17 Lifehakov for moving: a catastrophe is canceled!


One crossing is approximately two fires and three floods. This law cannot be canceled. But you can slightly change the proportions. A total of half the floor and some pathetic third of the floods - this mega-achievement is quite realistic with wise tips from PICS!

one. The great ambush of moving is that you simultaneously need some miracle and to buy, and somehow live: wearing dresses, wash shampoo, move from the bed to the kitchen. You can minimize the loss of nerve cells, if you divide the dwelling on the zone "here I live", "here I am dirty" and "here I have any labud, which is questionable." They will strive to flow into each other, but you do not let them. For incomprehensible home - posters have a hanging. And it is better to allay their (home) in a sanatorium. They are more bustling and confusion than help.

2. Carriage companies and specially trained movers are similar to cunning peaks. They will sing you sweet songs at the stage of advertising, and then they use cynically, they will smoke with enjoying one piece of cigarette, waiting for a bigger fee, and eventually throw you to cry in a puddle with a cracked beloved porcelain vause. All sadness is that they are not responsible for the bazaar-mess. So it is better to raise a srangian radio. Friends friends who know that in the case of what you will arrange a super-PR from the back of the repost, and in the event of another - the Mordobius will act with love and three times more efficiently.

3. It should be started with the fact that it is not used every day. This good is usually placed in the farthest corners of the storage room and table boxes. There are also the main applicants for sending to a charitable store.

four. Drop fuck and distribute! If you blame the thoughts of the type "Oh, I will not give, in this slam I first went to the nursery", "Yi, do not part, this is a ticket to the cinema, where we first kissed the genko," breathe, exhale ten times and sit down Lao Tzu or brand Aureliya. And then decree: I preserve one of ten memorable garments. Here in this box for memorable garments. When the garbage shock is filled, read the ecclesiast and raise the degree of ruthlessness.


five. Arrange the elephant distribution party and eating reserves. To friends to distribute candlesticks and feed cucumbers is not so sorry as throwing away. And for this friends, let them help then wash the fridge and unscrew the shelves.

6. From the day when the final decision was made, do not throw out advertising newspapers from the mailbox. Storage them in the zone "Here I am dirty." When it is time to wrap cups, glasses and plates, this "spam" will be on the weight of gold.

7. The battle for the boxes with the nearest stores - it took, probably anyone who ever moved. But the garbage shopping boxes love sprawling on the seams. A good option is to replace them with a considerable part to super-strong packages for construction trash.

eight. In the same packages with handles, clothing type coat-coats, jackets, right on the hanger is placed very well. Unworn, but bulk clothes can be packaged in vacuum bags: there will be a compact.

nine. Records on the boxes with a marker - of course, a tricky trick, but then the Castle of the head: what kind of "paper"? What is the sense of "different"? It is better to glue them numbers, and in a special notebook or write a detailed list with decoding.

10. Fragile goes to the pupil film. Especially to disclosure (anyone with shelves, boxes and so on) so on with scotch. But scotch is winding on top of the bags, but then we feed the traces and wash the traces. And even better - instead to use a painting tape, she has another plus: it can be broken and not to burden himself with scissors.

eleven. Unsigned from different places in screws unscrewed not where it fell, but to the signed bags signed by a marker.

12. Small trifles - handles, scissors, tassels, pencils, batteries, spare parts for devices, tubes with creams for all, glue - usually sprawl, as what ants. You can not pack them separately, but to assemble into the same sachets as the screws (only with dimensions are larger), and the packages put into some useful tanks of the type of boots. On the same matree principle, packets with croups are in the pan (if there are no friends yet), in hats - scarves, and so on.

13. Another important principle is "take care of the back." That is, do not take the hands of heavy. And they still have to move around the apartment. Bags-suitcase-box-nodes from place in place are not dragging, but "we transport." That is: the old bedpop is taken, he is taking heaving, then you take it for the end, like a burlak on the Volga, and pull on the floor. And the casheland.


fourteen. All that risks to be forgotten, tirelessly photograph the phone. For example, the procedure for carrying the wires into all sorts of important holes. Or roots books laid in the box.

fifteen. Actively use useful applications for a smartphone (for example, to measure items - partometer, and for packaging, respectively, the "smart packter").

sixteen. In some, not particularly large, but spacious backpacks to maintain a set of essentials. What will not go to the bottomless mouth of the truck, but will remain with you. According to the pre-drawn list: medicines, gaskets, the most important documents, a paste-brush, lens glasses, and so on. And a small supply of food and drink, which can be used without preparing. At a new place to immediately look for the store, unpack the dishes and it will be not very appropriate. And the stress can very much even want!

17. When you move to a new place, about the old you usually feel that you are already "not here." There, even a new light bulb is somehow reluctant. So here. Still, do not score finally on the house where you still live. And it creates it and frustures the entire Feng Shui. Flowers water, dust sometimes wipe. Take goodbye to the old one in good - and the new one will react to you, respectively!

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