In painful sensations during sex, coffee and strawberry are guilty


In painful sensations during sex, coffee and strawberry are guilty 36342_1

PICS.RU continues to explore and open the topic of sex, good and different for you. But here monstrous news come to us because of the Bug. It turns out that there are no painful sensations during sex during sex, 15% of the natives of childbearing age and 33% of women after menopause have been experiencing.

The midwife and co-founder of the company for the production of sex toys Samantha Evans decided to learn this issue. From the physiological point, the pain during sex is tested with the insufficient elasticity of the accumulatory muscles and in the conditions of penetration without the necessary prelude woman, that is, when the body has developed not enough lubrication.

But Samantha Evans advanced in his observations further and suggested that coffee and strawberry are guilty in painful sex. It is these products that contain oxalate (salt and esters of oxalic acid), which cause irritation of the urethra.

And if your sex with a partner is not a windy act of bdsm, then any pain can not be speech, although, unfortunately, many modern sexologists associate complaints of women in this area on neuroticity.

Experts insist: when painful sensations occur during sex, it is necessary to contact a doctor, perhaps your body simply suggests that something is wrong. Discussion of this issue with a partner is also extremely necessary.

In his observations, Samantha Evans explains that an elevated level of oxalates entering the body of coffee and strawberries interacts with calcium and forms crystals scratching the urethra. Especially the women with a diagnosed irritable intestine syndrome are especially affected, because in such a state, their intestines do not remove oxalates in calcium crystals, and allows them to apply micro-injunction.

To improve the state, doctors advise to try from three months to half a year to refrain from products containing oxalates.

List of products with high oxalate content:

  • Celery
  • Coffee
  • Bean
  • Beer
  • Rhubarb
  • Leek
  • Sweet potato
  • Spinach
  • Brain
  • Strawberry

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