbon diet and constantly sucked and sobbed, but not lost. My boyfriend began to be offended and resent. The diet threw. And never return to it again. "


    When the desire to reduce weight crossed with sports

    "I sat on a diet when I needed to lose weight in front of the competition on Powerlifting. It was then that I realized that we feel all these people who are sitting on diets. I will voluntarily sit on a diet never, because she takes joy from sports. "


    Because the body said no

    23 people tell why they will never sit on a diet 36417_7

    "I stopped the diet when I understood, losing strength and weak from her. When I started feeling every bone in the body, I said stop. "


    When diets began to influence mental health

    "I felt the diet harms my psyche. In my environment, women have a lot of restrictions, my grandmother died from complications from anorexia. I do not want such a lifestyle. "


    Because the actress Melissa McCarthy does not sit on a diet ...

    "On the diet, I felt terrible, even worse than when I had obesity. And then I read McCarthy McCarthy in an interview that she threw off their scales and focused on a healthy choice for her body. Thank you, Melissa! "


    Because they took their body as it is

    23 people tell why they will never sit on a diet 36417_8

    "I stopped attempts to lose weight, because I realized that it harms my self-esteem. And I realized that the form of the body forms a great set. "


    Because children are important to show a positive attitude to your own body

    "I stopped the diet, because I realized that I would give a bad example to my son. When I was within twenty, I was all the time refused to go out in a swimsuit on the beach, because I thought that my body was still in the process of "Dorisovka". When my child turned 2 years old, I sent everything to hell, put on tankini and we went to swim. I do not want him to be offered his joyful impressions because of my neurosis about weight. "


    Because on the diet it was more difficult to fight with my mental illnesses

    23 people tell why they will never sit on a diet 36417_9

    "I have five years of diagnosed depression and alarming state, the diet this situation worsened. I stopped watching my weight so as not to exacerbate. "


    Because loved their natural forms

    "I realized that diet was not for me when I looked at the form of mom and grandmother. This is our genetics, be rounded, so I sent all the forest. "


    Because they became intolerable to food and figures of other people

    "I turned into an eternally hungry feeder, who everywhere I had fallen my five kopecks about anyone that he eats and who looks like. I stopped the diet. And my doctor my decision approves.


    Because they realized that pop beauty standards have nothing to do with the beauty of the person

    "I at some point suggested that it is better to eat better than sitting on a diet. Better I will eat normally and I will be happy than he will be hungry and try to fit yourself under public standards that do not affect my well-being and the joy of life in any way.


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