Victorian ladies: corset, drugs and curtains, bearing death


We did not Bella from the Twilight, but also there is no no no, and he sighed over the "thunderstorm pass." Or over the movie "Anna and King". What were the ladies! How thinly lived, as thinly felt!

Meanwhile, by the way, the "thunderstorm pass" during the lifetime of these young people was considered a rude, terrible, obscene for reading the young lady. But the very hell was not in this. Oh no. The hell was their whole life.



Well, yes, you have been frightened with corsets for a thousand times, but you know - and not for such flour ladies go for beauty! And here, besides, you get used to get used to the same since childhood, the feelings are not at all the same when you suddenly, out of curiosity, trying to drag the waist from 95 centimeters to 40. But, you know, this Frenchwomen launched themselves with the goal of being beauties. In Britain, the corset was worn to raise rigor to themselves and persistence. And for the sake of such a goal than you will cost you with your unfortunate waist, the better - the girls went, as if in the vice squeezed, and it was the feeling of compression in vice was considered in the corset. The consequences of a permanent pressing of living muscle tissues, internal organs, Ryubers and lungs ... No, at the age of the lady, they have not yet felt. Unless it was difficult to breathe: I am improved much less emotional than their continental peers, Victorian ladies still lost feelings with little excitement. Just chuckled, it was worth the heart to score quickly.

Breathe silks and fogs


It's about the ladies, but not at all about the atmosphere of any large English city. The main transport was different kind of horsepie wagons, the transport movement was active - traffic jams and accidents occurred. The streets were simply dried and wagons and horses. Well, not around the clock and not all, but still. Horses are living beings, they are not only beautifully cocked and wave by mane, but also, sorry, cake. A large animal pokes a lot. Special people were walking through the streets who constantly obeyed the city from horsepins and, by the way, dog feces, but their strength was not enough. The girls tried to walk where the horse could not have anywhere, but nothing saved from the smell of the city.

In addition to horses, it smelled by factories, which were often located right in the city and no filters on the pipes did not have and, finally, when the breeze was blowing from the river (especially from Thames), it was easy to lose consciousness from Wony. Therefore, girls wore with themselves special snuff salts or aceticism - in general, something that can urgently bring to the nose to kill the smell of the city.

By the way, about night pots


This is at our level of hygiene, you can not think about what is happening, and then for any girl, the defense of the need was a process. Well, at night and in the morning everything is easy, just walk to the pot and try to close it easily as possible to close it with a lid, so that Miazma is not very scattered on the bedroom. In the morning, the maid (yes, the girls in those days were not always launched, part of the years from ten went to the service) endured your pot.

Then you dress up, and that's it. Forget about visiting the toilet as needed. Victorian girl tolerated to the last. First, she could not show what I want to move away for such a lowest need. Secondly, messing with wonderful romantic magnificent skirts, so that, finally, recover through a special hole in the palsions (more precisely, where they are now stitching, and then they were not stuck together) was not wonderful and not romantic. And do not give God to bring the smell train! And the fabric everything so wonderfully absorbs ... a nightmare.



Best entertainment for the young lady - embroidery and a manual with a mother. Do not like embroidery? Need to work on yourself! Tightening corsets to tune in more stringful, and forward, sit for 4 hours with a needle in your hands. And tell me thanks that you are a young lady, and not a tender whitestone, which, thanks to the absence of emancipation, not sleepers puts eight hours a day for five days a week, and motionless bitten over sewing twenty hours. Seven days a week. Dying for years to thirty-five from exhaustion.

Books? If the Bible and Basnie are good. The excessive passion for books was condemned, approximately as now - the scene from the computer. First, it's all the time to entertain myself all the time, secondly, blood sticks from a long reading to the head, and the female organs without taking blood dry, well, and finally, when the lady reads a lot, it's hard to keep track which books she has already managed swallow. Maybe there is an unnecessarily fantasy fantasy love novels, and even some kind of mopassan with erotica. Or worse - philosophy, economics and mathematics. Nightmare-nightmare.

Lucky if you have a good watercolor. Also entertainment and also approves society. Draw a flower, dogs, ladies. But to buy printed penny ballads from Corobeinists for young lady fu. Now you will marry, then you will read about instications, illegitimate children, killings and other things. Do you like to not draw, but write? Excellent! Moralizing essays and sentimental diaries. Feel yourself with a writer. Only secretly all, please, otherwise it is already indecent.

What? Balls? By the way, yes. Sometimes there are balls. On big holidays.



Oh yes, Victorian young ladies surrounded all her beauty. Without sarcasm. Sympathetic should have shoes, acetic, sugar bowls and wallpapers. Only sometimes beauty complicated life. Let's start with the lung. That is, heavy, but light: in the period of mourning, the young lady was supposed to wear cast-iron decorations. A cast iron ring and a cast-iron necklace - specific pleasure, but if you wake up without decorations, you will somehow not understand. And mourning, by the way, it was necessary to hold a long time. Paints, which painted home furniture and which were kept in the wallpaper, often contained lead and mercury. Cosmetics, if the young lady was so desperate to use it, too. And the most popular of paints, dark green, which was painted literally any fabric - from the curtains and upholstery of sofas to slippers and dresses - was made on the basis of arsenic. It is not surprising that Tomometrics went missile, with headaches, bad appetite, an interesting pallor and other symptoms of poisoning. And those that weaken, and died.



The doctors in the soil of poisoning and lack of oxygen in the soil of poisoning and lack of oxygen, doctors hurried to help. Each second was prescribed by Laudanum - anesthetic and sedative, representing a ... opium drug. The fact that the girls are tightly sitting on morphine (and Laudanum is a 1% alcohol solution of morphine), no one bothered. There would be a girl of quiet, and opium inhibition even gives her true British magty. Doses over time increased, and what flour girl worried, being somewhere, for example, by the will of bad weather, without the possibility of accepting another dose, to imagine. However, the ladies rarely came out of the house without Laudanum. Right along with the acetridge they took. And we really understand them. A merciless corset, smells from the river, around the horses, it is impossible to read, to the toilet will be removed too - how is it not to chuck a little alcohol mortar morphine, eh?

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