How to help your girlfriend who loves a bad guy



To see how a good girl with an appetite, loudly Fallowing, the brain will rejuvenate some chromium, and she is only blissfully lifted and offers him a pure fork - it hurts. Especially if a good girl is not alien to you. So what to do? It seems to her that everyone is hurt. She loves him.

If the guy is not so bad that you will justify you when you shoot it, then there is no quick solution. And if so bad, still there is a risk. The jury will be justified, the police will hug, the judge will kiss your hands with tears, Putin will personally bring the medal "for saving Russia from the plague of the XXI century," and the girlfriend will still raise with you. So your goal is not to annook the goat, but to preserve the girlfriend a) alive and whole b) girlfriend.

one. Gently inform her that he is not your ideal. Without proofs and evidence. Well, just "not my man", "I am uncomfortable with him", "we are too different." "Listen, but if he had liked him sooo, you would probably not delighted?"

2. Give him to understand what you don't like it, and that its methods will not work for you. But be the most correct. He, of course, will still be offended and will pour her into her ears, what a nasty girlfriend she has, but let him be smaller than the actual material. One girl politely explained her husband's older sister, who she believes it - and when he swamped, two of her friends separated from the wall. They did nothing, did not say anything, they just looked and smiled. He led himself further ... carefully.


3. Try not to contact him in her absence. Well, you can send vessels, and better with witnesses (see clause 2). And then thoroughly, its disappearance with your orbit will be explained by the fact that you obsessively suggested my blowjob.

four. I agree to see her in his society (if, of course, he really lacks the ass), but let me understand that you are doing it only for her, and it is difficult for you. "Well, if otherwise Nikiaak ... he doesn't let you go? In a cafe, with a friend? MDAAA .... " Otherwise there is a risk that you will stop moving at all. What is not excluded, he achieves. Not only in terms of you - the real Mudila, before making a zombie from a woman, will prescribe her with everyone who could hurt him.

five. Do not participate in enterprises initiated by him. Do not let the money for his projects, even if she swear and wives that you all go out tomorrow. No guarantee in loans! So say, with a clear person - "You would give you one by one without any questions, and I do not believe your chahal, I'm sorry." But to help her with the money secretly from him - you can. Do not feed her and children on an ongoing basis, but to give minimal independence so that it can at least solve something. For example, be able to call a taxi and go to mom.


6. When she comes to complain, do not climb it "and I said." Listen. Perhaps you will have to listen to a completely hello mixture of "Twilight", Zoshchenko and affairs about fake accounting. Terp. If she asks to tell her what you know about his arts, three times ask if she is sure that she wants to hear it. Not in order to give her the opportunity to refuse (such a question is asked when they already know about many things), but in order not to give the stress and blame for you. You didn't fit, Gaddy, and ruined a happy family, and you urged you to tell you what you know. And without requests you were silent. And no, you did not mislead it, you said that you did not like it.

7. Regularly remind her that if necessary, your phone is turned on, and in your house there is an extra sleeping bag. By the way, thinking this option at least on the poorest level (soft mat in the nursery, bedspread, spare pillow). If the solution for the night guests you take not alone (husband, parents, neighbors), discuss this opportunity in advance, explain why you are afraid that it may be needed. We know the case when an asshole who transported a woman in another city to accomplices, did not track the one-time appearance in the house with a hatching acquaintance. When a woman escaped (in Siberian January in slippers and without a jacket), asshole, confident that she had no one to go to the city, went to catch her to the station. And the woman had hot tea, boots, a suitable coat (well, that, that is not new) and money for a ticket to the native city. And yes, this is a story with a happy end. She did not return to him.

P.S. Men! Actually, the strategy "keep a friend who got sterling" is absolutely the same. Use

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