Your girlfriends. Instructions for use


Girlfriends - people are very useful. But different. And we often use them, not paying attention to the tactical and technical characteristics of a particular girlfriend, and then sit in misunderstanding, asking the great existential issue: "Maybe we offended someone in vain?"

Here is a brief manual, use and offend others not by ignorance, but solely in the case.


She lives in the social network, spreads in the social network, drives in the elevator in the social network, is preparing in the social network and, of course, commentators are eating under encouraging applause: "Well, you and the hostess, that is well done."

Terms of Use : Open the last post of girlfriend. Sleep. To comment. Put emoticons. Ideally - repeat.

Prohibited : Do not like, not comment, say: "social networks - sucks."

Girlfriend Ezoterik

She, it seems, is normal, normal, and then - Hovid: the moon in the third house, transit uranium in the Taurus and the bed you are not on the fancy, so you can't marry anything.

Terms of Use : Ask to pay out, a week later, ask to pay again, to lie, that everything came true.

Prohibited : refer to official science, tell the anecdotes about psychics, say: "Blavatskaya - sucks" (say: "Blavatskaya? Who is it?", - It is forbidden categorically).

Girlfriend-insane idea

This is a girlfriend who has no shive in the pope. She has an electric drill with a twenty drill. With it, as a rule, it is very hard, but never boring.

Terms of Use : With a certain warehouse of character, you can follow the girlfriend, not disposable. In this case, there is a chance to get there to the hitchhiker to Nepal, sit in Cambodian prison and pick up the billionaire (or schistoplasmosis - as lucky). Otherwise, it is possible to record its stories, sell the rights to the decree and become famous.

Prohibited : To say: "You yourself are to blame, I did not need / insert the essence of a crazy idea /".

Friend drama

Her again someone threw. And she spars again that one will forever remain forever. This happens with the frequency once a year, all the rest of the time she boasts a new guy, which finally gives her a fate as a reward for previous suffering.

Terms of Use : She always has something delicious, because she either hesitate the grief, or celebrates. You need to go to visit and stroking on your head or delightly sigh - in terms of the situation. If you need advice in personal matters, this is the best friend for these purposes. She has advice even with mezzanine fall - nowhere to storage.

Prohibited : Open her eyes to the harsh truth. To her, men regularly arrange a similar perfomb - she truth and without you know.

Girlfriend-perfect mother

Most likely, you are friends, because you are the same. Friend perfect mother is once friends with other people.

Terms of Use : Record! This is a very, very useful girlfriend. She read the entire Internet and went to courses. She knows exactly what color should there be pixels! Even if you do not have children - they will ever be, so collect the full abstract, do not be lazy. It will be useful.

Prohibited : Argued with the postulates: beliefs a friend about children's education and health are akin to religious - do not dare to encroach. It is also strictly forbidden to say: "Let him grow up, what are you soared?".

Girlfriend - imperfect mother

She tries to minimize social losses after the birth of children. If you do not know that it has a child, then it is very difficult to guess - she does not try any topic to reduce the color of the windows.

Terms of Use : Learn a healthy pofigism, bring examples of how wild children suffer, whose mother is watching. Include in active vocabulary the word "hyperopka". Pronounce it with a light shade of squeamishness.

Absolutely forbidden : To say: "But Ivanov's daughter goes to gymnastics, in English and floristry courses." The imperfect mother knows that she is imperfect, and it is, periodically, ray.


It is optional boss, it can be a freelancer. But the essence of the same - she spun and terrible rich. Well, maybe not terrible, but rich.

Terms of Use : Pretend that you do not notice her new Lexus. Do not refuse money and gifts, if she offers them itself - why does she have money if she can not please close? Praise her if he boasted - in the end, she deserved.

Prohibited : To be offended that she missed your birthday if she had a grandilage. To tell her that a year did not eat meat for a year - she will run away from the feeling of guilt for a week. And, of course, it is forbidden to say that money is a bullshit, because they are never a spiritual scrap.


Writer, artist, need to emphasize. She is all so mysterious, all such contradictory.

Terms of Use : Praise and, hopping breathing, applaud. If she is really well done, you need to piano it in all possible places. If you do not like the next work of art, do not act as criticized critic, and praise anyway. Creator do not need a lot.

Prohibited : Praise other poetess (writers, artists needed to emphasize).

Padssimist girlfriend

It is extremely important to distinguish it from girlfriend drama (the rules of use are differ radically). At that - completely emotions, and this - the grim tired of the hopelessness. Everything is bad - husband, children, work, life, health, people, books, movies and even the article This is some kind of shit.

Terms of Use : beat. If it did not help - the electric shock. If it did not help - insulin coma. If you do not pull it out, she will quickly cease to be your girlfriend, because you will die young.

Prohibited: Do not beat. Even if she gets tired of your "stand and go", you at least made that they could

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