7 ways to unleash the war with the interlocutor. On children's theme


Do not know how to entertain colleagues in the office, a company of friends in the country or a crowd of semi-commercial cousins ​​at the wedding of a completely unfamiliar general relative? Garbage question, Pics knows what to do. Arrange Holivar.

The first rule of successful holivar is a suitable topic. They, these suitable topics, are not so much, but one win-win. Children. But this is not just a topic, but straight a real bikford cord, sewn to the pants of each first. PICS collected 7 reasons to light on the children's theme, and you complement, share your experience with beginners!

Give up vs. Do not give birth

Holivar on the topic "Have or not to have" is an exercise for beginners trolly in short pants. Paul, age and social status of an opponent value do not have, it will be guaranteed to squeeze, splash saliva and shock his fists on the eighth minute of the dispute. The main thing is not to forget to take away short triggers: "Empty-flower", "you end in the Laddle", "and then he will become a drug addict and sell a great-grandfather."

- Do you understand that pregnancy in principle does not differ from infection with a parasite?

Birth in the hospital VS. Birthday

Oddly enough, but men are great for this bait, although it would seem. At the same time, it is a holivar for advanced. Going to speak on the side of the left - re-read something from King: Your task is to catch up more bump. If you play right - look at some kind of mystical movie. Juggle the concepts of the type "perinatal matrix", "spiritual obstetrics" and "Energy of the Ecumenical Uterus" is needed with a special expression. Well, as if you see the dead or something like that.

- Killer doctors, say? Why then these give birth to an ambulance in concrete when something goes wrong?

Vs Vs. Natural immunity

Simple logic and sophisticated globe here will not cost, so it is better to argue in the network. There is Google, ready to kindly provide statistics, research protocols and arguments from old holivars. It should also be borne in mind that this topic is childless to the very place they, theoretically, will make children - if they are, of course, do not doctors. By the way, among the doctors, there are also opponents of vaccinations, but this is the very case when it is better to run, losing sneakers - if you, of course, is not an amateur of the theater of the absurd.

- You're right. Incable in Moscow 20015 - unthinkable. Immediately, not Tajikistan, in which the epidemic of polio is raging which month.

Breastfeeding VS. Feeding mixture

Multistage cholivar. The first step is possible to overcome if you are familiar with the basics of biochemistry: it doesn't matter if you are left or left, but the composition of breast milk must be cleaned, even if you wake you up at night "the ceiling drops!". If you do not know about it about this - you can wash attensely. Because in any case, the second part of the Merlevon Ballet will begin - and will begin with the thesis that the milk is not food, but love. And this is already a familiar Field of Skrel about a bad and good mother.

- Children should not sleep all night, it is unnatural! They are fed with a mixture, which is actually poison, and parents think that the full baby sleeps - and he is almost in a coma!

Natural parenthood vs. Covenants of our moms

Beautiful field for theorist from parenthood. Because the argument "But I was raised so, and nothing was raised," absolutely unimproved. The opponent immediately will be announced that since you did not wear you in a sling for up to 7 years, you probably have a full panama complex and unresolved problems. Voila: the subject of the dispute is now you, and you are already clear about it, it is better to understand.

- By the way, it is impossible to "wipe" the child. The children simply sought, and then they said that she was randomly attached in a dream. Infanticide was a normal practice in the absence of contraception.

Thoughtful alpha vs. Kindergarten

Before you demolish, make sure that there is no clench of any clever, the "all children are different" and "can be achieved by the Golden Mid" with peacekeeping disasters. Spoil all raspberries. This choliary for elected familiar with the theory of attachment, so due to the heat reaches only if the parties deny any compromise.

- Why was it possible to give birth to quit immediately in kindergarten? Moreover, now. You can not work for 7 years calmly. And in general - Anklinging is also allowed.

Beat vs do not beat

We were when we were small proceedings of hell, sometimes the belt fell, and now the poddle forces and slap - already beating babies. And therefore - yes there will be srach! If we are afraid for your reputation, you do not need to throw about slaps: shouting on children is now the same thing that beat. In the angle to put - general violence. Over personality. This is the most violence of personality - and there is the main argument. And for both sides. Because you knew one thing that, by his personality, did not go on time with a wet cloth - and, please, ready to marginal.

- There are always other methods! You can, for example, turn to a psychologist. How, do you have something, no family psychologist? You still say that the baby has no shoes in winter.

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