# Schedule: tea, coffee and wine are useful for intestinal microflora


    # Schedule: tea, coffee and wine are useful for intestinal microflora 36339_1
    Oh, this last data from the world of science and nutrition, to nervous teak will bring. But nonetheless. Recent studies once again turned upside down and showed that tea, coffee and wine are useful for the development of the correct bacterial background with our inside.

    If specifying, then it turns out that the discussion consumption of coffee-tea-wines has a beneficial effect on the growth of the number of bacteria that form a protective screen inside the intestine.

    This time, the benefit of the news lovers of wine and coffee brought Dutch scientists, only three drinks would be fine in daily consumption to choose something one. Also, a good forecast for the formation of "good" microflora gives those who love yogurts and cream, but the use of solid milk is not good.

    # Schedule: tea, coffee and wine are useful for intestinal microflora 36339_2
    The conclusions were made on the basis of the survey, the promotion of the health and analysis of the DNA cells of the intestinal tract obtained from the frozen feces. Usually, in the course of such studies, data obtained only about some particular colony of bacteria from a certain portion of the intestine, but the Dutch claims to study all varieties.

    As a result, 60 rational factors affecting the microflora were revealed. While scientists are difficult to answer with all the accuracy that this means, but they assure that the greater the bacteriological diversity, the better.

    In addition, microbiologists have established 19 groups of pharmacological preparations, which have undoubted influence on the formation of organism microflora. Earlier it was established that the number of antacids bacteria is strongly reduced.

    A source

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