How to stop worrying and competently score on the whole bolt! In gifs


Any mentally healthy person is intended to doubt his strength, adequacy, successes and their own value for others. As a rule, only more funny idiots are unconditionally confident. Pics.Ru collected for you a dozen practical and ideological lifehakov, which will help to play with the attacks of self-esteem and calmly live on.

Lifehaki ideological

Remember the eternal

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Right now we fly on a huge ball through the outer space at a speed of 30 km / s (this, on a second 108,000 km / h) is unknown where and is not known why. Do you imagine what will happen if at such a speed in something we will do? Or look at the stars. Some of them have already extinguished long ago, but their light we see so far, because they are so far from us that the human mind is unable to embrace this distance. In short, we are miserable microbes crawling on a bead, and you worry about some unlenized report. Ha!

Take an example with steep losers

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The story knows the unpertable number of examples when the grandiose failures turned into great victories. Well, remember at least old Kutuzov, who passed Moscow to the French (and for it was cursed by the gods and people four times, periodically even bit), and then took and won the war of 1812. The first Multiplication Studio Disney went bankrupt, and then they refused it 302 times while he received funding. Bill Gates was expelled from Harvard. When Steve Jobs was 30, he was kicked out of the company, which he himself founded it (here he had pricked on the chest of reptiles!) Everyone knows that Joan Rowling received 12 failures to print a book about Harry Potter. But that the life of honey does not seem to be, by this moment she was divorced, without work and lived on a social allowance. Life is beautiful that FIG is guessing the further development of events.

Compare yourself with others

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So the person is arranged that for happiness and awareness of its own significance, he needs to compare himself with others. And here - surprise! - There is always someone who worse than you. The position of Nishchebrodskaya, but sometimes very effective. Someone is inspired by the fact that he is alive and arms-legs on the spot, someone kicks the thought of starving children in Ethiopia, and some empathize, for example, Jame Lanner, who lost his hand, sister squeezed, and nothing - keeps dude!

Memento Mori.

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That is, remember the death. It's amazing how ancient and Nietzsche along with them were right: when everything is bad, this thought helps to remember the vanity of things and relax a little, and when everything is good - sharper feel the moments of happiness. It is important not to forget that in the format "we still die all, so I will eat even kilo chocolate chocolates, snacks with a double cheese with potatoes in a rustic, singing the Poltilochka Martini and tomorrow I will send everyone in the ass with this work, let the project themselves closed does not work. Here as with salt - the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you risk to marry in sorrow or even worse - to become emo!

Lifehaki practical

Make yourself nice

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This can be anything that will provide you with the influx of the hormone of happiness of serotonin in blood - cigarette, chocolate, sex, massage session, yoga or just a walk in the park. We also always forget that life does not have the past and the future, but it happens right now, that is, exactly when we worry, worry, worry, nervous and invent thousands of imaginary reasons why we are not good enough. How Lady Gaga "God Make No Mistakes - You Were Born This Way" sang. You're cool just because you are you, and not Vasya, Petya, Lena or Monica Belochchi.

King Solomon

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And his lifehak rushes to the rescue! Everything will pass, will pass and this - remember? Well, fine. It can be formulated differently, for example, "Will the reason for my anxiety be important in a day / week / month / year, etc."? Most probably not. So, it is very easy to worry. History knows when one girl was worried-worried and was all such an emotional, and then by 50 years earned a nervous tick, very harsh health problems and a hysteria bonus. Do you need it?

Rationalize it

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If you crumble the head and you cry, because it seems to you that you are not a man and a steamer, but the most unsuccessful loser in the world, poop, and you will definitely be fired, then it's time to discard emotions and take the head. Women, by virtue of education, are much more self-critical than men. In their luck, they are more likely to see their own merit, and the confluence of the circumstances or the mercy of the gods, but in failures tend to blame exclusively (and these terrible shoes). Remember this. In addition, you are able to use everything and honestly, you have done everything that could, or a slightly shot. If the first option, then boldly defend the sense of own importance and are not found on provocations.

About love

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If the imperidity and concern overtake you even in a quiet family harbor and instead of resting to the night on the shoulder at your beloved and watch the new season "Motherland", you figure the angle of raising his eyebrows, because it seems to you that something is wrong, The man of nonlaskov and generally sobbed, then it is worth remembering the following. A man (and, honestly, any other person) is interested in you when you are at some distance and have your impressive and, that is important, the inner world closed from him. By the way, this approach kills two hares at once: it does not give you to closes on a partner and to react to his strokes (even imaginary and imagined), and does not give him to get used to you and think "Yeah, Fish!" That is, literally - man of nonlaskov? Ok, I left reading a book, and tomorrow I had breakfast with the old friend, dinner with the girls, made a manicure, and at the same time confirmed the speech on some difficult conference. As a result, in three days you need to figure out a huge performance with a presentation, a cartoon and a dozen naked blacks on the dancer, and think who frowned and the brows and lips blows, absolutely no time.

Put the real kpi

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In one very girl book wrote "Goal to the moon. Even if they miss - you will stay among the stars. " We agree, of course, but it is difficult to think about some stars there, if you wanted to win half of the world for today, and instead you sit and explain to some idiot in the phone tube the difference between the hadron collider and rubber boots. You can worry and worry about the fact that, Mom Mia, soon 30 (plus-minus), and there is no child, the house is not built, the tree cut down the firewood sophisticated neighbors. And you can again understand that you have your own life, your way, and if your classmate gave birth to the fourth son, it does not mean that it is better or worse, she is just another. So ask a bar that you can achieve with pleasure - there is nothing worse than to come up with unrealistic parameters (and who needs them?!) And then go crazy from the impossibility of conforming to them.

Remember your achievements

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Drink a list of 20 points on the leaflet, which you have already succeeded the coolest. You saved the cat, prepared a sought dinner for 10 people from one repka, slept with the most beautiful guy at a party, - all the way you can rightly be proud of, and my mother is better not to tell. In especially heavy moments, take it from the bins of the Motherland, re-read and complement with particularly successful things, even dubious. For example, one girl, being at home, managed to break down one leg first, but as long as it caused an ambulance - the second, and then, while her carrying her on her stretchers, she turned out unsuccessfully, and Sanitary dropped her together with damn stretchers, the result was a strong head injury . The most offensive, says, was completely sober, like glass! Achievement from a number of great in the nomination "We will not come up with", we think so!

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