How not to save relationships: 7 knowingly failed ways



At first you had butterfly, and dizzying sex, and sweet selfie, and then something went wrong. Throwing out this is a pity, and you, drove the sleeves, go to save your love. Usually - some of these ways. Throw me, it will not help!

Seek separately


Passing the first time, get bored and get to each other in the arms. And if you do not bother? If - what is quite expected - you will feel the relief from what you can do what you want, and not to expect every minute next thunderstorm?

In addition, the traveling inevitably pulls into your story another bunch of foreign people - friends and parents, and they will all want to express their opinions. For example, "Well, finally, I didn't like it immediately."

Make jealous

To pull out the bins of the old ridder, so that he will be played in front of the partner and reminded him of the scoundrel that you, and in demand - a very, very bad idea. You and so all cracks on the seams, and here is still such stress.

Jealousy can even join the most vanilla love story, and if everything is bad - then she will leave behind the scaled desert. Well, or a person sighs with relief - the glory of the sky, you seem to have where to go, and goodbye.

Attract third parties


Do you remember, at the school of excellent students and Pankes sat down to hooligans so that they have a beneficial effect on them? So what happened? To ask relatives, friends and acquaintances to talk with a partner and instruct it on the True path - a favorable idea that only imposes irritation.

Go to a psychologist - one


And then bombarding a person with wise centlences of Mary Prokhorovna, in the heat of quarrels getting a trump card from the pocket: "And Maria Prokhorovna says that this is your child injury and passive aggressiveness!". If after a couple of weeks he will not want to strangle Maria Prokhorov and the one who invented analysts at all - he is a holy man. Or quietly work on yourself, or go for help together.

Speak performer

Express everything that boiled - at first glance, a good idea. But it works only when both agree that it is time to sit at the negotiating table and do not rush to cling to each other in the face. In other cases, attempts to talk turn into a scandal - well, how else to attract the attention of the one who ignores your sadness at all?

You remember each other all sins, starting from the second date, split a couple of cups, fucking and take care of conciliatory sex on the kitchen table. But when the euphoria from Catharsis rolls back, it turns out that the problems are not going anywhere and another scandal is needed to improve the mood.

Run on the edge of the world


Only you, he and a suitcase, and around - New York, for example, or Cambodia, or some Florence. Romantic journey will definitely wait and you will return from it careless and in love.

In fact, the change in the situation is still stress. You are diverted from the usual routine, you need to decide every day - where to eat, how to get to how to say in local "two bagels and a calau" that we go to watch a cathedral or shopping center. And there is nowhere to go - you're together 24/7, not to escape to work, do not go into the kitchen. Many couples after such holidays are diverged in a taxi from the airport.

Give a birth to a baby


Children, especially while they are small - this is a huge, giant work. Which requires the equal participation of both sides. The ability to negotiate, make compromises and sacrifice your interests. This is a long-term project - that is, for life. And full of madness - subject a harpatic relationship with such overloads. Yes, the chance is great that now nobody will leave anywhere. So you will pull the strap to the kid's majority. And then he will then deal with children's injuries from the fact that mom and dad in perfume each other did not endure.

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