How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference)


Orgasm is very important, very much. Therefore, we have gathered for you a few tips, how not to spoil it, or even get the best in life at all. And if you're lucky, not one!


How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference) 36317_1
An ideal orgasm exists only in your head - it is unlikely that someone will give you an estimate for how you finished. So stop bothering on this subject and enjoy.

Relax - 2.

How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference) 36317_2
An orgasm of a woman in her head, so try to throw out all the extra thoughts and again give up the process for all 146%. Do not think about how you look in the pose of "ankles behind your ears" - believe me if a man is already in bed with you, he is deeply notching, and, as practice shows, what is debauchery - the more like it.


How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference) 36317_3
If you yourself do not know what exactly gives you pleasure and can bring you to a victorious end, it is unlikely that your partner guess. So we paid time to yourself and how to explore your body. The story knows the case when a girl in order to finish, it was necessary that she was told under the knee.


How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference) 36317_4
Do not be a hanger! The times when it was necessary to depict a good girl from myself, long ago passed, and the sex industry made a huge step forward. Toys, vibrators, perfumes with pheromones and aphrodisiacs - all these things will help you in your crusade behind the best orgasm.

Choose pose

How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference) 36317_5
Honestly, the correct postal pose is practically half of the case. The main thing is that you felt as comfortable and relaxed as possible, and your clitoris received additional stimulation. Great for this is suitable for "rider", but here, however, everything is on an amateur.

Do not be shy

How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference) 36317_6
If you want to put yourself in the process, shout, or vice versa, freeze, do it on the balcony or on a working washing machine - do not hold back yourself. Nothing should do you prevent you from getting real pleasure.

Create an atmosphere

How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference) 36317_7
And we are not about vulgar pink petals and candles everywhere (although someone likes it), but that no one hits anything to you. The mother-in-law, children who tend to enter the bedroom in the most inappropriate moment for this, a neighbor with a drill and a binding girlfriend.

Do not rush

How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference) 36317_8
As practice shows, a good long and high-quality prelude is the key to success. Get yourself directly sex when you can no longer hold back, and in the process do small pauses, pulling away orgasm. It will make it brighter.

Take a pause

How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference) 36317_9
Do not take sex and do not masturbate a few days. According to experts, the accumulated energy and the desire can do wonders!

Drink wine

How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference) 36317_10
It will never be superfluous.


How to get the best orgasm in life? (11 tips, but what's the difference) 36317_11
The best orgasms in life - with those who truly love, this is a fact.

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