8 reasons to quarrel with her beloved


Psychologists argue that family quarrels are quite useful. They, they say, allow you to remove emotional slags and, rather, contribute to the strengthening of the marriage, rather than we fall apart. We tend to agree with psychologists to agree, because, and in addition to slags, one solid benefit from the family quarrels.

Light development

Deep breathing is one of the simplest and most effective prevention tools - it reduces the risk of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, improves sleep, mood and appearance. Family quarrel allows you to train deep breathing automatically, for the essence of the family quarrel - have time to say fifty times more words than your interlocutor. And for this you need to get more air into the chest and spend it economically so that the husband does not have time to insert into the flow of your fair accusations: "Yes, you yourself goat!"


No one quarrels, lazily lying on the couch in the pose "Panda Sleep". People, as a rule, are moving around the apartment and make hands on the width of the shoulders. Family quarrel is great for pumping the berry muscles and cellulite prevention: "Leave, I do not want to see you!" (Fall on the chair). "Where are you going?" (Jump from the chair). "You do not love me!" (Fall on the chair again). Three or four, finished the exercise.

Intelligence service

Men are usually laconic. The average husband sitting more and more, silent and every garbage thinks about you. And the question is: "What do you think?", Ignores how traditional female rhetorical interomotion. But the old good quarrel helps her husband to open in dance, and you have the opportunity to find out what your disadvantages hubs it most. Because even the most experienced holder of his cockroaches in secret in the course of a quarrel is not no, and it will fool: "And you are fat!" Quarrel - find for a spy.

Clearing the territory

Men naively believe that an angry wife throws all objects in a row to the floor. In fact, the furious wife turns into a bioreobot, which, when looking at each sacrifice of gravity, receives the tactical and technical characteristics of all items on the retina in the hand reach. Scanning takes place for a split second, and woven the woman on the floor only those items that have long been going to throw away, but everything was somehow no reason.


In the midst of the family quarrel, the husband will certainly be frowning too much. It may vary unnecessary within the framework of the Criminal Code from the small hooligan "You're sitting on my neck" to a heavy with aggravating "and we have dust under the sofa." But, in any case, this is superfluous - a reason for righteous perturbation, which automatically deals with all the previous shoals.


Collecting things in the framework of the "Well, all, goodbye forever, I'm leaving for my mother," you can find your favorite pareo that murk, deciding that they forgot him on a sun bed in Antalya, and the original birth certificate that has long been going to restore, but it was Laziness to go to the registry office.

Rhetoric in crisis management

Family quarrels contribute to the career growth, as you pump up to the level of the great master the ability to redirect a bomb with poops to the territory of Visazawi. This skill is extremely useful in difficult negotiations. For example, the standard exchange of phrases: "You paint the fourth hour, we are late" - "If you got a normal salary, I would go to the salon and managed in an hour," is easily transformed into "Where are our five car coal cars?" "If there were prepayment in the currency, your wagons would not sob on the border above the course."

Fair retribution

Neighbors start every morning due to the fact that they are finished with a stubble hammer of a cast-iron bath? At six o'clock in the morning, neighbors pray to God to the chest to the actover? Neighbors go to lead sneakers? Neighbors listen to Lyubov Assumption? Well, OK. On the clock two o'clock in the morning, and my husband did something wrong. Hi, neighbors.

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