Are you oak, friend? Horoscope Druidov


Druids, as you know (is known, yes?), Believed that God created people from trees. Branch, branch, hollow ... Okay, no matter. The logic in the references of the Druids, definitely, was: people are different, trees are also obvious that the first originated from the second. And then the druids went further, tiring the birth date of a person to a specific tree. And that's what they did.


December 23 - December 31; June 25 - July 4

Apple tree - philosopher, stoic and altruist. The triumph of generosity, kindness and patience. The fruits of her works are used by all who are not too lazy to jump on the branches, the flowers are broken, and she, know yourself, sentences: "Eat, kind well done, my messengers, just on health." In addition, apple trees are excellent parents. They are conveniently physiologically, because apples from the apple tree, as you know, fall close.


January 01 - January 11; July 05 - July 14

In winter and summer slim, and no diets. A spruce is not exchanged on trifles and sets me exclusively grand targets. Get a nobel, Oscar or, as a last resort, change the world so that all people suddenly become good. If the sake of this will have to be hurry with glass balls and die in the smoked room surrounded by drunken people under the "old songs about the main thing" - spruce such small difficulties will not be caught.


January 12 - January 24; July 15 - July 25

Elm is an excellent friend who rushes to help, not believing with his own time, money and comfort. The problem is that to become a friend of Elm is not so simple, he puts forward serious intellectual and moral and ethical requirements for its potential friends. Those who test will pass will be rewarded with a strong shoulder for life. The rest remains to quote the article about knitting from Wikipedia (ovary top, one-minute marking, with one seed, flattened, goes into a column, divided into two branches, representing two stilts) and speak offended: "Well, it explains a lot."


January 25 - February 3; July 26 - August 04

Slender handsome man, simply created to clarify those surrounding with his perfection. The tallement of talents allows cypress, not particularly straining, conquer the galaxy, but he is usually lazy. The perfect picture of the world for cypress looks like this: here I sit so beautiful somewhere in the subtropics and look at the sea. Through the head chirping a thrush, the Senior Pliny sits on the cracked bench, behind the black hedge of drinking the noise of Pont, and hook from me with his galaxy.


February 04 - February 08; August 05 - August 13

Poplar pessimist. It is difficult to be an optimist if you just have to flourish as those surrounding begin to sneeze. Envy, do not go to the fortuneteller. Nevertheless, the poplar continues to stand on the boulevard and save from carbon dioxide of all the insignificance that do not appreciate it. That is why there are so many physicians among the poplars - yes, people idiots, but someone should save their stupid lives?


February 09 - February 18; August 14 - August 23

The cedar is never boring alone with himself. Hence the rule: the smaller around people, the better. And, ideally, people can generally replace, for example, dogs. Under the observance of two conditions: a) there should be quietly around; b) I should be delicious, cedar closely approaches the state to be called Nirvana. Kings Taiga - they are.


February 19 - February 28/29; August 24 - September 02

Whoever does not risk, he does not drink champagne, - written on the name of the coat of arms of every self-respecting pine. Pines do not know how to lower hands, and difficulties will only be an excitement in them. Guards king? And how much is the sword? Four? Oh, hurt! From these people you can do not do that nails - ship masts can be made from these people.


March 1 - March 10; September 3 - September 12

Iva Lyedie. It can be any if you understand what exactly is profitable now. And Iva will understand - she rolls people like nuts, and perfectly adjusts to the current situation. With such skills, IVA could live a completely quiet life if not excessive dependence on love suffering. If suddenly there is no suffering, then Iva will certainly arrange them, and go to cry over the river, lowering the branches into the water.


March 11 - March 20; September 13 - September 22

In the Slavic and Scandinavian mythology, Lipa was considered a symbol of love and beauty, and this explains a lot. Actually, this explains everything at all. But Lipam seemed little and, over the years, they developed such organizational abilities in themselves that the first president of the Galaxy, which united humanoid civilizations would be born in about these numbers.


March 22 - March 31; September 24 - October 03

Who argued with larch, he is not laughing at the circus. If mankind is lucky, the larch will grow and become a writer. If not lucky, larch organizes the sect. And you will all go there a raising step, selling an apartment and kidney. Yes, and you too, a cute reader, do not be contemptuously smile. Well, as you want - our business is to warn.


April 01 - April 10; October 04 - October 13

Drumkruzh, circle in the photo. Rowan is going to have time to try everything, because everything is so tasty. As a result, Ryanka does not have anything, but worry about this - a lot of honor. Robed Deadline? But I am beautiful, look, what are my beads.


April 11 - April 20; October 14 - October 23

If you want the maple to do something, order him not to do this as much as a frozen tone. Maple immediately will do on the contrary, exclusively from the feeling of contradiction in the framework of the struggle for universal justice. In addition, Maple has a sense of humor, pumped to level: God. So if you suddenly ice and terrible at night you hear a sudden knock - do not die from the heart attack, it is not a zombie apocalypse, this old maple is knocking on the window, pins.


April 21 - April 30; October 24 - November 02

Knees, slave, I am your big white mistress. Orekhov has an innate ability to suppress someone else's will. It saves only that the nut does not like to sit in place and constantly drives somewhere. Because in this somewhere else a bunch of people with unfigured will, disorder. Well, a close nut remains only to choose between a real collar and metaphorical.


May 01 - May 14; November 03 - November 11

Well, he only looks like - a gentle white flower. In fact, the main feature of jasmine is a dedication, and if there are some people on the way to goal, then Jasmine sighs wearily, pulls out the ballistic rocket of the Earth class from his pocket, says "nothing personal" and presses the red button. Marriage with Jasmine is a test for a strong spirit, but the survivors fall into the paradise else in this world.


May 15 - May 24; November 12 - November 21

Are you oak, friend? Horoscope Druidov 36410_15
Diplomacy for suckers. If someone behaves like a mouflon, chestnut will immediately inform: "You are mouflon," without thinking about the consequences. Chestnut is an inaccier for insincerity, so hypocritical people who have fallen into the radius of the Action of Chestnut, immediately arrive with the barbed ball in the slices. As a result, many Chestnuts can not tolerate, but friends know - this is a straight tree and really sincerely loves us.


May 25 - June 03; November 22 - December 01

Many wonder: "This is what she prevented ash to answer a simple question:" Where is my favorite? ". We answer: the question was initially delivered wrong. To obtain an accurate answer, it was necessary to formulate something like this: "Dear ash, you're so beautiful, here's a hundred bucks, and, by the way, you do not accidentally know where my beloved?". This does not mean that ash mercantilene, this means that the ash is mutually intended. You are with respect - and I am with respect to you. And if not, then go, ask the cloud or in the autumn. And I'm busy - I shake the foliage.


June 4 - June 13; December 02 - December 11

Hedhanteram should pay attention to people born in these dates. They are considered the best performers and do not hide in front of any tasks. This is especially true of works related to design or texts. Works where the customer, traditionally, moron. Grab here is completely indispensable. "Draw seven green perpendicular lines in the form of a blue kitten? Of course, I can, I am an expert. "


June 14 - June 23; December 12 - December 20

Fig, bastard, talented. And at the same time an excellent family man. At first glance, perfectly ideal and rags it. But from the point of view of the generally accepted morality, figs are very ambiguous. It can be either holy or absolutely immoral type, nothing average, only extremes. And at first glance, you never guess what kind of extremes chose this particular fig.


March 21 - March 22

Only two days, but these are the people who have a horse on the race, burning horses, adventures, travel, nothing I'm afraid, I'm wondering everything, relax, I'm all organized yourself. If you want to survive with an oak, do not be bored, and then he will throw you somewhere in the upper volt on an elephant pellet and climbs into an abandoned diamond mine with someone more fun.


June 24

Yes, I am a symbol. Give me honors.


September 23 - September 24

Favorite Tree Athens, and she did not choose. People born under the Wisdom and Victory Tree, as a rule, brings so that it seems that they would have hacked the code of life and juzate cheats. Perhaps the way it is - Athena is lucky.


December 21 - December 22

Beech - a tree strong and perfectly balanced. No shocks, everything is clearly, right and even with a light. With one exception - if you touch what the beech considers it to be, he changes one letter in the title, turns into a bull and plowing your belly horns to the spine. And so - the duke and napka, yes.

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