The horoscope of the nasty, which is worth waiting for the signs of the zodiac


We randomly dropped our magic ball from the editorial table, and he was terribly offended. Not a table offended, but a ball. And I gave us completely inappropriate characteristics, and the remaining signs of the zodiac also did not regret. It turned out that we are rare bastards. Even if ever in life did not drop on the floor there are no magical balls.



Absolutely soulless, cold, like iceberg in the ocean, bastard. Rare exceptions confirm the rule. Perhaps this is due to the fact that around the birthday of Capricorn every year the genocide of small elegant coming to us for the feast of innocent trees, but the Manyak's victims Manyak's motivation, in principle, is not very important.



Excaped selfishly hollow in the clouds bastard. It is impossible to negotiate with him about anything - the Aquarius always changes his plans with the wording "I did not succeed." The only way to keep good relationship with aquatic is not to count on it never. Well, or shoot - Love dead aquarius is easy and pleasant.



Lying, fantastically false slippery bastard. Like everyone, including yourself. I sincerely believes this lie and wildly offended when he does not believe. Lies absolutely optional for the sake of benefits - for fish is a kind of high art. It is impossible to insure this from this - ideally, you need to buy eyes to yourself, pierce the drummers and not try to get truthful information even at the level "What time is it?" Then ok.



Aggressive arrogant bastard. He considers everyone with insignificances, and, in principle, rights, but insignificance still hurts and hurt. There are no ways to struggle. The arrogance of Aries beats novel, overtaking fugitives even in the area of ​​the Pegasus Galaxy. The main rule of safety techniques when communicating with Aries - never communicate with Aries.



A gentle calf is nothing more than a mask of this artistic bastard, intended for sucking two modules, and, ideally, ten. Money loves to the odor. The last shirt really removes the sake of the other unquestionably. Another thing is that this shirt is usually removed not from the Taurus himself, but with some other confused and helpless body.



Scattered bastard suffering from infantilism in the terminal stage. Rather, no, why suffering? Quite enjoying. Gemini pretend to be absolutely helpless and even dead, as opossum, at the sight of danger in form, for example, bills for the apartment. And here are already thousands of compassionous surrounding people save poor Noshoshi Neshi. And the twins will be rearmed on the bed and chat, chat, chat, chat.



The mimicarizing bastard, pretending to be huge and all-grade lobster, able to solve any problem with one movement of the mustache or that Lobster over the mouth. In fact, passes under the stone and rushes his eyes on a string somewhere in the plankton. The meaning of life comes down to "Leave me alone, and better - die."



Snobbing bastard, elevating self-confidence in the absolute. Friends exist to listen to a reverently listen to lion's exploits. Feats of friends are elegant and issued for the deeds of the lion. The sense of her own greatness stretches for the lions by suffering around the train, so it is relatively safe to walk in a radius of one or two kilometers from the king of the beasts. It is possible that with an oxygen cylinder.



Petty, buying and mortar bastard. The pedantic of the Virgin is driven by three hundred and four hundred tons of Mary Poppins per year. Friends starts to notify. It turns out, it comes, and this song will last forever. Enemies from virgins are self-tasted instantly and anywhere where Virgo spent more than a month. And the presence of enemies of the maiden only pleases - this bastard is masterfully, with pleasure intriguing and knows a lot of sophisticated torture.



Emergencyly doubted bastard, always in search of simple solutions of complex tasks. Of course, it does not find. Soes inside out of all who are near, demanding to look together. As a result, the yell: "Yes, it went all nafig," Rubit Gordiev's metaphorical knots (if lucky) with a sword, and fragments of harsh reality are buried under themselves relatives, close and gone passersby.



Pathologically sad bastard. As a weapon uses mainly sex, but not at all. It can strangle the scented lace handkerchief simply to see how life goes slowly. Sits in the ward of measures and weights with the mark "Warm, I kill, roble caravans, trembling, babe, trembling."


Mysterious bastard, never opening your true face. May have thousands of defects, may not have, but stably strive. Aggressive optimist, actively despising those who suddenly waved. Always look benevolent. Never benevolent never. Are justified by the Investigue: "And how me like me?"

He listened to the nasty from the ball: Alexander Smilaanskaya

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