Call Ktulhu. Inexplicable sounds of ocean depths


American scientists recorded sounds in the ocean, the origin of which no one can explain. These are not tectonic shifts, not animals and not sounds of moving icebergs. What the theories did not speak out: from the unknown residents of the inhabitants of the ocean depths, to the aliens. And these are not the sluggish bunches of incomprehensible properties, but really powerful signals that have thousands of kilometers. Perhaps it is they who force whales to throw ashore.

We used to assume that the surface of the Earth has already been investigated in detail. But what about the part that is under water? For a minute, the world ocean covers 71% of the planet area. At the same time, the volume of water on the surface of the Earth is ten times higher than the volume of sushi above the sea surface. Yes, this is a whole world of unreal sizes! With all the efforts of Jacques, the Kosto and his followers, the world ocean is still very poorly studied. One of the ways to study the ocean is listening to it with powerful hydrophones. American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (NOAA) Start placing these devices in the ocean during the Cold War period to control the movement of Soviet submarines. But now these hydrophones are used more for the study of oceanic depths. Most sounds find an explanation - these are volcanic activity, collisions of icebergs, whales, even underwater flows have their own sound. But there are also such, the nature of which has not yet been able to install. We collected the most interesting sounds that are officially considered inexplicable. In order for the human ear to hear them, the records slowed down 16-20 times.


This sound was recorded in 1997 in the Pacific Ocean at 2500 km south-west of Chile's coast. The sound passing through ultra-low frequencies was such a force that it was recorded by hydrophones within a radius of three thousand kilometers. This is not an animal sound, as you can think first, because no well-known underwater animal can make the sounds of such strength. He lasted about a minute and never repeated. Fans of creativity Howard Lovecraft found the relationship between the "roar" and the book "Call Ktulhu". The sound was recorded approximately in the Khulhu habitat described by Lovecraft. They believe that this is nothing like a call of an ancient deity.


This sound was first recorded in the same 1997. The sensors that it recorded are in two thousand kilometers south of Peru, but the source itself is still south. It is possible that he is in general in Antarctica. At first, scientists thought that this is the sound of iceberg, cut into land or friction of ice, but, after analyzing it, came to the conclusion that the nature of the signal is different. As such sounds, it is not yet known, but they are repeated several times a year without a special system.


This sound was first fixed in 1991. Like the "deceleration" you can hear it now. Most often it is repeated in autumn and spring. Its source is somewhere deep in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean almost off the coast of Antarctica, 2500 km below the map than the most extreme point of South America. The source of the sound first considered whales, but they cannot communicate with the sounds of the same frequency, and even such incredible power. Another version is volcanic activity in the region, but no one can accurately explain the origin of the "lift".


In March 1999, the National Department of Okansky and Atmospheric Studies in the Pacific, a strange sound was recorded in the Pacific Ocean, which was called "Julia". Why Julia is not clear, perhaps this is the name of the daughter or beloved one of the scientists. The signal duration of 15 seconds was separated in the Equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean, somewhere between South America and Easter Island. The nature of this sound is still not clear.


This sound recorded only one hydrophone at a distance of approximately 2700 km west of Costa Rica. This in itself is strange, because usually such loud sounds catch at least three sensors. From this we can conclude that the "whistle" had a clear direction. It does not look like anyone fixed earlier.

A train

This sound received its name at the expense of the beep far-reaching train. He was recorded in 1997 in the Pacific Ocean a little south of Easter Island.

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