10 actions that prove that women are ruthless


Pics went crazy, say you. The most girl resource suddenly writes such a nasty, you will say. Do you know what PICS has to say? There is no smoke without fire. We are ruthless because otherwise we have a lid. In any case, these 10 reasons to be ruthless exactly did not come up with us.

Women can not refuse to sympathize

Remember what moms took us? If lost - immediately go to the policeman. Now children teach another: if he was lost - turn to the woman. Best of all - to a woman with a child, but also lonely too will come down. Why is that? We are too scared by crimes who are male against children. We do not want to think about the fact that women often become bombs. We want to think that a woman is the embodiment of compassion and sympathy. And we, who will sympathize with us, eh? No answer. "You're a woman you owe" - we all at birth put stigma. Lady Winter was at least Lily, and we had a dandelion, it seems. Well, how, hunting to be nursing from under the stick? Yes, the trait with two.

Women hate women

No one with such an ecstasy will begte women like other women. The feminine shouts and hears from the midwife not the words of sympathy, but the ruthless "What are you yelling?! When Fucked - did not oral, I suppose? " A woman spreads photos from the beach in the social network and reads comments "Fu, well, you and fat. Salay piece. Scot Broadcast! " - And they write these women. The young mother does not dare to tell that they are tired of the child - they will creep, flood, bite the stones. Virtually, of course, but it is not easier. But asks, who needs such a woman - submissive, patient, behind himself? Men, of course, not to the other women. And women branding their sisters, sign men - hey, dudes, look, I'm on your side! I play for you! It is clear that these are not their fault, but their trouble. Someone inspired them, that only on that side there are cookies.

Women believe that the fool is to blame

There is nothing ruthless than the abandoned "the fool itself is to blame." Because the victim is never to blame. Never. Point. And after all, women are able to regret the sick child, or the young Likhach, who independently causing the cat-walled bar, but the victim of violence, for example - never. The fool itself is to blame. I knew where it was. Provoked. There was nothing ass shining. And okay, they would quietly believed in it - so it's also voiced. Rt. This is understandable, the simplest protective mechanism: she is a fool, so she was raped, and I'm not a fool, which means I am safe. No woman in the expanses of our great Motherland feels safe. Hence here. Result.

Women feed homeless animals

Dobly people, well. Elementary logic - the starving animal does not multiply, it is looking for where to devour. But here sweet granny will bring a bucket of rotten dishes - and voila: instead of one homeless animal we have ten. Ten unfortunate kids doomed to terrible death - from diseases, from the hands of sadists, from hunger, in the end. But the woman does not feel sorry for these hypothetical suicide bumps. She is sorry for this particular kitty. Or Sabachinka. Why does she do it? And because she has no place to attach. Maybe she could adopt a couple of children, but she was scared by a twisted gene pool. Maybe she could become a volunteer, but we have volunteers on the position of slaves and scapegoats. Maybe she could make a career - A, no, she is a woman. She desperately needs one - to be someone necessary. But she does not need anyone. She does not need straight cats, but here at least easily feed illusions.

Women do not part with assholes

If a woman is a childless orphan - there is a way and here. In the sense - she is ruthless to himself. But usually a woman has a family. Mom, dad, children. Brothers and sisters. And all of them arrive from the asshole, whom a woman cannot be expelled. This cattle can beat and indulge children, steal a pension, arrange rides, and a woman will cover it and endure. And observe how her loved ones are burning in hell, not dead. Because no one will help her. Because "kill - then come." Because she believes that otherwise he will kill everyone. And no, she is not the fool itself to blame and really did not see who leaving. Well, we refine this just in case.

Women fell into advantage

Wives of alcoholics and players, mother of drug addicts and criminals - are they always the victims? Oh no. Sometimes they are violent. "You should be bad so that I can be good" - here are their motto. The unfortunate victim will never be saved, but also to quickly knee will not give her. And on whom then to put life, eh? Women love power no less than men. In women from the shoulder joint, the iron hand sometimes grows. Only where to attach it, is asked? Children's kindergarten? Yes, you can. And if the upbringing is not your luckee - please overshadow in a glass ceiling. In my kitchen, you rule.

Women feed revenge cold

Not that men are not vertigan, this sinning is also found behind them, they are symmetrically replied. But somehow immediately, on hot trails. But a woman can pretend that he swallowed offense. And even be friends with a hated offender. As long as the right moment comes. But not in vain a snake - a symbol of femininity. Only here is not just a snake, here the Umoboros is a snake, devouring his own tail. In other words - a vicious circle. A woman can not defend themselves right away, because everything will be opposed to her: the fool itself is to blame, where you are climbing, not a Babskoy this thing, yes. What does she have to do? To wait. True, while she expects - it will time to lower the steam. Guess who will arrive at the same time.

Women bring up daughters in the spirit of patriarchate

Why do you need a machine, you're a girl. Do not climb on the tree, you are a girl. Do not beat Petya, you're a girl. How can you broadcast such a rubbish in the 21st century in the 21st century? For what? So the fact of the matter is that the 21st century, in which we all became elves. Thirty-year woman is now a girl. Young fairy fluttering in the rays of the Sun and collecting nishtyaki: compliments, gallant attitude, loving views. She and her girl wants to the same. It is scary to become a woman who you need you need?

Women leave children

Own. Right in the maternity hospital. If a woman throws a baby on the garbage, or bursts in the snow, or stipulates a pillow - it is most likely postpartum psychosis. And if she writes a refusal - it is still a conscious, weighted solution. Is it so possible? Although a drop of pity is in this female? Well, at least instinct? Or maybe our girls in school explain what contraception is? Not. Maybe women do not rape? Not. Maybe a single mother can have a child to allow a child? Not. Maybe we are not washed with brains for the subject "Abortion is the murder"? Not. Maybe fathers take part in the life of a child on a par with his mother? Not. Maybe we are all perceiving an extramarital child, like happiness, and not as a shame of the family? Not. Maybe a woman can raise a disabled child without putting a cross on his own life? No and no again. So who is cruel here, eh?

Women apply a retaliatory blow

But this, a clear case, there is no excuse. Classic "And for what?!", Yeah.

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