How to do lesbian sex, if before that you saw it only in porn (18+)


Sex is beautiful. If you wanted to expand the range of your own sex experiences, then will not quit for the mercy of fate: read about BDSM and anal sex. And if you want a fundamentally different approach to the case and gentle maidy caress (well, suddenly you understood something to myself), then here our manual on lesbian sex. Verified exclusively on its own experience.


Forget about porn.

No matter how much you wanted to believe in miracles and multiple orgasms from the blow of the wind, this does not happen. Special people are removed in pornors who are still removed so that everything is better visible. We doubt that in this case you can believe that they enjoy and especially take some techniques for weapons. Look at some good movie better, and at least the same series "L Word", where everything is shown pretty close to reality. With amendment to the States, of course.


This means at least, make sure that you do not have any STDs, but as a maximum take care of your hands. If it comes to sex with penetration, then your manicure should be as less visible as possible. That is, the nails are short and feed, no varnish and no scratches or cuts.

Pour patience


The girls are the creatures of gentle and trembling, and lesbians are gentle and tremble in triple. Not every of them burns the desire to immediately drag you to your cave and engage in unlucky sex. You must like each other - in women all the sex first happens in the head and only then in bed. So do not force the events. Look for the only one.

Be careful


If you like yourself when you kiss you, then it's not a fact that other people like it too. If you like when your breasts are furious and strongly compressed, and you are tackled by the hair, it does not mean that your partner will like it simply because she is also a girl. Therefore, be extremely attentive and neat. If you don't know something, then it's better to ask right, do not portray an innocent lamb. Are you in bed with another woman - what is there to be shy?



Let's open you a great secret: sex often does not mean to stick something into the vagina. Many lesbians do not at all without penetration, because they know what the clitoris is and how to contact him. So do not throw on a partner with a carrot of the air, you may come to this point of the program, but it is not necessarily optional.


By the way, about the clitoris. We recommend that you fully familiarize yourself with the question - here, for example, to read our history of the clitoris. Well, screaming in the types of orgasm. So for the seed: some scientists, for example, believe that the notorious point G is just one of the nerve endings of the same clitoris, so it should not be underestimated. And do not forget about the language!


Incredible, but the fact: the genitals of different people look different! Shock! Photo! Someone can have pronounced small sex lips, someone - the fan of naturalness and does not like intimate haircuts, someone has a piercing or tattoo, and someone has a scar after childbirth (yes, lesbians give birth to children, it happens). So you are accustomed to the idea that another girl has everything works there as you are, but completely different.

Show the initiative


Do not lie on a log and make it possible to enjoy the process. Remember that in order for your partner to enjoy, she just like you, it is necessary to stimulate erogenous zones. So, if you did not choose a pose, in which everything in case (for example, 69), then do not hesitate to take the initiative in caresses and kisses.

Do not loop


The distribution of roles in the lesbian sex exists exclusively in the heads of the uninitiated. By the way, we wrote about it. So it is not necessary to try on the dominant or passive role in advance. The main thing is to get pleasure, it is possible that you will be in the invention for myself exclusively your behavior in bed.

Relax and enjoy


No one is going to put your estimates and points for having sex or end. You are good, she is damn attractive, between you chemistry, in the yard summer, what else is needed in order to spend time? So forget about all prejudices and constraint and just enjoy the process.

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