10 coolest pessimist benefits



The advantages of positive thinking are understandable to any fool. That's about, fool! And the pessimists, firstly, smart, and secondly, we will now explain in detail what we, whips, happy, prudent and generally miley people.

Pessimist - Smart

Gloomy kind of guaranteed to give you some kind of intelligence halo. If there is also a genuine black cynicism behind the species, then the fame of the first clever in the party is provided. No wonder they say that in many knowledge, many sadness. It works and in the opposite direction: who is strongly sad, he will see, painfully smart (and not just a wallet, like a fool, forgot in fitting room).

Pessimist is invulnerable

By the way, about wallets. Pesssimism is a real salvation for tired introverts who do not want to share money or show how to go to the Small Kakovin alley. Just remember the global economic crisis, and the person is being done such that everyone who wanted to sit down on your neck begin to look for someone, the type of Valuev.

Pesssimist - Psychotherapy

Rational pessimism (even emotional) helps to overestimate reality. Let's say two pessimists on vacation ride. Emotional is free from behind the phobia of the aircraft. And the rational tells him about the statistics of automotive accidents. As a result, both quiet ride on a taxi to the airport, they fastened, pray, so that carried. In the plane exhale. Praphrazing anecdote about a psychologist, to a question "and what, you no longer write down at night?" Pessimist would answer: "I write, but on the background of the risk of heart disease in my age, this is such a nonsense."

Pessimist - lucky

Pessimist always knows why you and him, in fact, lives just fine. Already one thing that you generally live is such happiness, such a rarity. As you, the optimist, waving, ask the pessimist to tell something about exotic parasites, medieval torture, working conditions in the third world countries or there, sclerodermia (not google, do not google!)

Pessimist is always right

You know this item without us, but I still mention it. With pessimism, you are always Wang and a guru of political analysts. In the end, sooner or later, the currencies fall, the government flies, thieves steal, the killers kill, and he is not a couple of you, because the mother was right. Somewhere yes guess. But the forecast: "Esieving this shawarma, you will receive a charge of energy that will allow you to work fruitfully," gives out a positive idiot robot in man. See the first point in our list.

Pessimist is always ready

And if seriously, some scientists (British, probably, what else) were calculated that pessimists live longer than optimists, because it is better prepared for trouble. Collect a first-aid kit to the country need to be exactly trusted with a pessimist. And just for a walk with a child it is better to go to the pessimist, and not imagining that the whole road will shine the sun, blow a pleasant breeze, the mosquito flew to the south, and the cowings and puddles ran out after them.

Pessimist is lucky with people

People who say thank you and please in the last moments of life return debts and do not wipe your hands about the tablecloth, from the point of view of pessimist, not normal polite people, but just do the heroes. Therefore, the world is full of wonderful comrades and friends. Well, if they still secretly cook in the nose, well, what to worry, because the pessimist knew.

Pessimist Adequitane

He has the most healthy self-esteem. No flattery takes it. Pessimist does not spend time and effort to create a positive image itself. Does not inspire yourself in front of the mirror of any nonsense. Why all this thoughtless? The thermal death of the universe is inevitable, the universe is tirelessly expanding, I, too, so take us with space as we are.

Pessimist is a good friend

Next to suspiciously vigorous, optimistic people are good in bright times. But in the dark somehow awkwardly violate their well-being with their problems. And then you need a pessimist. He never doubted that you will be bad. He is also terrible too. So he will definitely listen to you and understand. And even thumps all in Panamu, as a result, maybe you will forget about your trouble.

Pessimist - humorist

No need to memorize the bikes and jokes, the pessimist sharply simply due to contrast. Let's say, the interlocutors began to discuss childhood, hiking in the parks, rolling on the hills and carousels, the years are wonderful. And you support the conversation and say: By the way, I have one friend gets stuck on the train on the dead loop. And everyone is nervously giggled with stress. In general, the only drawback of pessimism is reproaches in despondency and overseas. But if you are a pessimist, then you expect them in advance, so you can safely talk: I am so happy! Tell me thanks that you have not seen me in a bad mood

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