The coolest board games for any case


It was evening, there was nothing? Square to make captain! We will go different ways. As if fighting and playing. Black drawer in the studio!

For confers


Scrabble (scrab

Yes, this is he, our favorite in childhood "Erudates", only with the Bourgeois title. In the middle of the field, the first word is laid out - and each player, putting the letters for it, forms new words. Then gets glasses - depending on the price of each letter and the field on which it (letter) is worth it. Chur, in the dictionary not pry!


Abstract logical toy, something resembling and scrabble, and domino, and noliki cross. It is necessary to first place the multicolored pieces of different forms in the desired order. Why on these simple actions so faster - unknown. Maybe chips hypnotize: such bright, cool - straight as candy.

Alias ​​(he "Alias", he "Elias", he "Say Other")

It is necessary as soon as possible to clarify your team a unagreeable word - in other words. At the same time, one is not used. The more "to look" for a certain time, the closer to victory. Vocabulary develops at times, and thus exercise a foreign language ...


The famous economic strategy in which the Americans were still in the midst of the Great Depression, and Soviet people - since the time of restructuring (only in the form of a clone named "Manager"). Oh, what great pleasure is to buy firms and real estate, for a moment forgetting about the course of the ruble and buckwheat!

For "cultural holiday" company

Heroes of the film


You catch the inscription on my forehead, and everyone see her, besides you, naturally. And here we will understand who you are now! More leading questions - more specific answers. "I am an animal? Yes? Cute? Not?! Not cute?! " By the way, entertainment from the film "Inchlastic bastards." Very cheerit and fun.


The principle is simple as three fifty: you get cards with tasks, you or you perform, or you say "Oh, well, no, I will not do that!" - And then you drink the penalty. Clearly, the more penalties - the less "boobs" and more Plezair. And periodically suddenly "bear comes" and everyone climbs under the table. In general, the whole people are having fun.

Fanta "Guliana"

A festive party, on which everyone is not very familiar with each other, with the help of this fun ceases to be languid. In the process of performing tasks, participants are disclosed from the unknown parties and become each other's closer ... closer ... even closer, Banderlogs ...

Drunk roulette

The most pleasant roulette option. He will never be ruined you, but it will be thoroughly relaxed in any case. All because the tapestry is alcoholic - she is a win-win! Do not be nervous, nor think. Know poured in a glass and groppy the loyal alkazeltzer in his pocket ...

For videos



According to the principle, it is similar to the same "Dixit", only it is distinguished by the execution of pictures (here they have a degree of bellish even higher), the number of players, the rules for counting points and some other nuances.


Psychedelic drawings are depicted on cards (Doctor, where do you come from such pictures?). Player's task - Pick to the image such an association to guess it is possible, but as it should break the brain. "All guess" or "no one guess" is the wrong result. It is necessary so that you guess "only some particularly perverted"!


Darwin from the envy of the elbow would see if he knew about this game. You get a few species of animals and develop them gambling, it is and affected by the harsh laws of natural selection. Yes, alone animals eat others, but they are yours! So everything is in order, no one starves. But you can make a militant, taking the whole food from a neighbor or putting his animal any nasty property ... Then your lizard will survive, and the neighbor is not! Evolution in pure form!


The famous game for parties or reducing time in the way, unknown except that residents of Alpha Centauri. It is necessary for gestures to show the word from the card, that's all. Shine can be squeezed, but try to do it so that your team guess! And without a deposit, an attempt is not considered. So the acting skills and Tolika shamelessness to help you.

ACTIVITY ("Activities")

The game similar to the "crocodile" is only here to transfer the meaning of the word, not only a pantomime, but also synonyms, as well as drawings. In addition, the game's game success is visualized on the playing field with chips. Think, just draw "Swan Lake"? And you try!

For any case

Heroes of the series

Jenga ("Tower")

The game works on the principle of the card house, only in the roles - wooden lumps. We build a tower, take turns to take out "bricks" from the design from below and report them upstairs. Gradually, the structure is becoming more and more and more fragile, but miraculously keeps ... at whose move will happen by Sharakh?


Almost detective stories and riddles are encrypted in cards. You can ask only such questions that the presenter responds "yes", "no" or "non-essential." Got a response - do conclusions! It seems that such a dialogue is unpatched by family disassembly, but it is funny and informative.


If you have a deck of cards "Uno", you can entertain any number of people. The rules are elementary, the task is to reset your card that coincides with the game on the table. During the game, the response rate of the participant grows to the lightning, you can beat any records!


About the same spirit as "UNO", only here there are still special "swine" cards. In addition to irrepressible rye, which cause their names, they give participants a valuable skill - to substitute a colleague. In other words, laying a pig. For thymbynding, it looks like the very thing.

Mafia ("Mafia Lux")

Well, it is an eternal classic, only for consuming chic and showing it now produce props: books with rules and pages for conducting a protocol, masks, plastic cards. Here you and the sheriff, and the Commissioner, and Don, there are still there are ninja, Yakuza, maniac and even such fabulous characters like honest judges. That is, a complete set of roles for the transfer of players in the first half of the last century, into the atmosphere of passions and adrenaline. Only rapid weapons are not enough. Fortunately.


Strictly speaking, not a desktop, but an outdoor game. Anyway, cheerful. Here it is necessary to put the leg to a certain cell so much (special oil is spread) that you have to extract acrobatic tricks. Exactly, exactly will have, because if you touch the floor with your hand, you will lose! Therefore, there is very important sobriety in this matter. "Yersh" will scold later.

For kids


Angry Birds.

Desktop analogue of a mobile game, in which evil birds need to shoot from slingshot. And not just so, and in the pigs to get, because they steal the eggs in the birds. Here are some pigs! Here, of course, you can get angry. At the same time, destroy the designs built by the enemy. The nuclear energy of young electric vehicles is sent to a more or less peaceful direction.


Players are commander of the detachments of the gnomes that help Bilbo move towards lonely mountain. It would be nice to do it earlier than the dragon could ... However, in practice it turns out very difficult, because every turn brings some wealth. And when wealthy is wealthy, then there is no longer before the dragons!

Our family

Family life training for girls. It all starts from the wedding, then throw a cube ... And here it's lucky: maybe vacation, and maybe a quarrel or even divorce. You quarrel, you mirror, raise children - and so slowly reach the silver wedding. In the game, of course.

Cheese castle

We say "cheese", mean mice! Build a cheese castle from the game box and run in them multicolored mice. Delicacy brave crawls wander in labyrinths, and whose mice heroic will bring four pieces of bulk delicacy from the castle - he becomes the winner.

Knowledge chest

Indeed, the box looks like a chest. And in it - the answers to the most vital issues: what kind of rhino is able to invented the submarine, why were the pyramids built ... and many others who like to ask tirelessly small amounts of generators.

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