10 pictures on how guaranteed to bring a man crazy games in bed


Many have already tried the councils from articles on how to bring a man in bed crazy, and he goes everything in his mind? Well, then the last tool. Here he will not stand.

Play with his hair


In the scalpe, many nervous endings. Do not be surprised if he crawled goosebumps on his back.

Len the tips of the nails on his back


It is cute and passionately at the same time.

Write on his own fingers the word "hummus"


Worried and intriguity!

Get ready to prepare in advance hummus and smear between his fingers


The feeling whom he has never experienced in bed.

Slowly and sexually hitting a little hummus between the fingers of corn chipsyin


It is corn, not a writer. Details are important!

Looking closely in the eyes, gesture offered him to eat chipsyin with humus


For a while, he will plunge into the most real trance!

Without breaking look, naked chipsyin humus on his cheek


Another new exciting impression in bed!

Approach him and get the peas of chickpeas ... from your bra!


Intrigue is stronger.

Gently put the skirt on the pillow near his head



Pass to the door in pouring intimate silence. Before you go out, wemicky another time


And if he did not go crazy at this place, he was just hopeless, that's all.

Vector illustrations: Lorin Brandz

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