Torture in short. How does it work?



From torture, the strongest nuts and secret agents are brocatesed from torture. And many of us in this mode live almost constantly. Also proud - Evona, what we, and workaholics, and round-the-clock entrepreneurs. However, this mode may well lead to the fact that your life will be, of course, saturated, but to the offensive short. tells how the dream is arranged and why you without it.

How Son is arranged

Sleep is not a monolithic brick. In a good way, he must share for five phases going in order. The full cycle stacked an hour and a half. Such cycles must be five again. That is, 7-8 hours of vigorous snap fees - and you again cucumber, sane, frisky and creative.

Each phase has its own tasks and functions. The first phase is a falling asleep when you seem to be yet cut off, but I have already lost a relationship with reality. At that moment, surrealistic nonsense climbs in the head, but they can arise strange, and sometimes very useful ideas - you still do not sleep and continue to think about the day. The condition is similar to deep meditation, the level of serotonin and melatonin is growing, why it becomes cozy and good.

The second phase is a shallow sleep, when the brain translates the body into the "Fuck, Fighter" mode. Breathing slows down, the body temperature drops, and the brain starts digesting the information - simply speaking, puts order in the files, deleting what you no longer have to remember, and folding the experienced skills to already existing. "The morning of the evening wisely" is not taken from the ceiling.

The third phase is the transition from superficial sleep to deep. Wake you up at that moment difficult, the brain on the external stimuli is not distracted, it calls all the body systems: "How are you there, boys, everything is fine? Maybe I need to repair something? "

The fourth phase is a deep sleep, and we have nothing without it. During this time, the brain sets the endocrine and vegetative system, lathes, sucks and lines everything that requires repair. That is why sleep and truth is the best medicine. If you wake up during this phase, you will feel broken, stupid and unhappy. When the repair work is completed, the brain gradually translates you back to the third, second and first phases, and for dessert gives you a plush - fast sleep phase.

The head turns on the widescreen screen and the film is started. It is at this moment you see dreams. And when the movie is over, everything will begin on a new one. The end of the fast sleep phase is the most cool time for awakening. Why do we need a quick dream, scientists have not yet understood, but definitely - rats that are not allowed to watch dreams, in a month with a little romin. Do not try to repeat it at home.


Since each cycle lasts 1.5 hours, it is best to set alarm clock so as to wake up at the end of the cycle. If you wake up after 3 hours - through two full cycles - you will feel better than after a 4-hour sleep. And if there is no alarm clock, then the body will wake you up to the best moment for this.

It is clear that if you sleep with umbrellas and on the go, roll back the mandatory program of your brain just does not have time. Without repair and dogwood, the body and consciousness begin literally fall apart. Therefore, the consequences of insomnia damn are diverse - just say, there is plenty to choose from.

Cardiac diseases appear

The fact is that when insomnia, the pressure is almost always high - he just does not have time to fall, you are not sleeping. In 2011, scientists from Warwick's medical school found out that everyone who sleeps less than 6 hours a day is 48% more risky to get used from heart diseases, and by 15% from stroke.

Hallucinations begin


High-quality, good-quality insomnia can hexize no worse than shamanic fungi and other interesting substances. After a day after the last date with the pillow, you can start seeing all sorts of entertaining pictures that exist only in your head. The same effect gives a regular lack of sleep - one student, who, before preparing for the session, slept three hours a day, right during the lecture, an reliable waitress with a tray, which was walking on the audience, and the other girl, a young mother, donated with a baby to the cats - Seat, started seeing cats in every corner. And every time different.

Obesity develops

As we said, in a dream, the brain calibrates the endocrine system. And with a shortage of sleep, it, respectively, does not calibrate. With insomnia, the sensitivity of the body is reduced to insulin, and in order to achieve, the brain makes you eat more, and even choose something calorie - exclusively so that you get on such a refueling until the evening. All this together greatly increases the chances to earn if not diabetes, so even obesity. And most likely, all at once.

Male leather

And we are not only about the "Panda's eyes", although about them too. Lack of sleep causes the body to produce more cortisol stress hormone (because people suffering from chronic insomnia are rather challenged). And excess cortisol accelerates aging processes.

Depression begins

And what did you want if the cortisol is produced literally buckets? The most interesting thing is that depression causes insomnia, and insomnia - depression. So they cause each other. Welcome to the vicious circle.

Immunity suffers


A person's unreasonable person is not enough granulocytes - it is one of the breeds of white blood cells whose task is to reflect the attacks of bacteria. These cells are more actively manned in a dream. No granulocytes - stocking handkerchiefs. Best case scenario.

Rides the roof

Moreover, the direction of its movement can be any - scientists have already proven that the lack of saws can provoke the development of the most real schizophrenia or paranoia, and it leads to the emergence of panic attacks. If you remember, in the "Fight Club" everything also began with insomnia - and it ended almost an anarchic revolution. In the American journal Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine recently published a study that has shown that 72% of people who are insomnia are, at least once thought about suicide.

Spoil relations

And literally with everyone. Because with a lack of sleep, we become socially stupid - that is, we lose the ability to soberly assess our emotions, and the emotions of someone who is becoming nearing. And the emotions of a non-liberated man at least fade, and all some sorts of dumb. In 2007, doctors from Harvard and Berkeley found out that those who do not fall out, the emotional brain zones become more reactive - by 60%, if you are accurate. In practice, this means that you explode because of each oblique look. Sleepy brain barely cope in order to support you in a vertical state, underwent him to spend resources for a detailed analysis of the situation.

The reaction is worse

Ask about this all those who thought and flew to the oncoming. Ah, no, not to ask anyone else. Non-shows increases your chances to get into an accident with a fatal basis almost 3 times.

So running to sleep!

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