Great spring cleaning. Manual


General cleaning is a terrible thing. Because it is completely incomprehensible, for which they grab. The General Spring Cleaning is a very terrible thing. Because you also need to wash the windows.

Calm! Pics knows what to do. We offer to make cleaning during the week. No, you can, of course, manage in two days. But the article about the most intricate ways of suicide, then we will write later. And now we will tell you about how in 7 days bring the apartment in the perfect order. And here's another. Start better on Friday.

Day 1. Disassemble a durable cabinet

And no less respected hallway. It's time to remove the winter boots away away, which all stumble the last 2 weeks. Everything, cute, winter will not! Well, for some time for sure. So - the first thing to collect all the unreasonable things. Happers, mittens and other scarves should be wrapped and removed from the eye. Winter shoes - in the boxes, jackets - deeper in the bowels of the dirty. Divide everything spring and hang closer. In the process of cleaning, the cabinets can finally be swallowed. Do not postpone tomorrow, from what you can die today. No, you will not fit into these jeans. No, no, never fit.

Day 2. Sleeping

We must immediately throw something (not a husband, attention, not a husband !!!). Someone smart invented the "rule of four containers." The principle of this: Take four boxes, on one write "to give away", on the other - "throw away", on the third - "carry in place" and on the fourth - oh, happiness! - "Keep". We believe that this very clever someone was a fool. Well, tell me, do you have time to sort trash in four piles? Or think, whom to make the surname vase of faceted glass? You don't have time for this. Therefore, you will need only one box. Okka razor in action, well. So, go to the hallway and from there start bypassing an apartment clockwise. Or against - as you are more convenient. Collect everything that lies in your place. Well, okay, if everything in one box does not climb - take the second. As soon as they collect - leave the boxes in a prominent place and take the packages. Yes, the very black packets that attract bad associations. Sui in them all that you no longer need. Then - everything you need, but not very. Then open the top box of the chest, and .. well, you understood. Emission it all. But now take the boxes with what was not in place and move the same route that at first. Only things are not collecting, but, on the contrary, lay out in places. By those places where they should lie, and not by where you took them. Well, we refine this just in case.

Day 3. My windows

Now it is clear why you had to start on Friday? That's right because today - Sunday. You can not wash all windows in one evening, you have to start in the morning. No, even if there is a magic steam generator and a comfortable scraper, and even if there is no curtains that need to be washed and stroking - you still do not manage in a couple of hours. Windows must be washed during the day. Because each window has a useless process, called the windowsill. And on each windowsill lives some plant. Which also need to wash, take a haircut, feed and go to bed. Not to mention that the long-haired Mokhoye Venedikt Athenogenovich also needs special care. This mummy needs to be taken into the hallway (well, to throw out in the evening), and then, when all the windows are washed - attributed to the bathroom and begin meaningless resuscitation procedures. Because without him somehow alone. Maybe if the dust wash and pour - it will rise? But what if?

Day 4. Remove the room

Here the principle is very simple: moving in a circle from the entrance door and remove from top to bottom. You will need a convenient roomy bucket into which you can shove your entire rich arsenal - brushes, rags, cleaning products and a bottle of cola. No, no, no need to do anything - it must be drunk in the process. So fun. There is, however, one is regrettable, but: first you will have to fit the ceiling. From this you immediately goes off the neck and want to lie down. Just a minute! Calm, only calm - the worst thing is done. Now you can move sectors. That is, if there are many paintings or mirrors on the walls - you do not need to immediately remove, wash, and hang back. Made a step - and my only what you see in front of you. So the truth is easier.

Day 5. Sleep the kitchen

And we knew, we knew that the kitchen was, of course, did not sleep. Because in these cabinets, it will be broken in these cabinets - it is first, and secondly, it's somehow it came to mind. Well, right. Because the kitchen cleaning needs to highlight two days at least. There is also scary to say - the refrigerator! So, from the refrigerator and you can start. Emission pasta that you from the pan is impressive, and an unidentified corpse from the freezer too, ejection. Check the door - there is probably a drop of mayonnaise in the bag heroically covers an overdue medicine with his body. Well, and the refrigerator, since I climbed. Now you can take on the cabinets. Unidentified spices, mass burial moths in the croups, knife from the combine, thrown a year ago - everything is on the garbage. And the saucepan will throw away you. Well, because she infuriates you, yes.

Day 6. My kitchen

Runken kitchen is easy and pleasant. In the event that you start, say, from the microwave. In it, it is possible to boil a glass of water with lemon - 10 minutes - and then just wipe the wet sponge all the walls. Voila, no fat! With the oven, this number will not pass, so the smearing of her with something diverse in advance. First of all. Well, and then begin to wash off the Gadsky Kitchen Fat, which seems to be nothing. Fight. When you have the cabinets, still put the edge film. Newspapers on the cabinets are terrible, we agree. But it is not necessary to miss it anyone - more terrible.

Day 7. Bathroom, toilet and something else

It is clear with the toilet - it is just necessary to wash the whole, starting from the ceiling. Especially if there is someone smokes at night, we will not show your finger. With a bathroom a little harder. You probably threw empty balls from under the shampoo, while I swallowed the apartment. And my cosmetics disassembled? That's the same. Emission all you do not use. And outtreach all of the basket for dirty linen. There is a lot of garbage and small things that you lost. And if you have not lost anything - there is definitely money. Three hundred rubles are trifling. Well, here, too, wash the walls, the bath itself, the sink and that you still have washing. And the curtain wash. And rug. But to gain a bath with foam is too early. Now you need to spend the entire apartment and wash the floors. But this, of course, little things. The most important thing is to remove it from the eye. This is a bucket that you dragged the whole week. And rags throw out. Now now - all. Congratulations! You can start pine with tripled force! :)

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