How do zodiac signs suffer


All the happy signs of the zodiac are happy equally, and suffers, of course, each in its own way.


Capricorn suffers, boldly looking forward. Everything can happen to happen, Capricorn knows it and is ready to take a blow of fate in his beautiful powerful head forehead. And it hoping that all this will be ends in the near future. Rather, it's not somehow, but will definitely end well. This does not mean Capricorn - Pink Optimists. This means that Capricorn rests on the horns into the fence and reads the mantra: "The fence is not eternal, the fence is not eternal, fall, creature, Capricorn - a strong bird." And the fence falls where he will stand.


Aquarius suffers arrogant. Pathetic insignificant people are not worthy of learn about my pain. At the same time, it looks like an Aquarius so that pathetic insignificant people are concerned about - maybe he is "ambulance" to call? But Aquarius is an inexorable disgraced view, full of century old suffering, looks somewhere in the constellation named after himself. Yes, I called the constellation, whispering Aquarius, and you are weak? And, you know, somehow it becomes even easier for him.


Fish suffer with pleasure. It is possible that fish from inside scales seem to suffer that they do not like. But this is self-deception. The real fish hooked for any trifle, like a dubious call to her husband in the evening from unfamiliar Oleg Viktorovich, who, to the fortuneteller, do not go, Baba, although he says to a low baritone. Cooks, it means, and let's suffer. Yes, so that the reed is noise, the trees bent at fifty miles in the district. Eats and to dry will go. Well, what kind of fish is not drown - it is already details. Fish is not confused, but to designate.


Aries suffers silently. Not because the Aries are closed or, for example, afraid of public condemnation. Aries are not afraid of anything at all. They are simply sincerely sure that: a) you still can not help, therefore, it makes no sense to shake air; b) You just do not understand what is experiencing Aries. Because you are not Aries. So your personal experience, sorry, for God's sake, by default, shit. So Aries will somehow survive, not forward.


Taurus suffers destroying. This is this bright sadness, a quiet moan nose into the wall - it is unsportsmanlike, and therefore it is meaningless. The real sufferings of the Taurus are relatives and friends will be recognized by a characteristic nuclear mushroom, growing at the same time from several sides of the horizon. And the Taurus looks like a broom under the closet of the fragments of the trading and sad asks: "Why do I all of this?"


Twins suffer vermin. If you do not ask: "What happened?", Then you will learn about the twin things once about a thousand more than they wanted. The twin will begin on the autumn of 1993, when it was in a summer warm evening, and the trees have not yet suspected that the cruel winter is already standing around an angle with ice oblique and laughs over the carelessness of the local flora. That's how I am, a little naive twin, seven years ago laughed carelessly over the jokes of the main love of my life ... Never ask the twin: "What happened?" He will still tell me, but there is a chance that the story will start from the current millennium.


Cancers suffer from high methods. No, why immediately "thump"? Not necessarily. Cancer will sigh, remove the eyes of the mountain, listen to beautiful music and read books about self-improvement. Particularly advanced raks will be books about self-improvement to write. And young crayfish will begin with poems. About such: "Blood, death, pain. Night, shadow, darkness. You left, but your heart with me. Plak. "


The lion suffers in a good company. Suffering alone Lion considers vain spending time and mental resource. Bad must be all. Therefore, the lion is drawn into his experiences of all non-painted vassals, which have not yet had time to run away with a screeze in Kenya. And Vassaly, who did not understand how it happened, already perceive the offenders of a lion, as their personal enemies. And go to fight. And the lion condescendingly suffers - yes, yes, ask him, baby, thank you for me.


Virgo suffers constructively. Makes repair and gets the second higher. Therefore, devians are jealous. Like - you are so strong, you still stay, I could not, and you are so well done. Virgo, in principle, absolutely does not object to such estimates, but in the depths of the soul perceives his sufferings with gratitude. As a very time-in-time Magic Pendel, capable of creating real wonders.


Scales are trying to balance suffering something pleasant. Depending on the floor, age and financial capabilities, the scales balance their own suffering to the entire spectrum of enternetics from round-the-world travel on the yacht to the glass engine in the doorway. Therefore, from the side of the scales look one of the most unscrewing signs of the zodiac. But you just do not know what they have to combine these girks from cruel betrayals and delicious pleasures.


Scorpio is not able to suffer. Well, that is, he honestly tries, but not given.


Sagittarius suffer complex. The correct Sagittarius is loved by the reasons for suffering and trying to fit it so that they are all fired simultaneously. Let's say the Sagittarius can not just roar and drink bitter if his husband (or wife) threw him. Sagittarius will try to arrange everything so that immediately after the care of her husband, His (Sagittarius, not her husband) fired from work. And, ideally, you need to break the leg. That's right.

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