As the signs of the zodiac answer the offer of the hands and hearts


Autumn - traditional time weddings. From the surrounding cafes and neighborhood apartments, more and more often, sacramental: "Will you marry me?" And on the tonality of the answer, its volume and the shade of the stunned person can be easily determined, to which sign of the zodiac include the new bride.



Capricorn says: "Yes!", At about, at that moment, when the future groom weighs on his internal scales, the prospect of bright ideas: "A pretty girl, maybe ask her phone number?" The point here is not in spontaneity, but in the ability of the Capricarians to quickly make decisions and measuredly achieve the goal. Therefore, having received the desired room, the happy chosen one, imperceptibly for myself, automatically falls on a path leading to a jewelry store. And hearing: "Get out of me?", Capricorn has to mobilize all their acting abilities so that "Oh, it is so unexpected" sounded at least much convincingly.



Aquarius says "yes" confused. Thanks to the unique congenital ability for women-aquaries to be happy, just like that, they do not paint the clock in their heads beautiful pictures on the topic: "So I'm all this in a white dress and veil to the floor, and he cries like happiness, and around festively beaten bells, And the rainbow is still on all the sky. " Aquarius is quite the very fact "I am in love, Johhu!" Therefore, the proposals of the arms and hearts, as a rule, caress the Aquarius by surprise - Aquarius does not really understand why she marries, but, it seems, it's nice, and it is embarrassed. As a result, behind the shoulders of Aquarius, about, so many marriages, how many times they got married. For it is easier to surrender than to explain why "no".



Fish is waiting for this sentence from childhood. The imagination drawn Stopicks scenarios - and everything is so tasty. Scenarios may vary on scale, but in any of them, viewers and hearts appear in quantities. The problem is that reality - a bastard heartless - the expectations of the fish correspond to a little less than ever, and the trembling fish is quite capable of upset from the fact that an endless knee is not the corner. Nevertheless, fish with a sincere tear answer: "Yes!", And then borrowed forums, Facebook and other means of social communication by reports on how they are nahami in the registry office.



Aries answer: "Yes, but ...!" A passionate kiss can act as a comma, but this "but" after him will still follow it sooner or later. Because Aries are schedule and requirements. Aries do not want to simply marry, and then - the grass does not grow. Aries want to marry correctly and on time. First, the Aries need to make sure that the client really dose, and not just grunted, if only a ring to do. Secondly, Aries should understand where we will live, how we will live when and what. All these questions, the happy chosen one will certainly get right in the forehead, while pulling the ring back from the lapel chain of the Aries already it is already unlikely to succeed.



Taurus easily can say: "No". All these are here: Well, how, a man was preparing, the ring bought, the costume was put on, it's awkwardly refuse - this is not a story about the Taurus, because the trade affairs Taurus can not. But the Taurus knows how to dearly fall in love and wait for the proposals from that very, without expanding on trifles, because it is so convenient or because the years go and the cats are fruitful, and that the least cannot make a decision. Taurus will live exclusively a prince, and everyone else will uncomprombly go to the forest with their colors and diamonds. Without regrets.



The twins do not know how to wait, in principle, so no one has time to make a proposal earlier than the twin himself will require: "Well, who marry me." In the ninety percentage of cases, the twin receives a light shrug in response and uncertain: "Yes, for God's sake, there are no problems, go beyond me, baby." It would seem - you can triumph, but no. Twins are immediately upset, because all this should have happened a little romantic. And after another five minutes, the twins decide that - FIG with him, but we get married. And after five more - find twenty arguments, why not need to marry. Gemini, in short, what to take with them.



So that cancer is guaranteed to say "Yes!", Everything should be like a movie. The ring needs to be hiding into a glass with champagne or into a cake. And you have to become knee, even if you have arthritis, radiculitis or ebole. And it is also extremely desirable that it happened in the restaurant, where visitors are smoothly shake, looks into a disinterested tear, and the waiters solemnly take a beautiful dish with a sweetheart (rakes love to love, about the same as romance). Said cancer "yes!" It gives access to a difficult and very nervous quest of the search for the right dress, the right shoes, the right restaurant and something new, old, blue for the bride, as in American films to.



Lion says "yes!" With a slight smile, since sincerely does not appreciate the severity of the decision taken by the chosen one. For Leo, it is quite obvious that the offer will be done, for who else live, if not with her? Therefore, the lion without unnecessary emotions mentally puts a tick: "I wake married, hurt," and quietly orders coffee. The wedding itself, contrary to the stereotypes of the incessant era of Baroque in the head of the lion, it will absolutely optionally will play pathos - lion easily can be drained into the registry office. But as a pathos, the lioness will then tell about how she was noteplotted ...



Virgo says "Yes!" incredulously. Because the consent of the Virgin has extended to the age before the age already knows that people are shit, and if a person is not shit, then, most likely, he is very careful. Therefore, during the conclusted "yes", the kiss of the Virgin will see all the current shoals of the newly minted groom in the head, and then switches to the hypothetical shoals. Because if everything goes well, then for the Virgin this reason is seriously strained - where is the catch? He is exactly. It can not be a trick ...



Speaking of weights, it would be possible to assume that the scales would say "yes!" After an impressive pause, since they need to hastily weigh the hundred "for" and "against". But practice shows that everything happens differently - in fact, the scales immediately blame "Yes!", The chosen one is thrown on the neck and feel the attack of unhappy happiness. And only then close in the bathroom and weighed, weigh, weighed to the first roosters. The result is evident - the scales leaders in statistics "I changed my mind, let's notice."



Scorpio talk "Yes!" Not in a hurry. Scorpio will take his eyes, mysteriously smile and stares down the window. Even if Scorpio loves his potential groom and married him very much, she will simply physically be able to instill it without pre-torture, which persistently considers preloads. Especially sophisticated scorpions with all sorts of "yes" are not spread at all, preferring "I need to think", even if confident in advance in my positive decision. But the one who is going to marry a scorpion woman must be strong and tempered so that it can be made of nails from it. And I must understand that "yes!" From scorpion, you can be regarded as a message: "Congratulations, you switched to the next level, you will find a new boss of content."



Sagittarius say "yes!" Every night in a dream. Despite the fact that Sagittarius invariably enter the top of the best wives among all other signs of the zodiac, it is the marriage suggestions that they are paradoxically rarely. Therefore, the Sagittarius can easily fall in love with a person just for the fact that he finally said these desired three words "come out for me." But the first response to the offer is unlikely to be stormy. A focused and very serious expression of the face of Sagittarius indicates that she tweets himself under the table by hand - I definitely do not sleep? Well, it is necessary ...

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