Wisdom from grandmother. 15 bargain phrases that you have so far


There is no more faithful source of female wisdom than our grandmothers. Moms always follow the words, they need to be good parents and give an example. And my grandmother has a good mother exam for a long time - and can relax.

Many phrases of grandmothers were confused or forced us to be angry when we were small. But now we are finally big, and where I used to see shock content and horror horror, I discovered an age-old folklore and genuine Zen. What would we do without this science!

Grandmothers taught us to lead discussions. For example, when we dressed up and put on close new shoes, we said: "Y! They are inconvenient! "... And the grandmother uttered grandmother:" It's inconvenient to shit in the mailbox! ", And we, the argument, was playing, was taken over her pink elegant torture instruments. And by the way, we have nothing to oppose this argument.

Grandmothers pledged to us a healthy hostility to the "positive" thinking. Although they thought that a shamelessness was condemned, but we know about whom on the Internet there is so aptly saying: "Though we are in the eyes, say, God's dew."

When mother demanded a perfectionism and perseverance on us in any, even a long-bored, absolutely useless and not necessary lesson, Grandmothers taught us to evaluate the ratio of effort and result : "You can not shit, do not flock ass." We have learned that everything has its time:

Hurry is good at Diarie!

And that losses are filled and irreparable. "The hair is not a teeth, grow up" the grandmothers said, when we sobbed over the first (lined!) Model haircut, which in the performance of the hairdresser's step accessibility turned into a story about the difficult life of workers.

Grandmas knew exactly how to post comments on the Internet : "Alien trouble with hands to reconnaiss." One of my day or a ru-psychologist, kids or trendy look ... In any popular community, the sacred follows this rule! But the grandmothers themselves and the computer never knew how.

Grandmothers taught us to hold : "Who rescued, he ate!",

If you do not immediately die, then you will live for a long time!

But not too: "And the shit on the shovel does not file our nat?". And to humble with the fact that people around are not like that we want to see them. But still have the right to life, because "since you got out, you will not shove back."

Grandmothers made us think about the consequences : "Do not wait for three throats, shit in three ass will you?". And the words "not enraged to p ** de sleeve" are literally burned in our hearts as a flammable call to comply with the relevance of combinations and high aesthetic standards.

Grandma put us face to face with inevitability : "Watch you want to shine pants." And respond to unexpected turns of events: "What to do what to do! Take off your pants and run. " We still follow this advice. True, only in relation to Panic run. Round.

Nobody knew how to sohable us as grandmothers. "Even a bear dance learned, somehow and you will manage with a needle!" Where, where he, a dancing bear, we asked in an excitement. And grandmothers promised us to show when we learn too. By the way, how to intrigue fool, many of us also learned from grandmothers.

Long before all sorts of psychology guru grandmothers taught us to support self-esteem

Do not praise yourself, you will sit like a getting

And taught us to critically treat popular ideas: "Fools have thoughts!"

But the most important thing, grandmothers taught us that there are few things in the world, which are really worried about. "If only it did not burst" - think about this phrase, and immediately understand the rest of all the fuss.

Thank you, grandmothers. You are beautiful. Stay with us longer. You are welcome.

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