Do not eat her food! 10 things you need to know by going to visit the young mother



Well, you know how it happens - a friend in the family has long-awaited replenishment, and you rush to her in full support to say "Utuyu" and check out her infanta. You pour it and you decide that the mission is done, you are a great friend. Yes? Yes Neither Figa!

I perfectly remember the girlfriends who came to the hysterics scared my child with their unfamiliar persons, loud voices and ritual dances. Give it to stay from these jumps, luggings and expressions of delight. Give me to stay from maternity happiness. If you really want to please the young mother with your visit, then here are a few rules:

Bring her delicious


Only first find out what it can be, but what is impossible. And grab along the path of pervolored snacks from her favorite cafe. She himself will not go there soon, but I always want to eat. At the same time bring something for a proud father. When they get to the restaurant in the restaurant.

Do not eat her food

She has definitely little time for culinary feats. All, from what you will refuse, will serve as a dinner and actually save time on cooking. So come to visit the full.

Bring a gift

Ask what she really needs. It can be the simplest consumable material - packaging of diapers or a bottle of shampoo. A good gift is not necessarily a surprise.

No summer clothes in winter!

Do not give summer suites, if the courtyard there is snow (or a pretty down jacket, if lilac flowers). Children grow very, very quickly.

Pofotography Mom with a child


If you know how to handle the camera, capture the camera and skip them together. At home you will handle and send them to my mother - she will be grateful. It is unlikely that she often suggests. Just be merciful, choose the pictures on which it looks good. Not funny, not cute, not as a glorious such a hippos with chronic lack of sleep and ton extra weight. Okay.

No decorative pieces


Mobile, rag bear, stupid frames - no, refrain from such gifts. Moma itself does not wait to equip the heir to the children's room. In addition, extra dust collectors in the house where there is a child, no one needs anyone. And here you are with your plush lion in a natural size, well, where to give it?

Be useful

Even if before the birth of a child, a friend was control-friki and did everything herself, now everything has changed. Just believe. Help with a baby completely without help is very, very difficult. So do not sit in the kitchen and do not expect you to entertain you.

By the dishes


Here, for example, if the sink is full of dirty dishes - open the crane and silently to a change it, without even asking if helping is needed. Because if you ask, it, naturally, will say "no" - and she really wants to say "yes, God, begging, let someone already discern with these frying pan!".

Be "that girlfriend"

One my girlfriend not only brought food and gifts, but also called from the pharmacy to find out if I don't need something. Another jumped in the afternoon with her husband, and while he is a child aunt, she squeezed the stove. And I? And at this time I took a bath and for the first time in 4 days of soap my hair. For the first time in those two months that they went from the birth of a child, I could afford an incredible luxury - for an hour only for myself. And when I got out with a towel on my head, to see how there my Krovochka, a girlfriend hung up "Fall! He is now learning the smell of milk and wakes up! ".

But not "of this such type of girlfriend"


Honestly, I had few friends who would make me think "I spent several months hostage at a tiny creature, which daily sick in my face, and now you think that I will entertain you and not even bring me any comforting prize ? ". Fu so be. I, too, was once a man who came to visit the mother and did not do anything - well, did a couple of minutes holding a baby in his arms. But then everything has changed. And if it seems to you that my advice is very cheeky and unceremonious, believe me: the day will come, and you will also be locked in four walls with a small player, and you will also ask yourself - "What are all these so-called friends who even bring me Delicious, do in my house? ".

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