What bitch do you live?


Women love to compare with cats. And we do not understand why? There are only two types of cats - wild rats of rats and home devouries of human resources. And how can women be divided into two types? Haha, yes - okay, we are at least a hundred!

PICS chose from this hundreds of types of twenty most common. And here tell me where the cats are there? There are alone solid bitch!

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

You never turn off your mobile phone. And he never discharged, because you wear a spare battery with you. And her phone has the rooms of Kosyna, Drona, Marat, Alexey Petrovich and the dude, who sewed your console. She always knows where you, and if suddenly he does not know, you should urgently call and tell. She will then call back and check. And God forbid you are not there. God forbid.


Wow, what bitch! It will go to the desired goal in corpses, and those who did not die from horror at once, bite her head. Elegant woman. We hope you managed to enjoy universal envy and comments "Well, you're a man!" From friends. Because now you have no friends. Who will come to your house when you have a woman with a life credo "dominant and humor"?


Does she all better understand you? In everything. She is smarter. She is rushing. It has better developed memory and communication ability. She can give birth to children, in the end, and you are not. Because she is a man. And you are not a man. You are a shameful product of the patriarchal society, an animal endowed with physical strength and only therefore also power. About this she writes posts to the Community "Feminists". Fortunately, reality and virtuality are two big differences.

Central asian shepherd dog

Congratulations! You are incredibly lucky. She is a real combat girlfriend, which, if and hide behind your back, only because from there it is more convenient to serve you cartridges. She is behind you and in the fire, and into the water. Will not quit. Will not betray. True, if you suddenly gathered to betray it or throw, we are in a hurry to inform: there are much less painful ways to reduce scores with life.


She needs to be with you all the time. Together to relax. Together to walk. Get together cooking dinner, watch movies, cleaning. She doesn't even go to girlfriends, because she is missing there without you. But she goes to fishing with you, because unbearably sitting in an empty apartment without you. This may, and not bad. You are even ready to endure joint campaigns for dresses. But how, damn it, get used to the fact that once a month you should revise "pride and prejudice" and at the same time to eat chocolate?


Congratulations, the ball - you are the ballots. Because I bought, bought, ha ha ha. No matter what. Maybe on its extraordinary, greatest beauty. Maybe on even, only the smallest character. Maybe you were captivated by her exquisite sense of humor. It does not matter. It is important that all of these advantages is just a mask. The mask, which she will remove, as soon as I understand that you are on the hook. And under this mask, the monster is hidden, in the spacious, called monkey with a grenade. Moreover, both driving and in life at all.


We advise you to marry it immediately and start three-four charming spinograms. And buy her kitty, dog, parrot and some exotic room flower. Such, on which it is necessary to shamat: warm to the driver's water strictly up to 24.5 degrees and feed the homeopathically diluted rabbit litter. In general, providing it with objects to which it can attach its maternal instinct, otherwise it will attach it to you. So it will attach that you will breathe in times.

Jack Russell Terrier

Most likely, you will soon refuse alcohol at all. No, no, your woman is not at all against you to go with friends to football, and then noted the victory of your team in the bar. At this time, she will go with girlfriends to watch the movie in the open sky. But in the morning on Saturday, be good to stand up and go with her for mushrooms. It is necessary today, yes! Tomorrow you have a rink and riding lesson. In short, lie down at home, suffering like a hangover, you will not succeed. Let the kayak lie there until the season.


Next to her, you probably feel yourself a hero. Strong, mighty peasant. She is so tiny, so defenseless in this evil, a soulless world! At the first opportunity, you need to take it on the handles and kiss in the top. Otherwise, she will begin to tremble and look at you complaints about you. She is a fiber. Fragile like a flower. If you want to continue these illusions, never look at it. Especially if she went to Sberbank, in Dez or to the clinic. From her redemption, you have a membrane can burst - with unaccustomed.

Afghan Borzaya

She is very beautiful. No, not so - it is very beautiful. You are afraid to let her go to the street. True, you somewhat soothes the fact that those around it see no living person, but a goddess. But you are somewhat concerned about the fact that some of her can offer rest on the top of Olympus, and you are only Ikeaevsky sofa in the panel dial. To console you, unfortunately, nothing, but we can give advice: do not be taught with it. Be a hare. While she does not catch you and do not eat you the ridge, it will not be distracted on other appetizing hares.

Staffordshire Terrier

Not Virgo, but directly your boyfriend. I don't just agree to play the party in the Russian billiards under beer, but also offers. And she has a distinguished pancakes, a set with a spare neck and counter. If you have a common budget - you can be calm: there will not be the graphs "idiotic expenses", which includes manicure and new pallet shadows. It's so easy to be with her. Only here she has a custom bike in her garage, which she personally gathered from three Harleys and one Urals. And what did you achieve?


All right. You are all very, very good. Love your woman, enjoy a quiet, calm life. Economical, again, life. She does not need a weekend in Paris and wintering in Thailand. I even do not need Turkish coast. But it really needs a machine for cooking paste and a new apartment with three balconies. And then pelargonia is closely. Well, okay, we have bent about savings.

German Shepherd

She is in submission more people than you had a drinking companion, if you consider from the first Bottle of Portwine in the school locker room. And all of them are rams. Therefore, she should graze them in the day and night. You, of course, are proud of it. And admire. Whenever you see it a) not sleeping b) is not nervous in) not sticking into the phone. Well, during sex, in short, you are proud and admire. Once a week somewhere.


It is completely incomprehensible where this unfortunate creation took in your life. Probably, you shot down her at the pedestrian crossing. Or saved from the attack of the predatory Murzik, put on the entrance. Or you are a maniac hiding under the mask of a good doctor. Psychotherapist, naturally. And you seduced my patient. Separate seduced, and WHO and now there. WHO of its complexes called "I am Seriousness, Nice and the Panty, I will die lonely and my corpse is dominated by hamster"

German dog

In your house, some suspicious citizens with Dreadlocks, Shamann tambourines and full pockets of inedible dried mushrooms are constantly cast. You need to endure the mountain of empty bottles and shake the cakes from the pot with a ficus. Why do you tolerate it? Because it is not guests. This is food. Your woman will drink their blood and, maybe writing a novel. Or picture. Or play. The main thing is that she will not succeed in you. Well, if only in good sense.

Yorkshire Terrier


I didn't touch-it-it. Charming hatty. Charm, what a fool. Wonder how she lived, until you came - a wonderful knight, able to solve all her problems? Well, how to tell you ... Randomly formatted hard drive is not the only problem. There is still parallel parking, business partners from China and mineral water bottles with tightly welded lid. And she somehow copes with it. Tell hello to your inner Othello.


Thistle hysteric, of course. Bad babe is definitely. Again she needs more! It seems to you that she had to be born at the old woman at once - to sit at the entrance and shoot: what are these guests to the fifth apartment? Not otherwise - Diva Diva! When you again it will seem like this, ask yourself - why this is your five-year vacation in August, for what role you have in your yard there are always places for parking and no one drills concrete on Saturdays.

Border Collie

That is the most you searched for so long. Clever woman. Very clever. Damn, too smart. She all understands everything, it's never boring with her, you can talk about anything. She is your favorite, and the best friend. Exactly until some Babskaya Durge attacks her. That's then she will apply their deep mind so that your delicate, soft brains can be sophisticated as sophisticated. And then she apologizes and admits that he was wrong. Like any smart woman.


You, along the way, alcoholic. Or a moral disabled, devoid, say, empathy. Or you gout. Or in childhood you have been sick with meningitis and since then your eyes twitches. In general, you have something wrong, so you need to save, heat, fly and climb. If you are just an unshaven sump type that suffers from unmotivated aggression outbreaks - do nothing. Just do nothing, and she will save you forever.

West Siberian

We hope you have already begun to postpone money for the purchase of land in an environmentally friendly area. We also advise you to get second education in the specialty "Veterinary Case", because you will be treated with your cow to you. What cow? Well, how is that whose milk will drink your children grown in a generic nest in an eco-friendly area. What children? Well, those whom it will be in the sling that she has already ordered. Total three hundred dollars, but from natural cannabis!

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