11 Hobbies that finish your home


Homemade tapering, what are you a boring tear? Do they believe that you lack the raisins? We have a great recipe, simple as a cactus: just pretty a hobby! And the universe will shudder, the skies will open, and if anyone has not hidden, the guilty themselves. Because from nowend - you are the original person, almost Cain and Manfred in one bottle, and they are miserable insignificant goats. Ha. Ha. Ha.

The photo

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Let now with bitter tears leave the yellowed instagram with Lazagne and duck. Now you have everything in an adult. And they will now eat "Ostankino dumplings" based on gennometified soybean. Because lens, damn it! In the evenings, they will shudder from your inhuman rods: "You yourself are reported!", "Yes, nothing needs to crimp!" And "you would have pated with such an illumination!". At night, on the way to the toilet, they will have to dare from the tripod with which you climb on the roof. Because Perseys, yes.


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At the sight of a conventional knife, suffer is suffering. On the nonframed cooking surface contemptuously spins. Uhuhav Primitive Honey, Demonically Hokhchchi. Having walked the word "mayonnaise", unsubstately sobbing. Having freezing that there is not stabbed, and blocks, be enough for the heart. All this human lowness and primitiveness can not even comment. Just show your whole view: "Do not mix my eggs!" Very soon you will demonstrate to the world something that he will choose the gastric juice. That's just buy the last model of the ginger, and immediately demonstrate. Immediately.


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First, relatives will be happy, because no longer need to think that you will give you a holiday. If the holiday is small - a handful of napkins is suitable, if a jar of specially trained glue will be used. These gifts are enough enough, in order for you to install in your own corner, and began to dig up, having dried the tongue and rustling with pieces of aki. But the joy of the family will not be long. They stick a couple of times, they will get a couple of times in front of the fact that there was a snaps of wrinkle on a plank, the lacquer sniffed ... In general, that day, when the cat pours a chest from Ikea in Your Angels (in what you have There will be an angels with angels from Ikea - you can not doubt), no one will punish him, and also coat.


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Around you with a witchcraft speed, paper jungle is multiplied, in which the herd of small figs and nonsense is cooped. Now, next to you, in no case can not be breathing - and God forbid, vacuuming. What is there - vacuuming - even standing nearby is not recommended. One excessive movement is enough to delveue the supercharged lover or lose the rare cabochon with a diameter of two and a half millimeters, and for the Kabashon you will surely kill. Your best comrades are now - tops and brides, and your life is a full journaling and, sorry for the expression, Embossing.


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Knit is an ancient esoteric practice. A cooler yoga, because it is not necessary to sit in the lotus position, and Nirvana, italic, it is provided and the process of this is infinite and inexhaustible as an atom. Now you do not get anything in this illusory world. And if some scoundrels still displays and climbs on hand - this is not pleased, Gadu. This is such an ancient car: two months every day to measure the new two centimeters of gum, after which you change the concept and dissolve all nafig.


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This earlier friends told you: "Let's Sunshim on Friday!" Today your colleagues say: "Buy a pillow of Vervaco and you will be happy." Those before you worried: "Did I clear the soup?" Now you are worried: "This marker is not abandoned!" You can now understand you only with a dictionary. Waffelka is no longer a meal, but a fabric, Gypsy is no longer a maiden in the subway, but a needle. And the embroidery soothes. Soothes, I said !!! Who is rzhet here, now the hoops climbs !!!


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You will start to give all the baubles, geneclones, butterflies and kittens. Even if they do not want it. The one who receives a heart woven with a four-grated cord and does not grab the heart from the tide of the senses, that traitor and the worship. Over time, surrounding will begin massively grunt. Because you are in front of them and we are mad, and we are mad, and you shake ...


11 Hobbies that finish your home 36403_8

Funny wool, like an animal breed komondor, and needles, like a beast dike, do not be afraid of anyone: scatter, sneezing and shaking off. And who suddenly sticks out, answer the voice of Zakharova: "Valya residents we. Simple Russian valves. What will give, that felting. " And all the kind demonstrate the willingness to switch for the right thing.


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Around the fog, stench and pairs of alkali. Neighbors come to find out if there is no one else to die in your apartment, as the spare stacks. And then you go to them all this in the respirator and with a broom of rosemary in a sweaty fist. You go out, and with all your appearance you show that critics - on soap. And at the same time you have never been joking, but, on the contrary, it is very serious. Because the wicked eco-friendly soap in the form of a heart is no joke, but an integral part of being and space. And in general, if God had the eighth day, then you know for sure that he would create it.

Exotic livery

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Catics are cute, but not for the present original. The present original should start at least a giant snail. And better than two - with an eye on the fact that very soon there will be two hundred. And even better - Tarantula. No, poultry. And necessarily red California worm. Ideally, all of them immediately. You come home, and they are rapidly you. Shells stuffed, a leg of a leg rubbed, chitin is hurt. With them fun. There are with whom to shower since the acquaintances began to bypass your home side.

Home Plants

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In your crypt never look at the rays of the sun. More precisely, they are trying. But first, they meet with the battery of the sun-bred cacti, then with a dozen plants, "preferring a bright, but cool place," and finally breathe in a number of flora, "well-breeding in the shade." But with flowers always fun. Sometimes they bloom with something inconspicuous and stinky, this is a big holiday. Sometimes fruit from the top shelf on the top of something sticky. Sometimes they cling to passing a long curly barley and urea is asked with a practically human voice. At night, the husband screams. He dreams that Zamiculkasi see him. And it is not surprising. Well, in the afternoon, they allocate oxygen. And at night, they crush him, eager-y-uh!

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