Test for a secret left-handle. What if you are a genius?


If you were born left after 1985, it may well be that, according to the harsh Soviet traditions, you were reappeared, first of all, the right right hand. And you can be a secret left. Such people since childhood, it seems, do everything, "as it should be", and in fact, they taxit the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the left hand.

Both options are not very useful for health. Violence over the brain and the organism can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences: from stuttering to depression, not to mention the disgusting handwriting. Check yourself, not a secret left-hand!

Verification of the body

Quickly bind the fingers of the hands and see which of the big fingers turned out to be top. If the left, then you are left-hand, and the right, clear case - on the contrary.
  • Now throw your leg leg. Here is the same story. What a leg from above is the side and leading.
If there is an opportunity, get used in place. If you spinning clockwise, this is a sign of Lefty.
  • How do you slapp? When people are applauding, the dominant hand is usually higher than the other.
Finally, lay hands on the chest, as if you are Napoleon, and pay attention to which the hand is higher.
  • Take several markers or other unstable items. And no, do not draw, but try to place them vertically. Take them at the same time with both hands and arrange on the table. What a hand can arrange more objects for the same time, she issued its dominant position.

Verify letter

Take a sheet of paper and handle. We stripped a sheet in half a long straight line, without taking off. Since you are not a robot, the line will still be a little curved. So check if she moved closer to the right edge of the sheet - Op-Panki, someone here is left-hand.
  • If in the previous test you are confused where the leaf is right and left, try another way. Draw a circle with one line, completing it with an arrow. If it shows clockwise, it is again, a sign of Lefty.

Checking a look

  • Take your felt-tip or pencil, hold it vertically in the hand stretched forward and look at it, without breaking down. Now the other hand takes turns to close each eye. If the pencil "shifts" when you close the right eye, then you are right-handed. And if left - everything is clear with you!
On August 13, you can celebrate left-handed day with other happy and, they say especially intellectual and creatively gifted friends.

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