Rules of life. Hollum. PICS.RU takes an interview



And nothing freak. Simply Not yours, so you are infusing.

Our name translated from the Anodorvezhsky means "gold". So that You can call us a char.

We did not quite understand why everyone was so excited when we ate crude fish. You sushi tons we eat, and nothing.

Shooting is just work, finished - and at home. Only with boromir we communicate. I say: my charm. He says: it is impossible to just take and rear with you in the parking lot . And I say: my charm. For hours can so.

Yes, a lot of proposals. Recently, hentai was invited to shoot . Because we have very, very big eyes.

If you think the mordor is a dark place So you have never been to the district polyclinic trading.

Actually, we are an ordinary hobbit, this is a ring enslave, if anyone forgot. But you always have a victim to blame - It was not necessary to wear a short skirt, it was not necessary to sit down to unfamiliar people in the car, I did not have to go with my brother to go to the river ...

We once went to roleviks to see. And they walk through the forest in gray sweaters with Lurex and they say that they have my myfril chains. And one touched the sign "Obgon is prohibited" and said that this shield. We were then very pleased that the ring was not turned into a person.

We disrecerated fell into Lava, we had to do it. Because the last chip remained in our head.

You spend a lifetime to find your soul mate . Meanwhile, the split personality is much more convenient.

Fed with hands by fish Alexander Smilaanskaya

PS read also be afraid!

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