Indigo children: a myth working against children


Once it was us called the generation of Indigo children. The psychics and teachers of the new formation, without prejudice, following a certain Nancy Anne Tepps said that it was among those born in the 70s or 80s a lot of special children and it was our generation that was destined to make something special: whether to save the earth, whether to be the only one On Earth, who will be saved when she is bothering and she will score humanity.

Children of Indigo attributed the ability to predict the future and see the past, read each other's thoughts, as well as admission to some true universal knowledge. From the TV screens, our peers are also depicted inspirational and superfolded nostradamusovs or gave some sacral truths.Forep forest is very bad! Soon our planet will remain without forests. And then we have nothing to breathe! Earth whispering me this warning when I go to bed, and asks to convey it to people!

Funny memories of funny nineties. Many people think that the hysteria around the children - the Messengers of the Universe remained somewhere there along with the charged by the chuma with water and the cooking fashion for newspapers about the life of Yeti and Wereworn's janitors. However, the myth of this living all alive. One mothers want a special child. The other child is already special, but they do not want to admit what exactly. What qualities indicate that your child has an indigo color aura?

  • Early intellectual development
  • Unusual seriousness
  • Huge sense of self-esteem
  • Disregard for social convention, rules of behavior
  • Unusually early manifestation of creative (poetry, drawing) or mathematical gift
  • Varying, hypersensitivity, anxiety; Frequent nightmarish dreams, strange phobias
  • Strong imagination, very developed fantasy
  • Eatless thinking
  • Interest in some global things, a tendency to argue about wars, ecology, human soul
  • Inability or unwillingness to lie even in trifles
  • Strange thoughtfulness, sometimes for hours, scattered
  • Amazing independence of judgments and deeds, detachment from parents Intellectual and emotional
  • Weak interest in communicating with peers, except for other indigo children
  • Household and social inaccuracies - indigo children not to such trifles, so they can not learn to tie the shoelaces they can and for fifteen years

Teachers and psychoneurologists argue that the qualities of Indigo children always have a very landmark explanation.

Nervous System Laborization at Early Age

Sometimes they make parents themselves. The hysterical mother and the aggressive dad is still a barn of the nervous system of stable. Sometimes there is a TV for parents. Psychologists have long argued that the long-term seat of a televisioner leads to slow intellectual development. In fact, everything is a bit wrong. Many children suffer from intellectual, but emotional and social development. But the worst thing is that the nerve kid's nervous system does not cope with the flow of visual and sound information and the large number of emotions caused by it. She literally smashes. The child can become too impressionable and susceptible. This sometimes helps in learning, but greatly interferes in life. Superxistence wraps with hysterics, panic attacks, high anxiety in general, fast fatigue, ADHD and even neurosis and clinical depression.

What should I do: Show baby doctor and psychologist. There, most likely, the first thing is registering the mode. Not only a day, but in general. Tell me how to gradually stabilize the nervous system. Maybe nootropics insertion, but not a fact.

What makes adepts ideas about Indigo: We are proud of the fineness of the children's psyche, hypersensitivity hypersensitivity, they cherish an increased anxiety (but only when it spins around something universal, of course) and are diluted with depressive states. Naturally, this approach only deepens the problems.

Syndrome Savantea

It is less delicately called the syndrome of a scientist idiot. It is sometimes observed in neurological problems, for example, in children with autism or suffer-brain injuries. With a Savante syndrome in a person, a very good memory is developing in the quality of the lag compensation, or the ability to quickly read in the mind, or it is incredibly well to draw without special training. In this compensation mechanism, there is nothing bad: agree, much worse when there are problems without interesting abilities.

What should I do: Assist the conscious development of the ability instead of encouraging its unconscious manifestation. Work with "weak places", helping if you do not catch up with healthy peers, then at least adapt to our life as possible.

What makes adepts ideas about Indigo: Demonstrate a child like a circus dog. As a result, very often the child will develop the surprise of their abilities and in some age it remains without a raisin, but with problems that no one thought to do. After all, "the norm of old mankind is impossible to impose a child from the new, better!" And "It will break his connection with the Universe!"

Pedagogical nestry

It is believed that the children of Indigo feel their exclusivity, their hill over the old non-profitable humanity and therefore have the right to ignore the rules of social interaction, the idea of ​​tactfulness and other susceptible prejudices. No, of course, the current rules of behavior are most likely imperfect and one day from many of them will have to abandon. But it gives us that the feeling of exclusivity in these kids is lovingly taken by Mom.

What should I do: To turn to a psychologist and with him to start working on the social adaptation of the baby, until it is too late. Ignoring social norms and other people's senses can also be associated with neurological problems: autism or clinical psychopathy. Here it is already necessary to deal with the specialists of the corresponding profile.

What makes adepts ideas about Indigo: Continue to feature a sense of chosen. At best, the child once will face a cruel world without a buffer, aware of the true nature of its exclusivity and will receive a strongest psychological trauma. At the worst, it will be able to reinforce her royalty real success and will continue to behave in Hamski, no matter how worse, but already with a sense of validity of his life position. Or vice versa. In the sense, we do not know what the outcome is worse, but what better.

Uneven development

Whether the circumstances were so formed or adults put efforts, but the development of the child went unevenly. First intellectual, then only emotional and social. In most such cases, the child catches peers in the late adolescence or even for years to twenty-five. Often even maintains an intellectual advantage. But almost always at the expense of the fact that social development was pregnant only to the lower boundary of the norm - only to become acceptable for the rest. Emotional intelligence often suffers. After all, the resources rushed to the most important thing - retention of intellectual superiority.

What should I do: Watch that the recycling in development is not very large.

What makes adepts ideas about Indigo: score. It is only important for them than you can admire and cause enthusiasm among others. All the rest they are ready for this to pay.

Mental disorders

Sometimes the child claims that he hears the angels, pierces the essence of the universe and understands the other special child without words simply because he is raised by mom-dad or realized that it likes others. But the case may be in the disease. And sick can not be a child, but someone from parents; This is one of the cases when "madness is contagious." Pope is fading, and all around begins to fire too. In any case, with the development of the disease from a child or parent, everything can end very sadly.

What should I do: Find, who exactly has problems, and treat. In addition to mental disorders, by the way, hallucinations and strange ideas can cause "ordinary" physical diseases. Tumor in the brain, asthma, serious problems with the vessels of the head ...

What makes adepts ideas about Indigo: They do not think so narrow! And in general, do not climb with your punitive psychiatry. And especially with his Meshchansky "we talked" when it comes to an extreme point and a trip at the ambulance psychiatric after hunting on demons with an ax. By the way, you cannot vouch that there were no demons there. You can't see Aura? That's something.

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