How do we infiltrate the relationship with the asshole? Yes, very simple!



It's easy to say a friend or yourself when the relationship with the asshole is already torn and the whole truth about living together is aware of: "Hey, crumb, where were your eyes?" The rear mind is strong all, and from afar everything seems clear and clear. But what prevents to realize everything at once? How do we generally catch in relationships with assholes and why we do not understand that it is time to go out of them? Psychologists as followed by this question and laid everything around the shelves.

This is destiny!

First, the relationship is developing incredibly rapidly. Yes, and what he slows - after all, he, of course, is ardent love at first sight, and all the signs for being destined to be together. You, stupid, maybe, do not understand!

Secondly, Kavalera's plans are the most flattering, serious and far-reaching. He intends to marry, sometimes even urgently. Sometimes more - to have children (and grandchildren, so as not to be broken). Since usually men, on the contrary, tighten the "indefinite" stage of relationship as long as possible, such a seriousness of many women bodifies.

By the way, in times, the asshole says the truth. He really intends to marry. It will allow him to take a woman under control. Otherwise, his main goal is to stun and not to give time to think. Therefore, asshole applies the next reception.

Date as in the novel


Often an asshole is just a specialist in fantastically wonderful dates and any concomitant romance. He is from those who immediately fall asleep by a woman with compliments, affectionate SMS and flowers.

If he has enough money, the asshole will hire on restaurants and buy "binding" gifts. If the money is tugged, a thousand incredibly cute little things will give a bike on a bike for some special hill, from which a wonderful and unique view opens at sunset.

The problem is that and simply hyperemologic love guys behave like this, what now, hitting in a wonderful fairy tale in reality, immediately run away?

Life with asshole is not a cage and swamp

Oh, how it would be easy to notice the danger in time if everything happened sharply and immediately! The door flashed, the lattice rod circle. Then you would have rushed. But the asshole is perfectly taken into account and sucks like a swamp. Slowly, inevitably and seemingly around you no obstacles.

At some point it turns out that or all around you are stomaching about the danger that you do not see - and you are offended that you want to embroil you with your loved one and generally climb your life, or you yourself see danger when everyone around is so You got a man - and then you have no one to help.

By the way, it is in order for you not to anyone to contact, the asshole has a faithful of the receptions ...


The asshole is usually cunning, clever and thin, with dosage doses of aggression and romance cuts off the victim from people close to her. From Mom. From sister. From the best friend. From my brother. From anyone.

He dislike when there are foreign people, he is nervous. He does not like that you all go somewhere alone. And no, he does not want to ride with you. Generally, is there no houses at home? Or is it not great to spend the evening together?

It seems, after communication with the sister, you are somehow worse to him feel, she envies you, wants to destroy your wonderful relationship. Girlfriend badly affects you. It's time for you to become an adult. We must think more about the family.

You do not need a washing machine, wash your hands, so better (and longer, and then there will still be time for connectors). Do not sit on the Internet, you will become more maniac.


Of course, the asshole almost always ensures that the wife does not work - or did not work in such a place where he can make friends with someone, will get good money (which can be perfectly live with a child and without a husband) or at least Sleeping spent on the night (after all, then it will be, where to dispense when it breaks). "My wife will not work, will be at home beautiful!" Or again "what are you not enough at home?"

You should not have close, except for him. You should not be where to go with your troubles. By the way, many assholes adore week women and touch them touching them. And they also dream of children. Because a woman with a child is even more difficult to escape.


You think, it is not so easy to convince a normal person that black is white, rudeness is care, and native people are completely strangers? But psychologists claim that even a smart and very independent woman can be caught at all. The main thing is to be sufficient and at the same time to demonstrate the "good intentions", claiming that everything is simple and obvious, and something is visible with you, not that.

Man is a social animal and, moreover, romantic. This means that you (and in general, all of us) are inclined to one or another to correct the opinion with a loan on people (or a person), with whom they communicate all the time and that we are less critical to the words of whom we love. Love goes hand in hand with trust, and an asshole uses it.


If you have not come across the term Gazlight, read our old article. We will now add briefly - except gaslighting, the asshole resorts to the depreciation (your feelings, your values, your talents and hobbies), allocations, disguised under jokes insults and double standards: it can be normal, and you can not be Whether why do you need, fool.

If the asshole laid out everything at once, you would not bought, naturally. But it acts methodically, deftly, calculating and gradually, so after three years of life with the asshole of some women it is impossible to know. They are unsure of themselves, share ideas from which they would have stuck them before, and do nothing without the demand of her husband, at home or outside the house.

Sweet and ugly

The asshole does not act (especially at first) one whip, he has a gingerbread ready. He constantly plays on our sense of debt to serious relationships, on our hopes for the best and, of course, in love.

Bringing to tears, comforts. Having hit or mocked, repents and suits the "honeymoon" (albeit more often or a week) in the romantic spirit itself. Hinting for one (for an exciting hobby or dancing classes), praise for another (profitable or safe for its power "home" passion). And, usually, trying very hard in bed. For him, our orgasms are a way to assert and everything seems to us that it is here that a person is not lying, it is here that we see the truth about our relationship ...

We all know that there are no cloudless relationships and quarrels happen between lovers. On this he plays. The difference, as always, in the nuances. And most importantly - as a result. Full dependence of the woman, preferably emotional, too, and the ability to enjoy bullying over the victim, paying unsolving performing performances for the public and two of you.

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