20 signs of maniac perfectionist: how many of them do you have?



What do you think: Perfectionist is praise or curse? So, and "Increased pressure" - praise or curse? The fact of the matter is that both are just a deviation from the norm. And even if you feel like in that joke: "Doctor, why suffer - I enjoy!" - It does not mean that you will not earn yourself chronic fatigue and bouquet of nervous disorders.

Test yourself: Pluses in most items - this is already a reason to visit the psychologist. Of course, only the most reliable and steep! ;)

one. Mom with dad (or with grandmother) dreamed very much so that you become a famous musician, an athlete or someone else.

2. In school, you were afraid to get a bad assessment or shielding a remark into a diary - after all, "then I just won't love my parents."

3. You can not not compare ourselves with Marketing Director Tatiana Eduardovna or Steve Jobs. And comparisons are somehow very often not in your favor ... It hurts, but you work on yourself.

four. Why communicate with those who do not seek anything? This is your praised "small person", who has no goals - this is just no interesting empty place. Episibing to get to such a "relaxed" (that is - vegetable!) Lifestyle ...

five. You are afraid of errors. All these soothing tweets that "they learn" and "they are the best coaches" - all this excuses for inadvertent weaklings.

6. Planted with people because of anything - it's fu. You and I would not have allowed this, and in others it does not justify.

7. You all the time make up lists, but if not all items are crossed out, it spoils you mood.

eight. You often fall apart, because when collecting it turns out that no shirt fitted under these shoes. That is, these two else would fit with the stretch, but one fold, another spot ...

nine. "You can't do it - better not do at all!" Speak such an environment or yourself?

10. Periodically, terrible memories of failures that you suffered are coming to you. And they gnaw, gnaw! Now, if you could go back and fix everything ...

eleven. If you sit on a diet - and suddenly, suddenly ate one cookie, then this means that the whole diet covered with a copper basin. And what, it's not all the same, it was broken.

12. Having decided to sign up in the gym, you first think about it in detail, what kind of sports suit and sneakers to purchase - and long-thoughtfully study all the advantages and disadvantages of different firms and materials ... This stage can last for months.

13. It is all that you are all waiting that you will have something non-standard, you will make any task steeper than everyone. And you just can't not justify these expectations.

fourteen. If you have a really brilliant photo, and under it put ten miserable likes, the day is spoiled. What is there day! The world is cruel, unfair and imperfect.

fifteen. You always got brilliant presentations, and today suddenly got dull? Catastrophe. The feeling is that this is the end. No longer work. I wrote. Sob and go on the roads.

sixteen. When you see a poorly irrigated courtyard, you want to catch a janitor and make him a pair of tender ... constructive comments. You would have done better, although you have two higher.

17. Going on vacation, you try to make work for these two future weeks in advance, although according to the rules, the deputy may well be performed. But he defines accurately, for it does not take into account all the subtleties and does not suffer for the whole soul so passionately as you.

eighteen. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you first notice pimples and wrinkles. The same parsley with photos: will lay out anyone your personality in Facebook - and you are immediately in a personal in the horror: "take my face, please! I'm there in such a terrible perspective! " However, to find a photo with an angle, which would be "messenger" for you, not so easy ...

nineteen. Having come to visit friends, you always notice where the wallpaper was broken, and where the web was formed. Sometimes you can even start the dishes to wash so that it is not so torturing the view by the contemplation of this Pisa Mountain in the sink.

twenty. "Going to the top, keep climbing," said Keruac. Correctly said you think! It is a pity that you didn't say that ...

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